less than a minute read • Updated 3 months ago

Cielo Payments (Merchant e-Solutions)


United States.

  • 3-D Secure

Setting Up Cielo Payments for FoxyCart

The “Profile ID” and “Profile Key” values needed within the FoxyCart administration for configuring Cielo Payments will be provided by your Cielo/Merchant e-Solutions sales rep or certification manager. The Profile ID will be a 20 digit identifier in a format like 9410000xxxxx0000xxxx, and the Profile Key will be a 32 character string. If you're unable to find these values - reach out to your Cielo/Merchant e-Solutions representative for more information.


Obtaining A Test Account

Contact Cielo Payments (Merchant e-Solutions) for info.

Test Card Numbers

The authorization process in the test environment is simulated. Any card may be used without impacting the cardholder‘s account as all responses are from a simulated authorization system. Cielo Payments also suggests use of the test card numbers provided in the table below:

  • 4012301230123010 (Visa)

  • 4012301230158 (Visa)

  • 5123012301230120 (MasterCard)

  • 349999999999991 (American Express)

  • 6011011231231235 (Discover)

  • 3528288605211810 (JCB)

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact Cielo Payments (Merchant e-Solutions) for info.

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