7 min read • Updated 2 years ago

Which Foxy Plan Is Right For You?

At Foxy, we hate being nickel and dimed, and we don't ever want our users to feel that way, so we try to offer all our features to all our users, as much as possible. We also have flat-fee usage-based pricing, because we've found that's the most fair way for all our users. (Unlike most other ecommerce systems, we don't charge a % of your sales, because it doesn't matter to us if you're selling $1, $10, $100, or $1000 items.)

That said, we do offer a few different plans, and there are situations when you might to go with one of our higher-priced plans even if your volume doesn't necessarily mandate it. What makes sense for you will depend on what you'll need from us, so we'll lay out some general ideas, then use some examples to get more specific.

We also have a separate program called "Accelerate", where we can do custom development or onboarding beyond what we're able to offer on our plans.

In General…

Our Standard Plan is best for small businesses, or merchants who don't need as much hand-holding from Foxy. We'll get you answers to your questions quickly, and will share best practices and sample code from our docs. We generally won't be able to write new code (HTML, js, CSS) for you, but we have lots of sample code that we can walk you through tweaking yourself.

Our Advanced Plan works great for merchants who know they'll sell a little higher volume, or who'd like to lean on us to augment their developers in advanced customizations. We'll get you a private Slack channel, provide in-depth phone consultations for best-practices and functionality, and can provide custom proof-of-concept sample code and login to your systems if needed. Note that this plan makes the most sense when we work exclusively with the web developer, as opposed to non- or less-technical users/merchants. We'll support you in helping build something awesome, but we can't build the whole thing for you ourselves.

Our Enterprise Plan is great if…

  • You need us to build a custom ERP, tax system, or other integration.

  • You'd like new custom functionality.

  • You're building a very advanced and custom implementation requiring heavy modifications of Foxy functionality, and need significant involvement from us to make it happen.

  • You need us to sign your own agreement, need an official SLA, or have specific compliance requirements you need us to meet.

  • You're selling ~$350k+/yr and growing, and would like for us to get you custom solutions, consulting, and/or migration assistance.

  • You'd like weekly meetings.

Our Accelerate Program can augment any of the above plans with specific, one-off, well-defined custom development or onboarding. This is best for if you need some help getting things set up initially, adding new functionality to your systems, or augmenting your in-house resources where you might not have the requisite expertise to accomplish what you want.

Example: Customer Portal Customizations with a CRM & LMS

Let's say you want to use Foxy to sell access to a membership site, that's also connected to Hubspot or Zoho CRM, and an LMS (Learning Management System) for your subscribers/members to do courses. Very cool use case! But how much we can help you connect those dots will depend on your plan:

  • Standard Plan: 

    • Support: We'd point you in the right direction to our documentation, and provide high-level advice. Things like: You'd need to check with your LMS provider to see how you can sync users and handle SSO (Single Sign On), as well as checking with their API so you can provision access. You'd want to use Zapier or the API to sync data between Foxy and your CRM.

    • Custom code: We'd point to existing code samples and documentation. For instance, we'd point to our starter scripts to work the API or webhooks, but at $20/mo we can't write custom code for you while running a sustainable business :)

  • Advanced Plan: 

    • Support & Onboarding: We'd have multiple conference calls to determine your specific needs, and we'd help get you specifics by digging through some documentation. For instance, does your LMS support the necessary functionality to do what you need? Can your CRM embed pre-filled forms, and if so, what's the best way to connect those to Foxy so the Foxy customer portal login can also get your customers the ability to see or edit addition non-Foxy data? We'll help walk you through all the steps so there aren't any surprises. We'll also make ourselves available via a private Slack channel so you or your devs can get immediate answers as they implement. 

    • Custom code: We'd provide specific proof-of-concept code for your environment. For instance, code to customize the customer portal to include additional custom blocks to connect CRM data. We'd work with you or your developers on specific API requests and responses for you to debug. You would be responsible for implementing everything, but our proof-of-concepts will save you considerable time, and will be customized for your specific use case and environment.

  • Enterprise:

    • Support & Onboarding: Here we'd do everything in the Advanced Plan, but we'd actually build some things for you. Before starting the project, we'd lay out what would be best for Foxy to handle, and what you'd handle on your end. Once that's determined…

    • Custom code: We'd provide production-ready code for you to host, or that we'd host for you, to handle functionality specific to Foxy. For instance, we might build a custom serverless application to sync data between your CRM, LMS, and Foxy, and to handle customer portal modifications and SSO with your LMS. We'd devote a number of hours per month to maintain that, and/or to build additional new Foxy-related functionality according to your needs. Note that, depending on the time and effort involved, this might be handled with a separate Accelerate project.

Example: "Something's wrong with the site!"

Modern websites typically have lots of different pieces interacting to get things working, so there are many points of failure. Even if it's not a problem with Foxy, other systems can sometimes break your cart or checkout flow. We'll take a real world example: "Customers are reporting that their cart is clearing out and we're in the middle of our biggest sale! Help!"

  • Standard:

    • Support: We'd take a quick look for the most common causes of this issue (misconfigured javascript includes; multiple different stores' javascript includes causing cookies to overlap; etc.). If we confirm that this is an issue only impacting your account (and thus it's an issue with something on your site we don't control), and we can't immediately see the issue, we'll provide our findings and ideas for further troubleshooting, for you to do yourself. We will continue the discussion over email.

  • Advanced:

    • Support: At least one Foxy support rep would communicate with you over Slack and work to isolate the cause of the problem. If we determine that the issue is caused by a 3rd party (and we can't immediately figure out which 3rd party script is the cause), we'd let you know so you can do further testing and diagnosis.

  • Enterprise:

    • Support: This would immediately be escalated and we'd likely get more than one Foxy support reps working on the issue. If it's 3rd party code causing the issue, we'd work with you to identify what the offending code is, and help you work around it, or help you communicate with the 3rd party to clearly communicate the cause. 

Example: Custom Upsells

Let's say you want to get really specific with a custom upsell flow, where you have a multi-step process that attempts to increase the per-transaction quantity to at least 3, and offers a discount for converting your order to a subscription. Great idea!

  • Standard:

    • Support: We'd make sure you're clear on the concepts and some best practices, and point you to documentation and examples for interacting with the cart via javascript.

    • Custom code: None.

  • Advanced:

    • Support: We'd help you work through any potential gotchas. We'd walk through the whole flow with you, and brainstorm different approaches and logic.

    • Custom code: We'd be able to whip up some javascript to show exactly how to trigger events in your specific context. Depending on the needs, we might provide specific code showing how to modify the foxy-items-form web component for your context. It wouldn't be "this code is ready to deploy," but it would be "this code shows exactly what you need to do."

  • Enterprise:

    • Support: We'd figure out exactly what you wanted, and, if desired and according to our agreement…

    • Custom code: We'd build it out for you :) 

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