
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from November 16, 2015 to June 8, 2015
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November 16, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-11-15

  • v2.0: Gateway: Added MercadoPago.

  • v0.7.2-v2.0: Added additional logging to our outgoing email messages to better diagnose deliverability concerns.

  • v2.0: Removed backface-visibility in the sidecart as it was causing some problems.

  • hAPI: Fixes for how restricted attributes work when embedded in parent resources.

  • hAPI: Added a Vary header and improved our ETag to include the Vary headers.

  • hAPI: Updated our store creation process so certain clients can produce active stores directly.

November 9, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-11-08

  • All Versions: Adding a hidden field to ensure webkit's over-aggressive auto fill doesn't try to fill in the datafeed key in the admin.

November 2, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-11-01

  • v2.0: Allow for Pay with Amazon buttons on the cart.

  • v2.0: Improvements to how Sidecart handles.

October 26, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-10-25

  • v2.0: Fix to not calculate taxes on billing address changes.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Improved internal logging of hosted payment gateway changes.

  • v2.0: Improved cart and checkout tracking of the customer's ip address so it will be accurately updated throughout the checkout process (especially helpful for server-side initiated carts)

  • v2.0: Fix for a very limited edge case where when a website changes their FoxyCart includes from one store to another, products being added to the cart during that time might be connected to the wrong store.

  • v2.0: No longer showing an postal code error on checkout if the country involved does not require a postal code.

  • v2.0: Fix to not show both PayPal Express and the deprecated PayPal Express payment methods on the cart or checkout.

  • v2.0: The canton for Switzerland is no longer required.

  • hAPI: Improvements to store shipping service validation.

  • v2.0: Allow for Pay with Amazon buttons on the cart.

  • v2.0: Improvements to how Sidecart handles browser state and #anchor link clicks.

  • v2.0: Fix for GeoIP lookup during a checkout process to update the country if the ip changes.

  • hAPI: Many improvements to how we handle the vnd.siren+json format, including more actions available on the store resource.

October 19, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-10-18

  • v2.0: Fix for Amazon Subscription Payments not receiving emails based on a change which was made on 2015.10.01.

  • hAPI: Fix for hal+xml to not include an _actions node which was added as we improved our Siren support.

  • hAPI: Adding shipping methods and services and documentation for them as well. Updated the shipping service resource to include the is_international boolean.

October 12, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-10-11

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue where customer email addresses are being cleared out when Pay with Amazon encounters an error on checkout.

  • hAPI: Adding an include_regions=true parameter for the countries property helper. Only include active countries by default.

  • hAPI: Fixing an issue with PHP and Australian Timezones.

  • hAPI: Updating the store_versionsproperty helper so you can pass in a store_version_uri parameter to only get the version you're interested in.

October 5, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-10-04

  • v1.0 - v2.0: Updating how we calculate usage charges by normalizing usage history into USD on a daily basis.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Updating Beanstream gateway to correctly truncate data values to avoid checkout errors.

  • hAPI: Adding the Siren Browser and additional Siren Actions support for the vnd.siren+json media format.

  • hAPI: Adding a new /encode endpoint for doing link/form signing.

  • v2.0: Fixing some edge case situations where the checkout wouldn't finish logging in after entering your password.

  • v2.0: Adding BCrypt password hashing support.

  • v2.0: Improving our integration with Pay with Amazon to no longer require notifications from their system after each completed transaction.

September 28, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-09-27

  • v1.0-v2.0: fix messaging for twig validation display errors in the admin.

  • v1.0-v2.0: Updating transfirst SSL validation.

  • v1.1-v2.0: Fix for duplicate custom fields for hosted gateways

  • hAPI: Fix for aliased field names not filtering properly.

  • v2.0: Fix for postal code lookup results returning multiple city names in paranthesis. We've changed this to return each city separately.

  • v2.0: Inside cart.saveShippingServiceInfo we're now checking if taxes exist before calling cart.getTaxes.

September 14, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-09-13

  • v0.7.2-v2.0: Fix for Netbilling gateway

  • v0.7.1-v2.0: Fix for hosted gateways and 3D secure.

  • v2.0: Fix for Amazon IPN not working correctly after our infrastructure move.

  • v1.0-v2.0: Fixing timezone filtering for API and Admin.

  • All versions: Fix for uploading and deleting downloadables in the admin.

  • All versions: Fix for XSD file access.

  • All version: fix for XSD file path.

  • Fixing the Hypermedia-API and uploading downloadable files.

September 7, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-09-06

  • v2.0: Fix for some taxes being saved as live rate taxes when copied from a live rate tax.

  • v2.0: Adding original_transaction_id to the subscriptions data available via FC.json or twig for more flexibility in determining if the subscription was just created.

August 31, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-08-30

  • v2.0: Upgrading twig.js to version 0.8.2-3

  • v2.0: Adding min and max as valid twig functions.

