3 min read • Updated 3 months ago



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  • 3-D Secure
  • Multi-Currency

Setting Up WorldPay Global Gateway for FoxyCart

If you have questions about setting up your WorldPay Global Gateway account, call their technical support on: +44 (0)1223 258 493.

Note that you will need to have an account that can use the XML Direct functionality, which may require a Corporate Account (and not the Business Account). This is because FoxyCart hosts the secure checkout page (which allows you to customize it to match your site) rather than relying on the WorldPay hosted page.

If you get the “The payment gateway returned an invalid HTTP status code: 401” error while checking out, it means that you probably entered incorrect merchant code / XML password. Be careful about your merchant code, it's not the same as your login. The merchant code can be found in the status panel:

If you get the following error and do not plan to use 3D-Secure, ask WorldPay to disable 3D-Secure on your account..

Invalid payment details : missing info for 3D-secure transaction: acceptHeader (7)

Other Requirements For Your Site

  1. You have to include the following details in the store website

    • Your company's registration name

    • Your company's registered office address

    • A contact telephone number

    • An email address

  2. REFUND POLICY for services (The following text one of the feedback from worldpay)

    • “We have been unable to locate a suitable refund policy. Under WorldPay regulations you must let your customers know that under certain circumstances a refund will be given at the discretion of the management. You can state that customers are not 'entitled' to a refund once they are using the service, but there may be circumstances where a refund is deemed necessary - e.g. technical problems where the customer is not getting the service they believed they signed up for.
      Please therefore amend all references to refunds by adding that 'refunds may occasionally be offered at the discretion of the management', or something similar”

XML Password

You will need to obtain your XML password.

For a business account you can find your password under the Installations menu:The password for a corporate account can be found under the Profile → Merchant Environment menu:

3D Secure V2

To enable 3D Secure v2 for your Foxy store, you will need to have 3DS Flex enabled within your Worldpay account. To action this, you will need to contact Worldpay support and request it be enabled for your account.

Once enabled, they will provide you with the three values that you need to enter into the Foxy administration within your Worldpay integration settings on the “payment” page. These are the issuer, encryption key and orgunitid. You will need to ensure that “3d secure options” is set to “enabled” within your gateway settings on the “payment” page in the Foxy administration for the fields for those three options to be visible.


Obtaining A Test Account

Contact worldpay for info.

Testing Transactions

A number of different cases can be tested by entering the following values as the cardholder first name in the order:

REFUSED will simulate a refused payment

REFERRED will simulate a refusal with the refusal reason ‘referred'

FRAUD will simulate a refusal with the refusal reason ‘fraud suspicion'

ERROR will simulate a payment that ends in error.

if the cardHolderName is 3D then the Test environment will act as if the credit card is participating in 3-D Secure (that is, the 3-D Security Directory would respond with enrolled).

if the cardHolderName is NO3D then the Test environment will act as if the credit card is not participating in 3-D Secure (that is, the Directory would respond with not-enrolled).

All other card/accountholder names will simulate an authorised payment. For test purposes a set of test credit and debit card numbers has been provided, they are listed below in Test Card Numbers.

Captures and refunds can be simulated through the Merchant Interface. Use the “Capture” or “Refund” button in the Payment Details screen of an authorised or captured test payment.

Test Card Numbers

These test card numbers can only be used in the test environment and should be used in combination with an expiry date up to seven years in the future.

card scheme card numbers

MAESTRO 6759649826438453 (this card has no issue number but uses a start date)

SOLO_GB 6767676767676767671 (this card has no issue number but uses a start date) and 6767622222222222222 (this card has a one-digit issue number)

VISA 4111111111111111 and 4444333322221111

AMEX 34343434343434

ECMC 5555555555554444 and 5454545454545454

DINERS 36148900647913

DANKORT 5019717010103742

AIRPLUS 122000000000003 and 192000000000008

LASER 630490017740292441

CB/CARTEBLEUE 5555555555554444

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact worldpay for info.

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