6 min read • Updated 2 months ago



Belgium, France, United States.

  • 3-D Secure
  • Auth Only & Delayed Capture

Setting Up Square for Foxy

  1. Create your Square account, if you don't already have one.

  2. Go to the Payment Settings page in the Foxy administration.

  3. Once logged in, make sure your store is set to “Live Servers”

  4. Go to the Accept payments using your Square account option and check the box.

  5. Click the Connect to Square button.

  6. Sign into your Square account. Allow the app access to the Square account.

  7. Once returned to the Foxy admin with Square successfully connected:

    • Check the show credit card form box,

    • Select the Payment location (these are the locations as you have them configured in your Square account)

  8. Save the updated payment settings

If you're already using an integration that shows a credit card input on the checkout, you'll need to disable that in order to show the Square credit card input.

Customer Deduplication & Privacy Considerations

Per Square’s direction, we have added Square's customer deduplication functionality for guest customers as well as non-guest customers. This is generally a helpful thing, as you can use your customer records in Square for a variety of things; and if a customer checks out multiple times in Foxy as a guest, they'll only show up once in Square.

Although Foxy doesn't create customers in Square if they don't already exist - if a matching customer is found, then that Square customer ID will be used for the transaction.

It's important to understand, however, that there's no email verification or other authentication for guest checkouts in Foxy. Though very, very unlikely to be an issue, we do want to make it clear that just because two orders in Square may show as being from the same customer, it doesn’t mean the same person necessarily placed both orders. If a customer says “Hey, I just placed an order ID12345, but I need to know what my previous shipping address was on my last order,” be aware of the security considerations. (A good example to keep in mind is somebody in an abusive relationship or being stalked. Verify whom you're talking with before you share personal info.)

This is good advice in general, but because we use existing Square customer records even for guest checkouts on Foxy, and because you may use the Square customer functionality more than Foxy's, it's something we want to point out.


Obtaining A Test Account

Sign up for a Sandbox account here: https://squareup.com/

How To Connect Sandbox Account To Foxy

  1. Once you've created your account, if you need to, login into SquareUp

  2. Go to https://developer.squareup.com/apps

  3. Scroll to Sandbox Test Accounts

  4. Click on the Launch button for the Sandbox account you want to activate

  5. Login into the Foxy admin and go to payment.

  6. Make sure which servers do you want to use? in the gateway screen is set to Test servers

  7. Go to the Accept payments using your Square account option, check the box, and click the Connect to Square button.

  8. Once returned to the Foxy admin with Square successfully connected, select the Payment location and save the configuration. If you're already using an integration that shows a credit card input on the checkout, you'll need to disable that in order to show the Square credit card input.

Test Card Numbers

Generating success states

Visa4111 1111 1111 1111111
MasterCard5105 1051 0510 5100111
Discover6011 0000 0000 0004111
Diners Club3000 0000 0000 04111
JCB3569 9900 1009 5841111
American Express3400 000000 000091111
China UnionPay6222 9888 1234 0000123

Generating error states

Desired Error StateTest Values
Card CVV incorrectUse 911 as the CVV
Card postal code incorrectUse 99999 as the postal code
Card expiration date incorrectUse 01/40 as the expiration date

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact square for info.

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