2 min read • Updated 3 months ago

Chase Paymentech Orbital (Salem)


Canada, United States.

  • Multi-Currency

Setting Up Chase Paymentech Orbital (Salem / Stratus) for FoxyCart

  1. Contact your Chase Paymentech Sales Rep or Account Executive, and inform them that FoxyCart will be submitting on their behalf. FoxyCart is certified, and if you're told otherwise, please contact us so we can provide our Submitter ID.

  2. Enter your Chase Paymentech Merchant ID in your FoxyCart admin. Note that these credentials are not the same as any credentials you may use to access your Orbital virtual terminal elsewhere.

  3. Don't enter any username or password unless instructed to do so. (Notes below.) You may need to enter your Terminal ID. Our implementation uses “001” as the terminal ID. If you have a different terminal ID, enter it in terminal id (optional).

  4. Test.

Advanced Features

FoxyCart is certified with Paymentech Orbital to process Level 2 Purchasing Cards. To take advantage of this, pass in an input with a name of purchase_order_number in the checkout form. FoxyCart will pass it along to Orbital in the appropriate manner.


Obtaining A Test Account

Contact your account rep for info.

Test Card Numbers

Contact your account rep for info.

Important Notes and Caveats

Should You Enter A User/Pass?

In the past, the username/password authentication method was not recommended. But as of 2019-03-21, according to Chase's certification document that Foxy completes, “User Name & Password authentication is Chase Paymentech’s preferred method.”

Chase Paymentech has two different ways to connect. If you do an IP address based connection method, this requires you to get FoxyCart added to your account as an authorized submitter. This should not be a problem, as FoxyCart is fully certified. (More on that below.)

Chase Paymentech Certification

FoxyCart is a fully certified VAR with Chase Paymentech. If there's any confusion about that, you can…

We often are told that Chase reps say we're not certified. We're not sure why they seem to be confused on this point, but please contact us and we'll help you get it sorted out.

Getting a 412 error? You may need to have Paymentech set up a separate FoxyCart username/password combination. More details at this forum post.

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