
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from April 1, 2020 to October 3, 2019
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April 1, 2020

v2.0: Improving UK/GB postal code and city/county lookups.
v2.0: Improving county lookups for Norway.
v2.0: Klarna internal improvements.
ALL VERSIONS: Improvements to the email verification on admin login.
v2.0: Improving Amazon Pay, removing a double-encoding workaround that’s no longer needed.
v2.0: Chase Paymentech Orbital CIT/MIT improvements.
v2.0: Re-releasing improvement to not include the receipt URL in the FC object in most situations.
v2.0: Bugfix to the new “shared coupon” functionality.
v2.0: Improving the coupon entry configuration to more properly apply to the checkout.
v2.0: Bugfix to enure $0 subscriptions process through Stripe (Connect) properly.

March 26, 2020

v2.0: Closing upsell modal instead of destroying when handling add to cart.

v2.0: Bugfix to ensure the tax exempt setting is respected for EU customers in certain situations.

v2.0: Bugfix to prevent SmartScreen/CardX integration hash failing when surcharge present.

v2.0: Removing the receipt URL from the JSON on the cart and checkout.

v2.0: Bugfix to prevent Quickbooks erroring for $0 transactions after void request is declined.

v2.0: Fixing incorrect template set and locale information when cart is empty.

v2.0: Updating default CardX/SmartScreen credentials.

March 6, 2020

v2.0: Bugfix to ensure HMAC signature errors have the proper language string.

March 5, 2020

v2.0: FEATURE: New sub_restart and sub_modify parameters to allow signifiant improvements to subscription past-due handling, as well as upgrade/downgrade functionality for both auto-ship merchants and service-based recurring billers.
API: Bugfix to wildcard * in API filtering.
API: Documentation for new filtering syntax and functionality.
API: Adding currency_code and currency_symbol to subscription resources.
API: Fix to bug that sometimes included the subscription’s transaction template when zooming on transactions.
API: Improvement to use the historical coupon code value, in situations where the code has changed.
API: Adding customer_email to cart resources. (Can be used for custom abandoned cart functionality.)
v1.0-2.0: Chase Paymentech Orbital CIT/MIT additions.
v2.0: Change to the default language strings for a specific shipping error.
v2.0: Cybersource Card-Present (Swiper) bugfix when used with OneSource Indirect.
v2.0: Braintree rounding improvement to prevent an error in specific situations.
v2.0: Additional logging for Klarna.
v2.0: Bugfix that was causing errors to be displayed in the error log when editing subscriptions with TaxJar enabled.

February 12, 2020

API: FEATURE: Multiple attributes can now be created or updated in a single request via PUT, POST, and PATCH (all with different behaviors).
v2.0: Webhooks now include the coupon_details and discount_details nodes.
v2.0: Webhooks now available for capture, void, and refund transaction actions. (NOTE: This functionality is only available for select stores currently.)
v2.0: Bug fix to use the correct language customizations in situations where multiple template sets have the same language, but different customizations.
v2.0: Deprecating the legacy XML webhook. If it’s not already enabled for a store, it won’t be visible in the admin.
v2.0: Security improvement with template caching.

February 7, 2020

v2.0: FEATURE: New setting on coupon codes to allow a single coupon code to be reused across multiple coupons. This might sound strange but allows some very interesting new possibilities, like a single coupon code that can apply different discount logic to different types of products or categories.
v2.0: Amazon Pay improvement to reuse order reference IDs to prevent errors in certain situations.
v1.1-v2.0: DIBS payment system improvements to certain types of errors, which will now trigger emails to store admins.
ALL VERSIONS & API: Improving the admin’s password hashing configuration validation to prevent invalid hashing values.
v2.0: Stripe Connect now can do configurable card verification like other gateways.
v2.0: Stripe Connect fix to prevent an unnecessary custom value from showing up on transactions.
v1.1-v2.0: Quickbooks Payments integration improvement to support their new authentication method.
v2.0: Improvement to Braintree error handling when invalid credentials are used.
API: Updating the store locations property helpers to reflect latest changes.
API: Zoomed transactions on subscriptions now include the fx:receipt in their returned _links object.
API: Adding currency_code (int_curr_symbol in other areas of the app) and currency_symbol to transactions.

January 28, 2020

API: FEATURE: It is now possible to filter by attribute name _and_ values, such as `&attributes:name[“foo”]=bar`.
API: FEATURE: New filter operators for `in`, `not`, greater/less-than, etc.
API: All `limit` values now will return integers, instead of inconsistently sometimes being strings.
API: Improving error messaging with attributes, and improving access when multiple `private` attributes from different client IDs are present on the same resource.
API: Improving error handling for certain invalid IDs.
API: Clarifying the `payment_method_uri` documentation.
v2.0: Bugfix to Braintree Payments to prevent an error when 3D Secure was used with a future subscription.
v2.0: SquareUp now uses the correct location ID.
v2.0: Updating the name of “Adyen” to “Adyen Hosted”, to differentiate it from our newer Adyen integration.
v2.0: Fixing Stripe Connect issue that caused duplicated lines in the transactions export.