August 23, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-08-23:

  • v1.1 - v2.0: For currency conversion stores passing in a locale, the cart contents will no longer be emptied when adding an item with a locale already configured for the store.

  • v2.0: Updating the french language file.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with the cart and checkout which could cause your shipping description to dissapear.

  • All Versions: Fixing USPS integration to show envelopes and small flat rate boxes.

  • v2.0: Updating non-english language string error messages for recent changes regarding dynamic subscription dates.

August 16, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-08-16:

  • v1.0 - v2.0: Updating transfirst for temporary SSL issues.

  • v2.0: Fix for Pesapal logo having the wrong URL.

August 2, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-08-02:

  • All versions: removing Samurai Payment Gateway as it is no longer active.

  • All versions: Updating image caching system to send an modern user agent string to avoid mod_security issues.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Updating virtual merchant integration.

  • v1.0 - v1.1: XSS fix for cart JSON output.

  • All Versions: Updating to point to

  • All Versions: Removing the Samurai gateway as it is no longer in use.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: fix for currency conversion issues with the tr locale.

  • v2.0: Fix for image caching bug recently introduced.

July 26, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-07-26:

  • v2.0: Adding support for the split twig filter and the random twig function.

  • v2.0: Spelling fix in the admin.

  • v2.0: Fix for the responsive email template with a hard-coded "Price" string instead of config.lang.cart_price

July 19, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-07-19:

  • v2.0: Fix to hide the PO field if payment is not required.

  • v2.0: Updating some currency conversion override logic.

July 13, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-07-12

  • v2.0: Support for zero dollar transactions with the new PayPal Express integration.

  • v2.0: Fix for the new PayPal Express not allowing pay with credit card without having to create a new account.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Don't send the company name if it's empty for the Transfirst gateway.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Use an appropriate industry code (2) for ecommerce.

  • v2.0: Fix for situations where hosted transactions wouldn't marked as hosted correctly which could result in double emails sent to the customer.

  • v2.0: Adding support for the slice twig filter.

June 22, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-06-21:

  • v2.0: Fix for duplicate shipto records being created when modifying a multiship subscription.

  • v2.0: Fix for the JSON total_future_shipping being set incorrectly for some multiship orders.

  • v2.0: Fix for taxes not being displayed correctly in the receipt for flat rate shipping multiship orders.

  • v2.0: Fix for PayPal Express Checkout (beta) not keeping the PayPal Payer email in the case of a checkout error.

  • v2.0: Renaming the "Union" tax to "European Union" tax to clarify usage.

June 15, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-06-14:

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Fix for & characters showing up in French language

  • v2.0: Fix for multiship stores using subscriptions where the receipt and email don't show the correct shipping address for the order because the customer shipping address is used instead of the named shipto for that order.

  • v2.0: In a related fix, admin exports with multiship orders using only a single shipment will now show the correct shipping information.

  • v2.0: Shipping rates were not clearing out correctly as they should inbetween rate requests. This is especially noticable when an error is returned.

  • v2.0: Fixed for Pay with Amazon not properly handling the "Declined" state of a transaction response.

  • v2.0: Fix for a bug introduced on 2015.06.08 to fix duplicate Pay with Amazon email receipts which unfortunately prevented all email recepts from being sent.

  • v2.0: Added two new events for checkout-submit-enable and checkout-submit-disable so you can trigger them directly or add your own listeners.

  • v0.3.2 - v2.0: Added rate limiting features to the admin to prevent automated scripts from uploading too many files at a time or other forms of abuse.

  • v1.1: Slight fix for hosted payment gateway notifications.

  • v2.0: Fix for a bug introduced yesterday relating to Pay with Amazon and the error code added to the reference id which was messing up receipt urls.

  • v2.0: Fix for 100% off coupon which results in a no payment required checkout still showing the required payment methods.

June 8, 2015

Changes for the week ending 2015-06-07:

  • All versions: adding database maintenance notifications for html, xml, JavaScript, json, jsonp and css requests.

  • v2.0: Adding some logging to the Amazon/PayPal IPN validation system.

  • v2.0: Fix for the admin not showing the tax line item for a single named multiship.

  • v2.0: Some changes to ucwords for some specific stores.

  • v0.3.2-v0.7.1: Fixes for USPS rate requests based on their latest API change.

  • v2.0: Fix for IPN Notifications for the PayPal Express reference transactions.

  • v0.3.2-v0.7.1: fix for some broken links in the admin.

  • v2.0: When doing a subscription cancel or updateinfo, calls to the cart with output=json clear the contents of the cart to avoid breaking sidecart. This creates problems for single sign on (SSO), so we know pass along a checkout_type parameter of either updateinfo or sub_cancel for those cases.

  • All versions: updating the API rate limiting thresholds based on traffic patterns.

  • v2.0: Fix for Pay with Amazon sending duplicate emails.

  • v2.0: Fix for coupon add button not functioning if the coupon text field has not changed.