
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.

February 10, 2023

  • feat(stripe_connect): verification for creation PaymentIntent(without customer)

  • feat(email-receipts): mods for transaction history and new info data

  • feat(StoreShippingMethod): update length accountid validation

  • feat(email-receipts): add send email flag for transaction actions

  • fix(user): remove legacy hashing in user signup process

  • fix(client): encrypt client secret

  • fix(user): use correct password field for check

January 12, 2023

  • fix(paypal-express): add properly handling to mark 'regulatory review' statuses as 'pending'

  • fix(payment-gateway): remove gateway id from payment method set when the payment gateway is deleted

December 12, 2022

  • feat(api): update internal access tokens on permission changes for new admin

  • fix(api): fix content html and content text fields in email-templates

  • fix(pre-payment-webhook): add shipping service data to payload

December 22, 2022

  • fix(stripe_connect): fixed an issue where declined transactions were marked as captured.

  • fix(stripe-connect): only do one capture reattempt

  • fix(bluesnap): changed location header to lowercase to fix a bluesnap 3DS issue.

December 15, 2022

  • fix(taxes): $0 tax row was showing on the email receipt even though the tax wasn't applied. fixed now.

  • fix(paymetric): while sending requests to payment gateways removed white spaces from credit card numbers which was causing issues. This is fixed now.

December 6, 2022

  • feat(taxes): update taxes for handling 0% tax display based on the response from custom tax endpoint

  • feat(payments): update GP error handling and add UATP CC type

  • fix(paypal-platform): skip notifications for not completed transactions

  • feat(user-access): update internal refresh tokens on every user access change

December 1, 2022

  • fix(paypal-commerce-platform): save previous processor response after the failed request

  • feat(user-access): update internal refresh tokens on every user access change

November 25, 2022

  • fix(stripe-connect): create a customer in stripe gateway

November 16, 2022

  • fix(stripe-connect): do not create guest accounts for saved accounts

  • fix(stripe-connect): do not send double emails for sub renewals

  • fix(stripe_connect_charge): check GW when trying to find the customer

  • API: fix (gift-card-code-logs): add logs for balance adjustments requests

November 11, 2022

Changes for 2022-11-11
fix(paymetric): add changes from their support 6232

November 10, 2022

Changes for 2022-11-10
* fix(taxation): update shared components repo to include the fix for commerce guys address classpath

November 9, 2022

  • fix(custom-tax-endpoint): fix payload for completed transactions

  • fix(gift-cards): add logs for newly purchased gift cards

  • feat(tax-logs): update logging labels for tax requests for better debugging

  • fix(avalara-tax): Updated the test connection method

  • style(admin): Update 3DS labels for Trustpayments

  • feat(stripe-connect): add receipt email for stripe connect

  • fix(stripe_connect): fix for order id not being sent for subscription renewal requests

  • fix(paypal-commerce-platform): add processor response for webhooks

  • feat(avalara-tax): add colorado delivery fee

  • fix(stripe-connect): email receipts not sent for sub modifications with a past due amount

  • fix(stripe_connect_charge): fix onboarding procedure

October 14, 2022

  • feat(paymetric): added verify/capture/void feature

  • fix(squareup): Transactions with $0 order total should not show any payment method

  • fix(trustpayment): add soft decline response handling

October 6, 2022

  • fix(taxes): display the correct error message when refeeding transactions to tax systems

  • fix(api): improve performance when getting transaction logs

October 4, 2022

  • fix(usps): fix country name for bq and fix 0 rates for Canada postal code

  • fix(globalpayments): load checkout data on the second step of processing

September 28, 2022

  • fix(custom-tax-endpoint): fix events for refunds

  • feat(store): add the ability to enable advanced gateway features for stores via the API

September 27, 2022

  • fix(shipping): display shipping errors for SSO customers

  • feat(stripe-connect): use new auth header as per the current Stripe best practices

  • feat(paymetric): add Worldpay B2C aka Paymetric integration

September 22, 2022

  • fix(gift-card-code): ignore `null` for the end date

  • fix(coupons): improve coupon usage count for subscriptions

  • fix(custom-tax-endpoint): ignore tax endpoint errors for the reCAPTCHA enabling

September 13, 2022

  • fix(gift-cards): do not validate customer id when adding a gift card on checkout or cart

  • fix: correct email and password label strings for password reset email for dutch and polish

  • fix(quickbook-payments): better error handling for OAuth requests

  • feat(cart): ignore quantity_max and quantity_min from product uniqueness checks

  • fix(opayo): add additional checks for a specific visa error

  • fix(api): add link rel for send_webhooks for customer, subscription and transaction resources

  • feat(api): allow refeeding of the tax system "reporting" calls via the API

  • fix(gift-card-code): fix the end date for the gift card code

September 5, 2022

  • fix(transaction-journal-entries): fix for auth capture transactions

  • fix(webhooks-v2): prevent changing the resource type of a webhook after webhook creation

  • fix(coupons): add auto-apply coupon data to display fields

  • fix(gateways): improve handling custom transaction IDs on errors and reattempts

  • fix(zage): improve the checkout button disabling in certain situations with Zage

  • feat(avalara-tax): add tax code for shipping line items

  • fix(lang): Fix some Dutch translation strings

  • fix(gateways): improve transaction id gateway override

  • fix(gift-cards): gift card code expiration and validate gift card id for gift card codes

  • fix(api): correct the `fx:connect` endpoint on production

  • fix(security): improve store domain change validation to prevent conflicts