2 min read • Updated 2 months ago


  • Multi-Currency

The Payeezy (aka First Data Global Gateway E4) solution utilizes the latest in eCommerce technology to offer advanced payment functionality through simple and flexible integration and set-up options. An intuitive web interface removes the complexity of accepting transactions in-store, online or through mobile devices. Secure and reliable, the Global Gateway E4 is backed by an extensive set of online support tools and a dedicated support team.

Setting Up firstdata e4 for FoxyCart

Supported Payment Methods: Purchase, Pre- Authorization and Auth Completion

Log into your Foxycart shopping cart administration:

Under the Store tab select Payment to edit the Payment Gateway settings.

  1. Select the option for a Live or Test account.

  2. To begin select Test. After testing is complete, change this option to live servers when the website is ready for production.

  3. Next click the box to accept credit or debit cards.

  4. Select Payeezy / First Data Global Gateway e4 from the Gateway drop down list.

    • Note: You may select Authorize Only if you do not wish to capture the funds (a Purchase). However, you will have to go to the GGe4 Real-time Payment Manager (RPM) in order to perform the Auth Completion transaction. This is generally not the desired behavior, so only enable this if you know what you're doing.

In order to complete the remaining fields, you will need to retrieve information from First Data Global Gateway e4.

  1. Log in to your First Data Global Gateway e4 Real-time Payment Manager Account to retrieve your Gateway ID and Password.

  2. Under Administration choose Terminals and select the terminal you will be using for your FoxyCart account. The Details tab contains your Gateway ID and Password.

  3. If you need to create a new password, click on Generate. Before clicking Save, record your password for your shopping cart settings.

  4. Enter the Gateway ID and Password into the Test Gateway ID and Test Gateway Password fields in FoxyCart test store settings.

    • Note: If your account has multiple terminals associated with it, select the terminal that is identified as the eCommerce (ECOMM) terminal type.

  5. Select the API Access tab from the terminal manager navigation and generate New Key link to get a new HMAC Key.

  6. Enter the Key ID, a 3-6 digit number, into the Test Key ID and the newly created HMAC key and into Test HMAC Key field.

    • Note that if you generate a new HMAC key, that you need to click the “update” button at the bottom of the “API Access” tab for that key to be saved against the terminal.

  7. Once you've entered all four values in the FoxyCart administration's payment section, scroll down and select the Update Payment Gateway button. You will now be connected to the GGe4 payment gateway.


You may obtain a GGe4 demo/test account at:


The First Data GGe4 self-service demo environment is available 24/7 at https://demo.globalgatewaye4.firstdata.com/.

Test Card Numbers

You can check valid Card numbers for testing from the following link: https://support.payeezy.com/hc/en-us/articles/204504235-Using-Test-Credit-Card-Numbers

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact firstdata e4 for info.

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