CultureHackathons for Remote Teams: Our First Attempt
As a programmer, I love not having to make excuses for how much I enjoy my craft. I don’t have to explain why developers, designers, and programmers ...
Best PracticesCultureSecurityIn which we talk security
If I told you, “you can protect your business with just ONE minute per week,” you’d do whatever I said, wouldn’t you? Well, I’m going to give you tha...
Best PracticesMarketingCoupons are great, except when they’re not…
Coupon promotions are a great way to bring customers into your store and encourage them to complete the transaction where they may otherwise not be c...
CultureWhy Does FoxyCart Support Bitcoin?
I started researching Bitcoin a couple months ago. As the core developer of a shopping cart provider, I’m very interested in all forms of payment pro...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesFoxyCart v1.1, and an update
We’ve been hard at work on FoxyCart since our last release, and we’re happy to announce our v1.1 release (full changelog) which brings a few new alte...
CultureHypermedia Dog Food
As you may know, we’ve been working really hard behind the scenes on a completely redesigned REST (or Hypermedia) API. We had a lot of debate on whic...
CultureShout Out to FoxyCart Merchants We Patronize
One of the comments we’ve heard a few times from FoxyCart developers goes something along the lines of… I actually like testing the FoxyCart checkout...
Best PracticesMarketingUsing product reviews for market research
Over the many years we’ve spent building FoxyCart, we’ve received a lot of feedback by email and our forum, but not nearly as many public reviews on ...
CulturePostmortem: Failing Over to our Backup Environment
If you’ve been watching our Twitter and status page you’ll see that we’ve had major server issues over the last two days. As a FoxyCart store, you de...