
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.

July 26, 2023

  • feat(coupons): add externally controlled coupons

  • feat(paypal-platform): add paypal express checkout button at the top of checkout

July 20, 2023

  • fix(items): tax not calculating for completed transactions

  • fix(logs): remove redundant NotValidStore logs

  • fix(transactions): add flag to force tax calculation for completed transactions

  • fix(pre-cart-webhook): remove access token from sql for internal client

July 18, 2023

  • fix(stripe-legacy): send amount as integer

  • refactor(internal): add migrations sql for adding usps ground advantage

  • fix(paypal): fix undefined status variable error

  • feat(pre-cart-webhook): allow modification of the cart request via the pre cart webhook

June 21, 2023

  • fix(bluesnap): update kount integration and host its file on our server

  • fix(paypal_commerce): create billing agreement for the 0 transactions

  • feat(paypal-platform): add logs for IPN headers

June 8, 2023

  • fix(square): tax rounding issue

  • fix(legacy-stripe): send the amount in the refund and void requests

  • fix(analytics): expand virtual page view calls for 'gtm' integration

  • fix(showOrderPaymentOption): drop non-hosted gateways in the 'hosted_payment_gateways'

  • fix(custom-tax-endpoint): use 'bcmul' to get the tax rate

May 26, 2023

  • fix(apple-pay): better logs for decrypting response

  • feat(cardstream): add support for 'orderref'

  • fix(bank-of-america): add reason node only for MasterCard

  • fix(authorize-net-cim): use '1' as amount for verify transactions

May 17, 2023

  • doc(api): remove references to forum

  • fix(analytics): correct gtm initialization tag

  • docs(admin): remove google plus link

May 10, 2023

  • fix(bambora): ensure exp updates go to Bambora

  • fix(lang): Dutch translation optional string needs proper formatting

  • docs(admin): Replace references to the forum

  • refactor(bofa): swap key and shared secret input fields

  • fix( add error for null customer profiles

  • fix(auth-net-cim): update validation mode to use live mode for verification

  • fix: remove some logging related to JWT generation

May 1, 2023

  • feat(bofa): removes default test account

  • fix(apple-pay): add sandbox url

April 13, 2023

  • feat(logs): Throw the exception for non existent 'showOrderPaymentOption' method

  • fix(items): fix 404 response when patching an item for a complete transaction

April 8, 2023

  • feat(custom-taxes): add foxy-webhook-trigger header for the last calc event

  • feat(ups): add support for customer classification values

  • fix(opayo): update 3dsv2 approach

  • fix(paypal-platform): do not validate recaptcha for hosted checkout

April 11, 2023

  • feat(logs): add logs for the Square Up requests

  • feat(logs): logs for not valid store issue

March 29, 2023

  • fix(paypal-platform): hide custom checkout field validate Recaptcha

  • fix(receipt): hide transaction history ui for single journal entries data

  • HAPI fix(discount-details): add a record for discount items in the cart

  • HAPI fix(items): update tax on create update and destroy

March 23, 2023

  • fix(add-user-form): add recaptcha in admin for add-user page

  • feat(square_up): update Square integration to only send 5 digit zips for the US

March 15, 2023

  • Revert 'fix(stripe-connect): do not create new template transaction after sub renewal'

March 14, 2023

  • fix(gateways): add missing constant to every gateway class for 3DSv2

  • fix(stripe-connect): do not create new template transaction after sub renewal

  • fix: fix null value issue related to quote encoding and nested / embedded values

January 26, 2023

  • fix(global-payments): unset session param after processing payment

  • fix(gateways): add missing is verify called for gateways

March 10, 2023

  • fix(api): Improve escaping quotes in nested JSON contexts

  • fix(user): create internal client after user is created via api

  • fix(cart): update totals after product level discount is applied via the API

  • fix(webhook): trigger new webhooks v2 for capture, void, and refund events

  • fix(paypal): show when paypal express checkout (legacy) request errors on attempted subscription update

  • fix(carts): allow filter on cart items from cart

  • feat(cybersource): new Cybersource REST integration, and additional to-be-released gateway

February 24, 2023

  • fix(paypal): improve PayPal payer email handling, include the PayPal email in the Foxy processor response details

  • fix: add timeout to the url validation method used for webhook endpoints

  • fix: remove unnecessary text string from default email template

  • fix: improve logging for Paymetric

  • fix(gift-cards): correct some conditional logic and formatting in the gift card email template

  • feat: internal improvements to accommodate forthcoming functionality for transaction statuses

February 14, 2023

  • fix(avatax): add colorado fee as a separate line item

  • fix(gift-card-provisioning): set the correct end date if it expires after it is set for the gift card

  • fix(paypal-integrations): add payer email to processor response details

  • fix(pending-message): check for empty transaction status