4 min read • Updated 2 years ago

Help Us Help You

How soon will you receive a response?

It depends. For our Standard Plan users, we typically will respond to support requests within one business day (often even same day), unless your question is super specific, detailed, or difficult. In the event a response might take longer, we'll try to send you an update letting you know what to expect.

For our Advanced Plan users, we can set up a private chat room for more live, on-demand support. Learn more about the differences between our plans.

To receive the fastest and most complete response possible…

We'll try, but we're not mind readers :)

Please believe us when we say we VERY much want to help! Your success is our success, and we try hard. But because of the nature of Foxy, we support thousands of different environments, from hand coded static HTML to completely custom apps in countless frameworks and languages.

As such, some things might feel so obvious that you leave them out of your communication entirely. But those missing pieces can result in a lot of back and forth while we try to figure out your unique situation and requirements. Though we respond quickly, trust us that we dislike unnecessary back and forth as much as you do. We're happy to help you clarify your question and figure things out with you, but if you're looking for immediate answers, give us as much as you can! :)

For instance, things that are good to include are:

  • What are the URLs we're talking about? Can we access them, or do we need a password for access?

  • What is working? What's not working? If it's broken, what do you want it to do instead?

  • What have you tried?

  • Is there anybody else involved? If so, please CC them.

  • What systems are you working with? Are you comfortable making changes?

  • If you'd like some specific functionality to work in a certain way, have you outlined exactly what you want?

    • If you want shipping rates changed, can you outline exactly how you want them? Are there any exceptions to deal with?

    • If you want different discounting or coupon logic, do you know exactly how it should apply, to which products, in conjunction with other discounts, etc.?

    • If you need a 3rd party integration, are you sure the integration will do what you expect?

The more details you can supply, the better.

We can't do everything.

Foxy is just a piece of your overall solution, so there may be situations where we simply can't jump in. For instance, if your site goes down, we'll gladly see what the problem might be, but if it's a DNS issue or domain registration or something with your website's hosting, the best we can do will be to point you in the right direction, and maybe arm you with some questions to ask.

Similarly, we can't login to your website or hosting and make changes for you directly. We can't be your web developers, but we're happy to recommend one if you need, so just ask :)

We'll try our best and treat you with respect. We ask that you do the same.

We're a small team that cares deeply about providing the most flexible ecommerce platform around, with support that exceeds your expectations. We're fortunate to have truly wonderful users, and we work hard to keep your confidence, every day. We know business is difficult and stressful, and we appreciate that sometimes you may be at your wits' end when you contact us.

We do understand. But we also ask that you refrain from disparaging and disrespectful comments. If we missed the mark, perhaps we've got some faulty assumptions, or we're entirely misunderstanding your needs, or we need more information from you.

If your response is to disparage us, however, we will be happy to recommend you seek a different company that's ok with their team being mistreated.

Email is not secure. What's that mean for us?

Never email us sensitive information.

Please never send us passwords, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information via email. Passwords or sensitive text or files can be submitted via our Sensitive Data Submission Form.

Note that if it's just a password to gain access to a staging site, that's typically safe to share via email, but it's up to you.

For credit card updates, please use the links in your receipt emails, from the admin, or ask us and we'll provide links. Please do not email us your credit card number.

Sometimes we'll ask for confirmation.

We may, on occasion, ask you to respond back to us with a specific code. Because it's trivially easy to send an email that appears to come from another email address, this helps keep us all safe, and prevents us from sharing information or making changes from unauthorized users.

Email us using the same email as your login.

If you're able, it's best to communicate with us using the same email address as your login to the Foxy admin, and make sure that email has access to the store you're asking about. This helps us ensure we're not spilling any beans to unauthorized users.

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