less than a minute read • Updated 2 years ago

Site24x7 Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

Site24x7 provides a transaction tool that can be downloaded to record user's actions in your web application in their exact sequence. These recorded set of actions on any web application will then be replayed by Site24x7 at regular intervals. In case of not getting expected/recorded results, notifications will be sent. 

  1. Login to Site24x7.

  2. Click on Add Monitor. Select " Web Transaction (browser) " under " Monitor a Synthetic Transaction using Real Browser "

  3. From next screen, download recorder for your prefer OS.

  4. Once you downloaded the recorder, login with your Site24x7 account.

  5. Click on "Record new transaction" and enter URL in the address bar and hit enter. Your actions on the website from now on will start to record.

  6. To add any assertion, select a text and select the assertion from the menu.

  7. Once you are done recording, click "Preview and Save" from top right corner. Review your steps and click next. You can keep default settings on this screen (or update as per your requirements) and click next.

  8. Site24x7 will run your test in the background. By default it is set to run after every 20 mins. To change that, go to Monitors, click most right icon against your added monitor and click Edit.

  9. From this page you can change multiple settings regarding your test. To change frequency, select one from the Check Frequency dropdown and click Save.

For more detailed information, you can visit their official documentation.

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