
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from June 1, 2015 to January 12, 2015
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June 1, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-05-31:

  • v2.0: fix for checkout process when Pay with Amazon is the only payment method selected.

  • v2.0: fix for updating the address information correctly when using multiship and Pay with Amazon.

  • v2.0: Fix for updateinfo and subscription cancel transactions not messing up the sidecart if the customer later tries to add a product to the cart.

  • v2.0: Only display the welcome/put in your password message on the checkout after customer login once. After that, clear out that message.

  • v2.0: Handling OffAmazonPaymentsService_Exception

  • v2.0: Adding some stores to our multi-currency support

  • v7.2.0 - v2.0: Upgrading USPS rate service integration to IntlRateV2.

  • v2.0: Adding the text email template url to the admin for caching your text email templates.

  • v2.0: Fixing our automatic EU VAT Tax calculations to include the correct EU countries.

  • v2.0: For all newly created stores (and some specific ones as requested), product options will no longer automatically have the first letter of each word in the option name uppercased. This means your case will preserved and if you wish to have an option name displayed as "User Discount: true", you'll need to send either "User_Discount" or "User Discount" as the option name. Underscores are still replaced with spaces for display and in the FC.json data.

  • v2.0: When a returning user logs in to the checkout, we now pre-check the "use alternate billing address" checkbox if the billing and shipping address on the customer record do not match.

May 25, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-05-24

  • v2.0: Though future multiship subscriptions are still listed on our known issues page in the wiki, we've made some improvements for when a single named shipto is used which will prevent shipping from being charged right away. Multiple shipments will still display incorrectly on the initial checkout.

  • v0.3.2 - v2.0: some spelling fixes in the admin.

  • v0.3.2 - v2.0: Clarifications on the handling_fee_minimum usage in the admin help notes.

  • All Versions: some spelling fixes in the admin.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Fix in the admin related to displaying the store setup completed.

  • v2.0: Fix for custoemr_tax_id not being saved correctly when adjusting the cart at the checkout.

  • v2.0: Fix for an incorrect state label for Curaçao.

May 18, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-05-17

  • v0.6.0 - v2.0: Adjusting the Orbital server url to orbital2 due to load on their system.

  • v2.0: Adding multi-currency support for some of our users.

  • v2.0: Adding an 'add integration' section to the admin which lists out current OAuth connections and will be used in the future for more integrations with our webspears system.

  • v2.0: Fix for postalcode incorrectly being called "state" in some situations.

  • v2.0: Removing the LandingPage directive for PayPal Express which would default to the pay with credit card page. Instead PayPal will now detect which page to show based on the customer.

  • v2.0: Fix for some situations where the Add Coupon button was not working correctly on the checkout.

May 10, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-5-10:

  • v2.0: Adding MC and IM as valid union tax country codes.

  • v2.0: Updating our list of country codes to only include valid countries for current transactions.

April 27, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-04-26

  • v2.0: Important fixes to future subscriptions using various coupons, discounts and tax configurations.

  • v2.0: Improvement to how we handle PayPal IPN notificatons for reference transactions.

  • v2.0: Adding Downloadables documentation.

  • v2.0: Improving our PayPal reference transaction IPN detection.

  • v2.0: Improved our PayPal reference transaction integration when loading a cart with no gateway selected.

  • v2.0: Added sidecart-hide and sidecart-detach events.

  • v2.0: Impoved integration to send the x_market_type to avoid errors for misconfigured accounts using card present settings.

  • v2.0: We now remove loader.js if we see it in a cached template.

  • v2.0: Fix for incorrectly htmlencoded values in the address data.

  • v2.0: Fix for evaluating coupon codes with product code restrictions causing both current and future discounts created.

  • v2.0: Fix for customer limited coupons not correctly limiting by the current customer based on previous transactions for that customer.

  • v2.0: Fix for handling fees combined with live shipping rates showing up in the order total before a shipping rate is selected.

April 20, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-04-19

  • v0.3.2 - v2.0: Various security improvements in the admin.

  • v2.0: Fix for they payment method displayed when viewing a subscription in the admin not being correct (such as showing a past due credit card warning even if the transaction was paid for using an alternate method like PayPal or Pay with Amazon).

  • v2.0: Gateway: Skrill added.

April 13, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-04-12:

  • v2.0: Updating twig.js to version 0.8.2

  • v2.0: Improvements to Pay with Amazon button layout and functionality.

  • v2.0: For PayPal EC, we now only clear the shipping service id if the country and post code don't match.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Fixed Joomla password hashing.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Fixed namespace issue with Redis exceptions.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Added currency code values to the XML datafeed for some enterprise customers.

  • v2.0: Fixed the email receipts to no longer include the phone number in the address block along with it being listed separately.

April 6, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-04-05:

  • v2.0: Fixed various scenarios involving flat rate and live rate shipping with current and future subscriptions where the rates were not being properly calculated and/or displayed.

  • v1.0 - v2.0: Removed the cart description from being sent to the WorldPay gateway as it was causing errors.

March 30, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-03-29:

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Updated our MinFraud integration to the latest version of their endpoint Internal:

  • v2.0: Upgrading Twig.js to 0.7.2-7 which fixes a bug with multiship on the checkout.

  • v2.0: Adding a generate_sso_token twig method for generating an Single Sign On token to be used to log customers into your own application.

  • v2.0: Updated the admin to clarify the need to set up the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) for PayPal and Amazon.

March 23, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-03-22:

  • v2.0: Adding data-fc-required to address fields based on the store configuration.

