Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecurityThe Heartbleed Bug
As you may have read in recent news there’s a new SSL attack in town: CVE–2014–0160 a.k.a Heartbleed. There certainly is a lot of buzz about this rig...
Best PracticesThe Right Tools for the Job (part 2)
This post is a continuation of The Right Tools for the Job (part 1). Over the years I have worked with many text editors. Some good and some bad. I s...
Best PracticesThe Right Tools for the Job (part 1)
Lets face it. Running a business is hard. But imagine how much harder daily operations would be without modern tools and technology, specifically sof...
Best PracticesCultureVersion Control at FoxyCart
Here at FoxyCart our business is code. And, as anyone who’s written code in the last 10 years knows, version control systems are the best place to ke...
CultureWe Took a Risk with Bitcoin. Should You?
In April of 2013, we started supporting Bitcoin on our platform (and accepting it as payment ourselves). It was a risk because Bitcoin was (and still...
Best PracticesA Service Architecture Approach to Ecommerce
When it comes to ecommerce, one size does not fit all. Since 2007, we’ve been building a flexible ecommerce solution for develpers and have come acro...
Best PracticesNew Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions – those lists that people create (possibly after one too many drinks on NYE) in an effort to improve something about themselves...
Best PracticesQA – The First Impression (part 2)
A couple of weeks ago we discussed how finding a bug can be a blessing in disguise and help protect your company’s reputation. Today we will dive int...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecurityFoxyCart Forum Security Breach
Summary of the Breach On Tuesday, December 17th, our server that hosts our forum, wiki, and affiliate program was compromised. (Our application envir...