4 min read • Updated 3 months ago


Adyen provide access to a large variety of payment options for customers, which are embedded directly onto the checkout. Some methods (like credit cards) being able to be completed directly on the checkout, while others redirect over to a hosted payment page to complete.

Supported Payment Methods

Adyen support a whole host of different payment methods that can be enabled for your account. All are supported on the Foxy checkout except for Klarna and RatePay. Klarna can be supported for your store with our native integration.

The options actually displayed to customers will be determined by Adyen based on what you have enabled on your account and where the customer is based.

Only a subset of their supported payment gateways are compatible with subscriptions too. You can review their supported payment methods on their website here.

Setting Up Adyen for FoxyCart

Obtaining A Test Account

You can obtain a test account from Adyen on their website at adyen.com/signup. After completing the application, you'll receive an email with details on accessing your test account.

Configuring Test Account

  • In your browser, access the Adyen administration and login.

  • Once you've logged in to the Adyen administration, click the “Account” option in the top navigation, and select “Users”.

  • Select the “ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount]” option from the users list

  • Under Authentication, click Generate New API Key and copy the API Key that is displayed to your computers clipboard.

  • Click Save at the bottom of the page.

  • In a second tab in your browser, access your store's FoxyCart administration. Proceed to the “payments” section of the admin, and enable the “Accept payments using your Adyen Embedded account” option.

  • In the “Secret Key” field, paste the API key you copied earlier.

  • Back in the tab of the Adyen administration, under “Account” in the top navigation, select “Merchant accounts”

  • Copy the “Account Code” for the merchant account that you want to use with your Foxy store. In the FoxyCart administration tab, paste this value into the “Merchant Account” field.

  • Save the FoxyCart administration.

Configure Notifications

  • In your Adyen administration, proceed to “Settings” and select the “Server Communication” option.

  • In the list of notification options at the bottom of the page, click “Add” on the “Standard Notification” option.

    • In the URL, enter a URL like https://YOURSTORE.foxycart.com/ipn.php, but with your own FoxyCart store domain. For example, if your store domain was mystore.foxycart.com, then the URL would be https://mystore.foxycart.com/ipn.php. If you have a custom subdomain like secure.mystore.com, then the URL would be https://secure.mystore.com/ipn.php.

    • Leave “SSL Version” as “SSL”

    • Check the “Active” checkbox

    • Leave “Method” as “JSON”

    • Leave the “Authentication” fields blank

  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Save Configuration”

  • If you want transactions to appear as pending for payments like iDEAL and bank transfer options until they're finally approved, you can also add the “Generic Pending Notification” option, following the same configuration as above.

Testing Adyen

Once you've configured your account, we recommend running through some test transactions, especially with the countries and payment methods that you anticipate selling through.

Test Card Numbers

Review the test card numbers available from Adyen's documentation for testing payments.

Taking your Adyen account live

When you've finished testing, you can then take your Adyen account live, as detailed on this page of their documentation.

Once your account is live, you'll need to generate a new HMAC key for live servers.

Firstly though - if you haven't already, login to your store's FoxyCart administration and start your store's subscription from the dashboard.

The settings for test and live will remain the same, so you can copy the merchant account and secret key from your test gateway settings over to your live gateway settings. You can access the live gateway settings by selecting “Live Servers” on the “payments” section in the admin.

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Contact Adyen for info.

Important Notes and Caveats

Possible Action: Datafeed Handling

For delayed payment methods that Adyen offer like bank transfers, at the time of the customer completing the transaction - we don't necessarily know whether the transaction was completed yet or not. We instead rely on a notification from the gateway after the checkout has been completed to confirm whether the transaction was approved or not. To handle this, transactions are initially marked as pending, and when we get a confirmation from the gateway on the result of the transaction, we update it accordingly. Each time the status changes, a datafeed will be sent to your endpoint if configured with the transaction details and the status node will be present.

The status node can contain one of three different values: pending, approved or rejected. Depending on the types of actions you're needing to perform at your datafeed endpoint, you need to make sure the appropriate status value is present first.

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