less than a minute read • Updated 2 months ago

Global Payments


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  • 3-D Secure

Setting Up Global Payments for FoxyCart

  1. If able to choose between a “Redirect” and a “Remote” integration method for your account, you'll want the “Remote” type for use with FoxyCart.

  2. Enter the Merchant ID, Sub-Account, and Shared Secret values from your Global Payments account into your store's FoxyCart admin.

  3. Only enable 3D Secure in your Foxy configuration if 3D Secure has been enabled on your Global Payments account. You can confirm this with the Global Payments support team.

  4. If required, let your Global Payments representative know about our server IP address:

    • FoxyCart's current IP's are as follows:

      • IP:

      • IP:

  5. Test.

Configuring Global Payments To Support AMEX And Diners Club Cards

If you're allowing customers to pay with either American Express or Diners Club cards - you'll need to contact the Global Payments support team to have additional sub-accounts created within your account. When doing so, you'll need to designate a name for the sub-account(s). The name should match the name given to your main sub-account, but with amex and diners enabled for an AMEX and Diners Club sub-account respectively.

For example, if your main sub-account name is internet (which would also be what you've got set in your FoxyCart payment settings of the sub-account), and you wanted to accept AMEX, the Global Payments support team would need to give your additional sub-account a name of internetamex.


Obtaining A Test Account

Contact Global Payments for info.

Test Card Numbers

Contact Global Payments for info.

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact Global Payments for info.

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