less than a minute read • Updated 3 months ago




Setting Up eWAY for FoxyCart

  1. Obtain your eWAY gateway account.

  2. WAIT FOR YOUR WELCOME EMAIL. This step is critical, and attempting to process transactions prior to receiving your welcome email can have very bad consequences.

  3. Once you've received your welcome email from eWAY, enter your Customer ID in the FoxyCart admin's payment settings page.

  4. Test.


Obtaining A Test Account

For testing procedures, refer to this page: http://www.eway.com.au/developers/cool-stuff/sandbox-testing

  • The test Total Amount should end in 00 or 08 to get a successful response (e.g. $10.00 or $10.08) - all other amounts will return a failed response.

Test Card Numbers

  • The test Credit Card number is 4444333322221111 - this is the only credit card number that will work on the test gateway.

Important Notes and Caveats

Do not attempt to process transactions using your eWAY account until you have received your welcome email from eWAY. This is important. Not only will your transactions fail but your account could be suspended or deactivated.

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