5 min read • Updated 2 months ago

Westpac PayWay


Australia, New Zealand.

  • Multi-Currency

Setting Up Westpac Payway for FoxyCart

You will need to add FoxyCart's IP's to Westpac's API Security Access List as shown on the screenshot below, from the “Settings” section of the PayWay administration, accessible from the “cog” icon for your username in the top bar navigation.

On the Settings page, click the “PayWay Classic API” link within the “Modules” panel, and then click the “Security” section in the left sidebar navigation. Add the following IP's to this section:

  • IP:

  • IP:

    You will also need to download the certificate for your PayWay account, found from the “Certificate” page, also within the “PayWay Classic API” section of the navigation. Select “PHP” from the “API Technology” dropdown and hit “Go”, and then click the “Download PHP Certificate” link within the text that appears below.

Once you have your certificate downloaded, you're ready to connect your PayWay account to your FoxyCart store:

  1. Login to your store's FoxyCart administration, and go to the “Payments” section

  2. From the “Let customers pay with a Credit or Debit Card” option, select “Westpac Payway”

  3. From the “Security” section of your PayWay administration (found within the “PayWay Classic API” section of the navigation), copy the “Customer Username” and “Customer Password” into the fields of the same name within the FoxyCart administration

  4. For the “merchant id” field, enter the value your Westpac PayWay representative provided to you when taking your account live

  5. Click on the “certificate” field, and then click on the upload button that appears. Select the certificate file you just downloaded

  6. Save the payment settings

At this point - your PayWay account should be connected to your FoxyCart store! We'd recommend placing a test transaction to ensure everything is working correctly, and void/refund the charge within your PayWay account.


Obtaining A Test Account

You can sign up for a test account from this page. When creating the account, ensure that you select the option “My system meets PCI-DSS compliance for storing credit card numbers” for the “PCI-DSS” question.

Once logged in, you can then follow the steps above to connect your test account to your FoxyCart store. You'll want to ensure your store's payment settings are set to “Test Servers”, and for the merchant ID value in your FoxyCart gateway settings, you will simply use TEST.

Test Card Numbers

When using the test merchant, only the card numbers in the table below are valid. All other card numbers will return a response of “42 No Universal Account”.

Each card number will return a specific response as detailed in the table, so if you want to test a card which has low funds, you would use card number 4564710000000020 with an amount higher than $10. Note that if you enter an incorrect expiry date for one of the test cards, you will get a response of 54. If you enter an incorrect CVN, you will get a response of 01 or 05 depending on the card type.

Card NumberExpiryCVNResponseDescription
456471000000000402/1984708Visa Approved
516320000000000808/2007008MC Approved
456471000000001202/0596354Visa Approved
456471000000002005/2023451Visa Low Funds ($10 credit limit)
516320000000001612/1972804 MC Stolen
456472000000003709/1903005Visa invalid CVV2
34340000000001601/19902362Amex Restricted
3643000000001508/2198843Diners Stolen

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact westpac for info.

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