less than a minute read • Updated 3 months ago



United Kingdom.

  • 3-D Secure
  • Multi-Currency

Setting Up cardstream for FoxyCart

  • Go to “Payments” section of FoxyCart admin.

  • Select Cardsteam as your “Bank card payment method”.

  • Enter Cardstream MerchandID. (Required)

  • Enter Cardstram PreSharedHash key. PreShared Key entered on Cardstream MMS. (Required)

  • Click “Save”

Advanced Features

FoxyCart can pass along an optional orderRef number, supplied by the customer or an integration on the checkout page. This value will show up in the Cardstream backend. To take advantage of this, pass in a name=“gateway_order_reference” value=“foo” value in the checkout form (replacing foo with your desired value). One way to do this is through the Custom Checkout Fields option in the templates configuration settings of the Foxy admin.


Obtaining A Test Account

You can see details on creating a test account here.

Test Card Numbers

Cardstream have some test cards listed on their site here.

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Details on different response and error codes can be reviewed here.

Important Notes and Caveats

If you have any questions for Cardstream, they can be contacted at https://cardstream.com/contact.

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