  • v2.0: Fixing the payment method selected to not default to credit card after a customer logs in. This is especially important if the customer already chose to pay with something like PayPal or Amazon.

  • v2.0: Added Instannt Payment Notification (IPN) support for PayPal Express with Reference Transactions.

  • v2.0: Fixed an issue with PayPal Reference Transactions not being provided the payee account details.

  • v2.0: Fix for Coupon field output order.

  • v2.0: Fix for not being able to clear out the start and end dates of a coupon.

March 16, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-03-15:

  • v2.0: Fixed an issue with Sidecart not respecting background scrolling positions.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Updating Currency specific gateway credential functionality.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Fixed an issue with rounding taxes on coupon discounts.

  • v2.0: Updated our Swedish language translation.

  • v2.0: Added the WorldPay Online payment gateway.

  • v2.0: Added support for first and last twig filters.

  • v2.0: Improved our handling of gateway response timeouts when a double submit happens. We now mark the transaction as complete and send an email to the store to verify the payment.

  • v2.0: Added the ability to dynamically set the point of origin for the live shipping rate calculations.

March 8, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-03-08

  • v2.0: Updated the twig.js library to fix a bug with strtotime and date displays. Fixes a but where the next charge for future subscriptions was displaying the wrong date.

  • v2.0: Added support for specifying specific gateway credentials based on the currency being used.

  • v2.0: Fixed an issue where subscription cancels were including shipping costs.

  • v2.0: Fixed an issue with Pay with Amazon showing their processing fields as hidden fields on the transaction.

  • v2.0: Fixed SSO (Single Sign On) issue when using Pay with Amazon.

  • v0.4.0 - v2.0: Fixed an issue specific to the Turkish locale.

March 1, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-03-01

  • v2.0: Adding EU VAT Tax support and a new Union tax type.

  • v2.0: Added support for a customer tax id checkout field for tax exempt customers.

  • v2.0: Fixed coupon code display for future subscriptions.

  • v2.0: Fixed negative shipping costs display for future subscriptions.

  • v2.0: Fixed tax display for non-shippable products.

February 22, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-2-22:

  • Added Integration details for FoxyStripe.

  • Added updates for enterprise partners.

  • Fix for admin forgot password timestamp being adversely impacted by store timezones.

  • v2.0: Adding Swedish language file.

  • v2.0: Adding embed twig support including an update to the default templates to use embed.

  • Internal tools updates.

  • v2.0: Fix for subscription cancels trying to calculate shipping.

  • v2.0: Adding more data to the PayFlowPro response details available through the API and Webhook.

  • v2.0: Added some enterprise subscription reporting tools.

  • v2.0: Fix for determining subscription cancels on historical data.

  • v2.0: Fix for subscription email links for stores with event tracking turned on.

  • v2.0: Some CSS fixes.

  • v2.0: Fix for 'state' label not being present in some situations.

  • v2.0: Fix for money formatter.

  • v2.0: Fix for historical coupon code values being lost when a coupon is deleted.

  • v2.0: Finnish language updates.

  • v2.0: Fix for email receipts showing an empty masked card number.

  • v2.0: Added label to the `region` Twig include.

  • v2.0: Fix for library causing fatal errors on FoxyCart's own signup checkout.

February 16, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-2-15:

  • Ensuring a password is required to change the email address of your admin user login.

  • Internal tools updates.

  • v2.0: Updating Twig.js to version 0.7.2-4

  • v2.0: Fix for session id handling in fc.api.js

  • v2.0: Adding nl2br and allowing for the Enter key on checkout when in a textarea.

  • Using a secure connection for Minfraud.

  • v2.0: Fix for transactions with both taxable and non-taxable shippable items in the cart.

February 9, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-2-8:

  • Initial private beta of subscription reporting.

  • Internal tools updates.

  • Hosted gateway fixes and updates.

  • Updates to DKIM DNS verification.

  • Adding support for Microsoft Identity PBKDF2.

  • Fix for loading shipping rates animation.

February 2, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-2-1:

  • v2.0: Added a semaphore to help prevent double submits on normal payment gateways.

  • v2.0: Added the Finnish language file.

  • v2.0: Fix for USPS domestic shipping issues causing some log warnings.

  • v2.0: Fix for non-live shipping rates showing a permanent waiting animation.

  • v2.0: Admin documentation link fixes.

  • v2.0: Removing language strings which are no longer being used.

  • v2.0: Making Austria's regions not required.

  • v2.0: Amazon payments improvements.

  • v2.0: Updates to checkout checkboxes.

  • v2.0: Fix for HTML decoded characters in the cart.

  • Internal tools updates.

  • v2.0: Added spans to coupon display in the cart.

January 26, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-1-25:

  • XSS fix for category code and subscription frequency and start dates in the cart.

  • WorldPay support for XML username and throwing a wrong credentials error on HTTP 401 status.

  • Added admin password reset rate limiting.

January 19, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-1-18:

  • v2.0: Updating twig.js to 0.7.2-3 to have auto-escape turned on by default.

  • v2.0: Focus Sidecart on open for usability.

  • v2.0: Fix for fatal error when removing a subscription from the cart with a past due amount.

  • Internal tools updates.

  • Updates to the Pay with Amazon form scraper tool.

  • Rolling out customer-limited coupons.

  • v2.0: Added a warning for empty gateway error warnings.

January 12, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-1-11:

  • Adding a Pay with Amazon form scraper tool.

  • Added updates for enterrpise partners.

  • v2.0: Merchant account id fix for Braintree gateway.