6 min read • Updated 3 months ago

Apple Pay


United States.

  • Refunds
  • Verifications

Setting Up Apple Pay for FoxyCart

Apple Pay requires an Apple development and Authorize.net account.


First of all create account on https://developer.apple.com, after that register a Merchant ID:

  1. In the “Account” section, select “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles”.

  2. Under “Identifiers”, select “Merchant IDs”.

  3. Click the Add button (+) in the upper-right corner.

  4. Enter a description and identifier, and click Continue.

  5. Review the settings, and click Register.

  6. Click Done.

Creating An Authorize.net Transaction Key

If you have not already done so, you must create an Authorize.Net transaction key. This key is used to create a transaction-specific signature at your server. The signature is cross-checked by Authorize.Net servers when a transaction request is received, ensuring that no transaction is initiated by the consumer without your approval.

NOTE: Ensure that your transaction key is stored securely on your merchant server. Never store it within your app code on the device. If the key is compromised, generate a new key.

To create a transaction key:

  1. In the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface(https://account.authorize.net/), navigate to Account > Settings > Security Settings > General Security Settings > API Login and Transaction Key.

  2. Enter the answer to the secret question in the Secret Answer field.

  3. Click Submit.

Signing Up For The Authorize.net Service

Apple Pay uses payment network tokenization. If your processor does not support payment network tokenization or if Authorize.Net does not support your payment processor's tokenization interface, you cannot sign up for Apple Pay through Authorize.Net.

To sign up for Apple Pay:

  1. Log in to the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface.

  2. Navigate to the Digital Payment Solutions section.

  3. In the Apple Pay section, click Sign Up.

Generating The CSR And Apply Pay Payment Processing Certificate

You must submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to Apple in order to receive a necessary Payment Processing Certificate.

To generate the CSR:

  1. Log in to the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface

  2. Navigate to Home > Digital Payments Solutions > Apple Pay.

  3. Enter your Apple Merchant ID in the Apple merchant ID field. (The Apple Merchant ID that you enter must be identical to the one that you created at the Apple site. If it is different, Authorize.Net will not be able to to decrypt the payment data.)

  4. Click Generate Apple CSR.

After you have the CSR, you need to submit it to Apple within your Apple Developer account in order to generate the required Payment Processing Certificate.

  1. Within the Apple Developer account, proceed to the “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” section and select “Identifiers” from the sidebar

  2. Under “Identifiers”, select “Merchant IDs” using the filter in the top-right.

  3. On the right, select your merchant identifier.

  4. Under “Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate”, click Create Certificate.

  5. Upload the CSR you received from Authorize.Net

  6. If renewing the certificate - you may need to click “Activate” on the new certificate to replace the existing one.

You don't need to do anything with this certificate - but it needs to be generated and activated to ensure Authorize.Net is able to process the payment details coming via Apple Pay. It will also need to be renewed before it expires (by completing this and the previous step again), but you should receive a notice by email from Apple when this is coming up.

Creating Apply Pay Merchant Identity Certificate

  1. Navigate to the Apple Developer website and login if not already.

  2. Once logged in, proceed to the “Account” section and then to the “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” section.

  3. Under “Identifiers”, select “Merchant IDs”.

  4. Select the merchant ID from the list, and click Edit.

  5. In the “Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate” section, click Create Certificate. Follow the instructions to obtain or generate your certificate signing request (CSR), and click Continue.

  6. Click Choose File, select your CSR, and click Generate.

  7. Download the certificate by clicking Download, and click Done.

  8. Double-click downloaded file to insert it into keychain access.app. This should automatically get appended to the existing entry for your Private key in keychain access.app, within the “My Certificates” category.

  9. Right-click that certificate (probably named “Merchant ID: merchant….” from within keychain access.app (you may need to expand the private key entry to see the certificate under it) and select “Export 'Merchant ID merchant….' ”. You will need to export as a .p12 filetype, which it should be selected as default.

  10. You will be prompted to “enter a password which will be used to protect the exported items”. Enter a password here, and make note of it, as it will be entered as the “merchant identity cert password” in your Foxy payment settings.

Verify Domain

You will need to verify your FoxyCart store domain, to provide permission for Apple Pay to be presented as an option to customers there.

To do that, you will need to register and verify your store's domain within your Apple Developer account. Apple have a guide on doing that here: https://help.apple.com/developer-account/#/dev1731126fb.

For the domain, you would use your FoxyCart store subdomain, either in the standard format of https://yourstore.foxycart.com or https://store.yourdomain.com if you have a custom subdomain configured for your store.

After registering the domain, you will be presented with a file - you will specify this as part of the settings for Apple Pay on the “Payments” section of your store's Foxy administration, for the domain validate file option. After saving the file in your payment settings, you will then be able to verify the domain within your Apple Developer account.

Set Up The Apple Pay Sandbox

To use Apple Pay while developing your site, you'll need to use the Apple Pay Sandbox. Getting it set up takes just a few minutes.

  1. If you don't have one already, create an Apple Developer account(https://developer.apple.com).

  2. Log into iTunes Connect(https://itunesconnect.apple.com/).

  3. Select Users and Roles, then select the Sandbox Testers link at the top of the page.

  4. Next to “Testers”, click ⊕ to create a new test user. Fill out the page, taking note of the email and password you used, and click Save in the upper right.

  5. On your test iOS device, open the Settings app and tap iCloud. If you're signed in, tap Sign Out at the bottom.

  6. Log in using the new test credentials you just made.

  7. Tap Back to return to the first page in Settings, then tap Wallet & Apple Pay.

  8. Tap Add Credit or Debit Card, then when prompted to photograph your card tap Enter Card Details Manually.

  9. Enter 4761 1200 1000 0492, expiration 11/2022, CVV 533 (this is a test Visa card; for more test cards see the Apple Pay Sandbox Guide(https://developer.apple.com/support/apple-pay-sandbox/)).

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact Apple Pay and Auth.Net for info.

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