
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from February 28, 2024 to July 30, 2023

February 28, 2024

  • fix(api:cart): allow applied coupon codes node when creating carts

  • feat(api:gateways): Add flag for deprecated payment gateways in property helpers

  • feat(api:coupons): Add shared_codes_allowed attribute to the coupons in API

  • fix(api:webhooks): validate encryption_key field

February 26, 2024

  • fix(emails): Correctly add multiple emails to swiftmailer when using SMTP setting

  • fix(checkout): Prevent amazon to auto authorize if its the only Gateway set for the store

  • feat(tazapay): Tazapay Webhooks Handling and Error Display Improvements

  • fix(paypal-platform): update the paypal request id if user cancles the 3ds flow

  • feat(cybersource-rest): add option to use foxy vaulted cards

  • fix(square-up): always call method for form render

  • feat(shared-components): update shared-components to 0.2.15

  • feat(checkout): Allow billing address to update after shipping address prepopulation

  • fix(checkout): Disable the normal prepayment webhook for barclaycard if 3ds is enabled

  • fix(email-validation): fix the email validation at the time of signup and password reset

  • feat(coupon): Strip spaces from coupon code

  • fix(billing): Remove partner_supadu option from available plans list

February 15, 2024

  • fix(profile-update): Add email validation on profile update

  • fix(stripe): Do not encode non-html characters

  • feat(coupons): add CRUD for inclusive_tax_rate

  • api(docs): Update character limit on logo url

  • update(docs): create multiple gift card codes

  • fix(api): Add validation for store_version_uri on Store resource

  • fix(template-set): Prevent duplicate code in template sets

  • feat(gift-cards): Generate 128 char long hash for deduplication key

  • feat(paypal-platform): update js sdk to use server request instead of js actions

  • fix(checkout): skip the email check if the email hasn't actually changed

February 2, 2024

  • fix(sqs): change check for sqs queue url

February 1, 2024

  • fix(coupon-code): Update product code restriction limit to 5000 chars

  • feat(gift-cards): Add remaining gift card balance to json

  • feat(gift-cards): Add remaining gift card balance to json

  • feat(gateway): Tazapay integration

January 24, 2024

  • fix(sqs): Add error handling for SQS sendMessage method

  • refactor(app): Remove defunct gateway

  • fix(logs): update logs for hAPI, to move it to the hidden for merchant table

  • update live connect url for square for partnership tracking

  • fix(gift-cards): first gift recipient receiving email

January 12, 2024

  • feat(amazon_pay): upgrade v1 to v2

  • fix(pre-cart-webhook): add better logs for response and use static urls

  • fix(emails): add DMARC checks for password reset emails

  • api(docs): Update character limit

  • fix(customer-portal-settings): make signUp optional

  • fix(gift-cards): partial fix to send multiple emails when multiple gift recipients are present; an additional fix is pending

January 9, 2024

  • feat(cybersource): update test transaction key

  • fix(oauth): update refresh token store id on auth code exchange

  • feat(customer-portal): add support for singup settings

  • fix: change store_uri to tax_uri in tax_item_category properties

  • feat(attributes): add attributes for gift cards and coupons

  • fix(subscription): do not execute after validation method if there are validation errors

  • fix(taxes): fix invoice requests after order completion for live taxes

November 20, 2023

  • feat(error_entries): Add the possibility to add an error entry

  • docs(gift-card-code): document customer_id

  • fix: Improve the language for PayPal Commerce Platform Options

  • doc(API): Fix customer resources in Zoom listing

  • fix: Update Opayo endpoints

  • fix(checkout): correct Mollie translations

  • fix: Changing the Official name from Turkey to Türkiye

  • fix(email): Using < character in the address field on checkout was omitting data entered after it, in the email receipt. This has been fixed

  • fix(gateways): add correct action token types under the correct node for BofA and CyberSource

  • fix(minfraud): remove deprecated hostnames

December 8, 2023

  • docs(native-integrations): colorado fee flag

  • fix(doc): Remove unnecessary part from code description

  • fix(api): Change official name for Turkey to Türkiye

  • fix(email): Remove updateinfo link ref in emails

  • fix(ach): send emails after transaction complete email

  • fix(bank-of-america): add support for authorized risk declined response status

  • docs(admin): Remove international from verbiage

  • fix(cart): template set does not update the locale code

  • feat(taxes): inclusive pricing tax rates

  • fix(tax): add item_taxes to the item

November 29, 2023

  • Fix(doc): Remove readonly flag from client_secret in client resource page and fix token mistake on authentication page ref

  • fix(checkout): Remove Girth attribute from USPS shipping rate request ref

  • fix(apple-pay): move checkbox in order to properly display it Ref

  • feat(avalara): add colorado delivery fee flag Ref

September 29, 2023

  • fix(authorize_cim): add authorize_cim profiles check for sub processing

  • fix(validation): category validation weight kgs

September 28, 2023

  • fix(subscriptions): sub dunning ignores PayPal legacy

September 22, 2023

  • fix(gift-cards): prevent duplication of products for gift card discount calculations

  • fix(internal): security improvement for internal tooling

  • fix(language_overrides): check for uniqueness for language codes per template set

  • fix(internal): performance improvement for admin tools

September 11, 2023

  • docs: update to privacy policy for new EU-US Data Privacy Framework

  • fix(authorize_cim): update error response processing for authorize_cim

  • fix(cart): remove tick method for quantity updates, preventing duplicate request

  • fix(twig): add additional internal logging

  • feat: add serviceworker javascript file for future functionality

August 15, 2023

  • fix(shipping): add missing slash to hrefs

  • feat(password-hash): add support for Argon2 hashing for customer password

August 10, 2023

  • fix(braintree): add logs, update error response

  • feat(PPCP): add processing phone number from PP

August 8, 2023

  • feat(braintree): add payment token to the GW response

August 3, 2023

  • fix(gateway): Future Version Cond. for Cardstream

  • fix(pre-cart-webhook): add filtering for pre-cart webhook view data response keys

  • fix(shipping): Exempt custom endpoint method from req fields

  • fix(taxes): include full address details with tax requests

July 30, 2023

  • fix(coupons): fix externally controlled coupons checkout issues

  • feat(braintree): add verification feature for the Braintree

  • fix(admin): fixes admin broken link for email contact

  • fix(cart): allow zero dollar externally controlled coupons on an embedded cart change