Best PracticesQA – The First Impression (part 1)
“To tell somebody that he is wrong is called criticism. To do so officially is called testing.” – Unknown I joined the FoxyCart team in 2011 as a jun...
Best PracticesWhy Shouldn’t You Accept Bitcoin?
“Why am I not accepting bitcoin?” This is the question you should be asking yourself. Some believe Bitcoin, the decentralized crypto-currency, is a r...
Best PracticesBasic Guidelines for Ecommerce Video Marketing
If you’re not using video in your marketing, you are missing out on sales. Every year new studies are released, such as this one from KISSMetrics, an...
Best PracticesThe 3 B’s of Healthy Remote Teams: BBQs, Beer, & Bourbon
Remote working. Virtual teams. Telecommuting. Whatever you call it, we’re big fans ourselves, and by all accounts we’re just a small part of a rapidl...
Best PracticesCould Bitcoin Be More Disruptive than the Internet?
Cryptocurrencies will change the world. Bold statement? Maybe. On November 2nd my 30 minute talk at Barcamp Nashville was selected, and I gave my arg...
MarketingBelievers Make the Sale
When you were younger, did you ever participate in fundraisers for your school or church? You know. The ones where you sell as much product as you ca...
MarketingWhy Build a Shopping Cart for Developers?
When we first started FoxyCart, we probably looked at over 100 different shopping carts. Everywhere we looked we saw the same problem. Software targe...
Best PracticesCultureSecurityThe Myths of PCI Compliance: A “PCI Compliant Box”
One of the “perks” of being a PCI Level 1 Service Provider is that we often get asked about becoming PCI compliant by friends and acquaintances. Ofte...
CultureThought Leadership or Wishful Thinking?
Almost 2 years ago, I set out to learn what a REST API really is. Speaking with Brett Florio, my co-founder, we talked about how few visible REST API...