5 min read • Updated 3 months ago



Australia, France, United Kingdom, United States.

  • 3-D Secure
  • Delayed Payments
  • Immediate Payments
  • Verifications

FoxyCart is proud to be a PayPal Gold Partner.

What PayPal Accounts are Supported by FoxyCart?

Would Paypal Plus work too? https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/paypal-plus#Zahlarten

How PayPal works with FoxyCart

To understand how PayPal and FoxyCart work together you first need to understand the two different checkout flows, which are ultimately separated by where the customer enters their payment information.

  • FoxyCart-Hosted Checkout: The customer enters their payment info (credit card details) on your FoxyCart checkout page. This is supported by PayPal Commerce Platform, Payments Pro, or Payflow Pro.

  • PayPal Checkout: The customer enters their payment info on PayPal.com itself, and not on the FoxyCart checkout page. This is separate from the FoxyCart-hosted checkout flow, and can be added to any gateway through the PayPal Commerce Platform option.

PayPal Standard, Premier, and Business are all “standard” PayPal accounts, and all work with PayPal Checkout through the Foxy PayPal Commerce Platform option. PayPal Checkout is a way to integrate PayPal with an external e-commerce system like FoxyCart, and is not a separate type of account; it's just a way to use a PayPal account. PayPal Checkout allows all the power and flexibility of FoxyCart while allowing your customers to pay using their PayPal accounts, or to pay via credit card or check through PayPal.

The biggest distinction with PayPal's Checkout is that the customer gets redirected to PayPal.com to complete the payment, instead of remaining on your own domain or your customized FoxyCart checkout. This is for obvious security reasons: A customer should only enter their PayPal password at PayPal.com. The order flow is like this:

  1. Customer visits your website and adds something to their FoxyCart-powered cart.

  2. Customer clicks a link to checkout via PayPal.

  3. Customer is sent to PayPal to complete their payment, either by logging into their existing account or (if allowed, as determined by PayPal given the customer's country, your country, and their other fraud controls) pay via credit card without creating an account.

  4. Customer is sent back to your FoxyCart-powered checkout where they confirm their details and complete their payment. Their payment is not captured unless they confirm on the FoxyCart-powered checkout.

  5. Customer is sent to their FoxyCart-generated receipt.

(The above flow can also work if the customer enters PayPal from the FoxyCart-powered checkout instead of the cart, but the important thing to note is that they get sent back to your FoxyCart-generated receipt regardless.)

The other option, a FoxyCart-Hosted Checkout keeps the user on your customized FoxyCart checkout throughout the checkout process, and their payment details are entered on your secure FoxyCart-hosted checkout page. Again, because of the security concerns and PayPal's limitations, this approach cannot be used with PayPal as a payment method (ie. paying from a PayPal balance or saved bank account or credit card). To allow this checkout flow, which is generally preferred by non-PayPal customers and is much faster (through FoxyCart's one-page checkout), you need a “real” payment gateway. (Confused by gateways, merchant accounts, and etc? Learn more.)

PayPal Checkout with Card Payments (within the PayPal Commerce Platform option), Payments Pro, or Payflow Pro can serve as gateways and allow a completely customized checkout flow. These services also can be used for PayPal-hosted Checkout, so you can get the best of both worlds. PayPal Checkout with Card Payments requires a PayPal business account. Payments Pro and Payflow Pro have monthly fees and a more involved signup process, and are not available in all countries.

Which account do you have?

  • If you're paying a monthly fee, you likely have Payments Pro.

  • If you have Payflow Pro you very likely already know it, as this is uncommon and is only generally used if you already have a separate merchant account that requires it.

  • Otherwise, you probably have PayPal Standard, Business, or Premier.

PayPal and Accepting Subscriptions through FoxyCart

Please see these instructions for using PayPal recurring payments.

Also, while Payments Pro accounts can work with FoxyCart for processing recurring billing and subscriptions, it is not recommended and not always possible (as of v0.7.0), depending on your account settings.

PayPal Payments Pro & Payflow Pro in the UK

PayPal account types in the UK sometimes have multiple names for the same account types. If you have either Payments Pro or Payflow Pro you may need to read below to ensure you select the appropriate account type in FoxyCart.

  • If you have a PayPal account in the UK:

    • If you have “Payflow Pro” in the UK, you may need to attempt both the Payments Pro and the PayPay Payflow Pro instructions. There are conflicting reports as to which method actually works, and since the UK has had both solution with similar names in the past things aren't as clear cut as they should be. Please reach out if you need additional information.

    • If you have “Payments Pro” in the UK and login at manager.paypal.com, you'll need to view the instructions for both PayPal Payflow Pro and Payments Pro.

  • If you have PayPal Payflow Pro outside the UK, click here.

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