
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.

September 28, 2020

v2.0: Adding a cancellation source value to subscription cancels.
v2.0: Improvement to card verifications with Stripe.
v2.0: Improvement to card verifications with PayPal Commerce Platform Advanced Card Payments.
v2.0: Improvement to whitespace handling in passwords.
v2.0: Fix to reCAPTCHA issues with Stripe.
v2.0: Fix to Square, Stripe, and PayPal Commerce Platform Advanced Card Payments with `updateinfo` checkouts.
v2.0: Adding a transaction `type` to the API response (to indicate whether the transaction was customer- or merchant-initiated).
v2.0: Restricting PayPal Commerce Platform Advanced Card Payment signup to only supported countries.
v2.0: Fix to ensure handling fees are added to flat-rate shipping on subscription renewals.
v2.0: Further improvements to PayPal Commerce Platform Advanced Card Payment error handling.
v2.0: Bugfix to prevent duplicate template transactions from being created on subscriptions paid via ACH.
API: Adding webhook documentation.

September 8, 2020

API: Fix to allow $0 transactions to properly process with a `payment_method_uri` passed in to the `cart`.
v2.0: PayPal Checkout (aka PayPal Commerce Platform) can now capture previously authorized transactions from the admin.
v2.0: PayPal Checkout (aka PayPal Commerce Platform) can now be used for subscription past-due reattempt processing.
INTERNAL: PayPal BN code is now properly passed.
v2.0: Improvements to Stripe’s card verification functionality.
v2.0: MercadoPago improvements for Columbian peso support.
v2.0: Improvement to handle currency conversion in certain shipping rate responses.
v2.0: Improvement to Skrill to better handle transactions after a payment error.
v2.0: Braintree anti-fraud functionality is now better supported, and the Braintree Kount integration can be enabled as well.

August 31, 2020

v2.0: Improvement to which PayPal transaction ID is displayed for PayPal Commerce Platform transactions.
v2.0: Improved duplicate-processing check for 3D Secure gateways.
v2.0: Include customer attributes in the payload sent to endpoints (shipping, pre-payment).
v2.0: Changing `customer_is_authenticated` and `authentication_is_successful` to `customer_id` in endpoints (shipping, pre-payment).
v2.0: Fix to Square credit card form breaking when multiple re-renders happened too quickly.
v2.0: Admin improvement to all reconnecting PayPal Commerce Platform.
v2.0: PayPal improvement to prevent empty credentials from being saved in the admin.

August 25, 2020

v2.0: PayPal Commerce Platform’s Advanced Card Payments can now be used for API-based transactions.
v2.0: Tax improvement for better handling of US city names when multiple tax rates are present.
v2.0: Bugfix to prevent duplicate customer records from being created when a customer uses both Amazon Pay and another payment method.
ALL VERSIONS: Admin login improvement to handle invalid timezones.
v2.0: Bugfix to ensure the email input shows when Amazon Pay is enabled with certain other payment combinations.
v2.0: Bugfix so shipping region restrictions work properly with non-shippable products.
API: PayPal Commerce Platform can now be used for API-based transactions.
API: Legacy XML datafeed with Stripe Connect and API-based transactions now feed properly.

August 15, 2020

v2.0: Shipping errors are now excluded from certain anti-fraud error count thresholds.
v2.0: Legacy XML Datafeed now feeds properly for Stripe (Connect) transactions.
v2.0: Various improvements to card payments for PayPal Commerce Platform.
v2.0: Fix to prevent certain PayPal values from being displayed as custom fields on transactions.
v2.0: Fix to Square to prevent javascript errors after a payment error.

August 10, 2020

v2.0: Adding additional mime types for downloadable files, to improve handling on iOS devices in particular.
v2.0: Adding additional values to the shipping custom code and custom endpoint payloads.
API: Updates to payment_method_uri on cart resources, to allow for better handling of previous non-Stripe credit card transactions to use Stripe for current/future transactions.
API: Fixing an unclear error and edge case bug where an API-created cart would complete a transaction for subscription with a guest customer.
ALL VERSIONS: Removing legacy crossdomain.xml file.

August 7, 2020

v2.0: PayPal Commerce Platform now allows for handling previously created credit card subscriptions (from other gateways), and allowing disabling of other gateways.
v2.0: Guest customers can now be charged via the API using the cart resource’s payment_method_uri parameter, when using Stripe Connect.
API: Filtering of attributes and other name/value pair resources now allow for specifying multiple names and values in a single request.
API: Fix to handle commas in filter values as literals instead of an implied “or”.
API: Documentation updated to accurately reflect the latest updates to the payment_method_uri features.

July 24, 2020

v2.0: PayPal Commerce Platform “branded” improvements.
v2.0: PayPal Commerce Platform Advanced Card Payments now supported, though by the time anybody reads this it may be called something else :)
v2.0: Checkout validation improvement to the credit card expiration month field.
v2.0: The admin subscription page now shows some reporting values.
v2.0: The fx_transaction_id_gateway_override transaction ID override now works for Stripe as well as CyberSource.

July 14, 2020

v2.0: Changing USPS Standard Ground to Retail Post
v2.0: Introduce client-side validations for missing password for existing customers.
v2.0: Fix to Square “customer not found” error that could happen in certain situations.
v2.0: Better handling of UPS rates, to address a change/bug to their API responses.

July 8, 2020

v2.0: Checkout validation improvement to ensure returning customers must enter a password before submitting the checkout.