January 9, 2020

v2.0: Allowing Cybersource Point-Of-Sale / Swiper transactions to be used as the payment_method_uri for Cybersource card-not-present (ie. “normal”) gateway transactions (via the API).
v2.0: Improvements to prevent double-submits of 3D Secure transactions.
v1.1-v2.0: Improvements to DIBS payment system for certain types of responses.

December 19, 2019

v2.0: Coupon improvement to ensure date-restricted coupons use the store’s configured timezone for date start/end ranges.
v2.0: Bug fix to prevent subscriptions with certain invalid frequencies from being added to the cart without an error.
v2.0: CSRF cookie improvement.
v2.0: Adyen: We now support pre-populating checkout fields when Adyen is configured on the checkout.
v2.0: API: Adding support for Stripe (Connect), PayPal Express Checkout, Square, Amazon Pay, and Adyen for the payment_method_uri functionality in the API.
v2.0: Bug fix the ensure the template set locale is used instead of store default in certain situations.
v2.0: Shipping improvement to ensure USPS international envelope rates are returned properly.

December 17, 2019

v2.0: Adding additional logging for Square.

December 13, 2019

v2.0: integration.
v2.0: Improvements to custom shipping code functionality to allow external requests.
v2.0: Improvements to custom shipping code functionality to include Shippo npm package.

December 11, 2019

v1.0, v1.1: Improvement to cookie handling to properly overwrite an expired local cookie.

December 2, 2019

v2.0: Better error handling when connecting a Foxy account to Webflow.
v2.0: Fixing an issue that caused Stripe Connect transactions to send duplicate webhooks.
v2.0: Security improvement to how cart sessions are created.
v2.0: Admin improvement to prevent payment settings from being changed inadvertently in certain situations.
ALL VERSIONS: Updating our mailing address for our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
API: Adding “MIT” source value to API-created/processed transactions.
API: Bugfix to prevent a PATCH to a customer resource that contains a differently-capitalized email from erroring.
API: Adding `customer_addresses` to be zoomable on `customer` resources.
API: Adding `transactions` to be zoomable on `subscription` resources.

November 22, 2019

API: Fix to allow certain types of subscription modifications on PayPal RT and Amazon Pay subscriptions.
v2.0: Adding additional logging to Realex 3D Secure v2 handling.
All Versions: Security fix to password resets in the admin, to prevent referrer leakage.
v2.0: Improvement to prevent overly long Square error messages from displaying to customers.
v2.0: Bugfix to allow address updates in certain situations (for stores with this functionality enabled).

November 13, 2019

v2.0: NEW GATEWAY: Square (SquareUp) support added!
v2.0: New API functionality to allow setting a `payment_method_uri` on `cart` resources, to specify a specific previously-used payment method.
v2.0: Braintree error handling improvements for certain types of rare error messages.
v2.0: Stripe Connect fix/improvement to better handle the description parameter for very large carts

November 12, 2019

v2.0: Improvements to Adyen embedded payment forms.
v1.1-2.0: Adding new Quickbooks / Intuit payment gateway version support.

October 30, 2019

v2.0: Admin transaction export now uses the address state name instead of code in certain situations.
v2.0: Fixing incorrect trusted browser error when getting two emails.
v2.0: Bugfix for Avalara AvaTax, so the displayed tax is now correct when a category-specific 100%-off coupon is used.
v2.0: Klarna improvement to fix a javascript error.
v2.0: Apple Pay improvement to better handle transaction completion in certain error events.
v2.0: Subscription cancels now set the next_date to tomorrow if there’s a past-due amount.

October 23, 2019

v2.0: Fix to allow refunding through the API.
v2.0: Fix to Bluesnap processor response values, which improves voiding and refunding functionality.
ALL VERSIONS: Improvement to admin password reset functionality.
v2.0: Legacy XML API improvement to allow an all value for the status transaction filter.
v2.0: Improvement to DiBS default locale / language handling when a store has multiple template sets.
v2.0: Fixing downloadable product links when using Stripe Connect.

October 9, 2019

  • v2.0: API: Fixing some typos in the documentation surrounding refunds and voids.

  • v1.0-2.0: Introduction of CIT and MIT flags for Chase Paymentech Orbital.

  • v2.0: CIT/MIT support for Bluesnap.

  • v2.0: Improvement to ACH payments, to ensure certain data isn't displayed in receipts.

  • v2.0: Stripe Connect improvement to truncate the description field and avoid errors.

  • v2.0: Apple Pay for improvement to pass additional transaction data to

  • v2.0: Improvement to Cybersource 3d Secure v2 handling through Cardinal Commerce.

October 3, 2019

v2.0: NEW PAYMENT GATEWAY: Square (SquareUp) support added.
v2.0: Improvements to PayPal Express Checkout non-Reference Transaction subscription cancellations.
v2.0: Improvement to Klarna error messaging.
v2.0: Improvement to next_transaction_date handling for subscription cancellations when the start date is in the future.
v2.0: Improvement to Klarna "cards" handling.