less than a minute read • Updated 3 months ago

Product Discount

A product level discount applies to a single product and that product only. This is often desired for items that may be ordered in bulk, like screws or other hardware items.

For Product Discounts, allunits is the default discount type unless otherwise specified.

How are they created

Product discounts are added to the cart inside the product add to cart link or form that the product is created in.

How are they added to an order

Product discounts are automatically added with the product when it is added to the cart

How are they displayed

Product discounts are displayed as an option for the given product it applies to


As part of a link:

  • discount_quantity_percentage=My Discount{allunits|5-10|10-20}

As part of a form:

  • <input type=“hidden” name=“discount_quantity_percentage” value=“My Discount{allunits|5-10|10-20}” />

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