July 1, 2020

v2.0: PayPal Commerce Platform private beta is now available.
v2.0: Fixed a related to subscription processing with Purchase Order.
v2.0: Fixed a bug with Klarna integration. It was throwing an error when completing a transaction with a discount applied.
v2.0: Improved and secure checkout with Google reCaptcha enabled on checkout.
v2.0: Updated verbiage from blacklist/whitelist to allowlist/blocklist.
All versions: More secure admin.
v2.0: Fixed a bug with future subscription and live shipping rates not being included in subscription XML.
v2.0: Transactions’ source for Stripe Connect and PayPal Express Checkout (Reference Transaction) is being added correctly.
v2.0: Fixed a bug for TaxJar requests occurring in the admin when viewing subscriptions for completed transactions.
v2.0: German VAT change for July 1, 2020

June 12, 2020

v2.0: Fix to Stripe descriptor suffix causing issues with admin pageload.
v2.0: Fix to prevent duplicate receipt emails on Stripe.
v2.0: Expanding the Square customer duplication functionality to apply to guest checkouts as well.
v2.0: Multiple Square improvements, including default location improvements.
v2.0: Moving checkout_sub_cancel variable to parent block for better scoping.

June 6, 2020

v2.0: Fix to prevent duplicate lines in transaction exports for Stripe Connect.
v2.0: Improvements to native anti-fraud functionality for certain hosted payment methods.
v2.0: Many internal improvements to Square.
v2.0: Square payment card details show in the appropriate place on transactions now (no longer as custom fields).
v2.0: Addition of internal client-side logging in certain checkout situations.
v2.0: Minor internal improvement to Adyen Embedded for guest customers.
v2.0: Fixing broken link about custom SSL in the admin.
v2.0: Improvement to the “Almost Done” language string in Spanish.
v2.0: Improvements to the payment process in the Foxy admin.
v2.0: Internal improvement to the Stripe descriptor suffix functionality.

May 29, 2020

v2.0: Stripe now has a statement descriptor suffix.
v2.0: Bugfix to prevent cart validation errors on certain subscription actions.
v2.0: Fix to Amazon Pay signup in the admin.
v2.0: API improvement to allow for API-initiated transactions to be able to use multiple different tokens for a single customer, for more hosted/embedded payment methods (Stripe, Square, etc.).
v2.0: Checkout improvement to clear payment fields when an authenticated customer changes emails.

May 21, 2020

v2.0: Add MITReceivedTransactionID to processor response details for Chase Paymentech Orbital.
v2.0: Add tax exemption support for TaxJar.
API: Updating customer portal settings documentation.
API: Adding fx:transactions link to subscriptions resources.
API: Adding * wildcard search functionality to the new name/value filter.
API: Bugfix for empty values in the customer portal settings throwing errors.

May 6, 2020

v2.0: The admin now masks sensitive data on more pages.
v2.0: Stripe $0 transactions no longer show a “pending” message on the receipt.
v2.0: Klarna no longer shows as a payment option if a subscription is in the cart.
v2.0: Subscriptions via Square now properly have sub_token links.
v2.0: Bugfix that prevented shipping_* values from being saved to customer records in certain circumstances.

April 23, 2020

v2.0: Bugfix to prevent an empty cart if doing a sub_modify=replace and replacing with the exact same product.

April 22, 2020

v2.0: Improvement to Chase Paymentech Orbital to only send the 2-character state/province value for AVS only for US and Canadian addresses.
v2.0: Bugfix to ensure sub_modify=replace functionality properly handles subscriptions with certain enddate values.

April 17, 2020

v2.0: Improvement to ensure duplicate customer records won’t be created in certain situations.
v2.0: Adding support for tracking special 0-0 coupons as used.
v2.0: Improvement to handling subscriptions that have been paid via purchase orders.
v2.0: Improvement to subscription dunning to prevent certain emails from being sent if the enddate is tomorrow.
v2.0: Adding additional logging for subscription modifications.
v2.0: Expanding recaptcha logic to ensure it’s shown when the server expects it.
v2.0: Adding raw sub_frequency value to the cart JSON, for use with sub_modify=replace functionality.
v2.0: Removing the legacy Stripe payment method unless it’s already active for a store.
v2.0: Add support for transactionfraudinfo node for Bluesnap transactions.
v2.0: Removing appended numbers from Russian city names.
v2.0: Removing appended numbers from French city names.
v2.0: Improvements to shipping and billing address handling with tax providers in certain situations.
v2.0: Language updates for UPS and custom shipping, in the Foxy admin.
v2.0: Fix to ensure the new sub_modify=restart works as expected when incomplete products are added to the cart.
ALL VERSIONS: Improvements to admin login error displays.
v2.0: Fix to the display of a string in the language page of the Foxy admin.
v2.0: Adding SameSite params to certain cookies.
API: Fixing the is_future_line_item value to be accurate in all cases.
API: Template configuration documentation type fixes.
API: Bugfix to ensure the billing and shipping addresses are correctly passed to tax providers in rare situations.
API: Bugfix to ensure passing fields values doesn’t cause problems when retrieving transactions.
API: Adding new counties and disabling old ones for Norway.
API: PATCH/PUT to cart with a null category_uri will now use the store’s default category.
API: The customer portal settings are now configurable via the API as fx:customer_portal_settings.
API: Customer addresses now respect the location_filtering values for shipping and billing countries and regions.

April 2, 2020

v2.0: BlueSnap 3D Secure error message improvements.