2 min read • Updated 2 months ago

PayPoint Gateway Freedom


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  • 3-D Secure

Setting Up PayPoint Gateway for FoxyCart

If you're:

  • Allowing your customers to save their payment info (ie. anything other than guest-only checkout mode);

  • Doing subscriptions; or

  • Doing subscriptions with start-dates in the future;

You may need to modify your account settings to allow a checkout to proceed without the card security code. Rest assured that the CSC will always be required by FoxyCart outside of those conditions above. More info on the CSC settings with subscriptions.

To adjust your settings please login to your PayPoint Gateway control panel, go to 'Account' in the horizontal yellow navigation bar, then 'Account Options' in the vertical grey/blue sub-navigation. Find the settings that look like this:
Change the “CV2-AVS Mode” dropdown to “Default”. Then run some tests to ensure it's working as expected. If you have any problems please post on a related thread in our forum.


Obtaining A Test Account

Contact PayPoint for info.

Test Card Numbers

Contact PayPoint for info.

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