4 min read • Updated 2 years ago

Editing, Voiding, Refunding Transactions

While viewing a transaction in expanded mode, you can edit many transaction details and provide refunds based upon any order total changes. You can also completely void a transaction if available. For example, you can add products to the order, change shipping, change quantities, descriptions, prices, add a coupon to the order, and change address details. Once you've changed a transaction, you can issue a refund if applicable.

There are a number of details that cannot be edited in transaction mode. They're including but not limited to the customer id, email address, credit card number and expiration (this can be edited for the customer record by another method, but not on the transaction), transaction id, and custom fields on the transaction.

To use this feature:

In the Foxy admin, select the transactions menu item. You'll see a list of your transactions, the most recent at the top.

You can filter transactions or scan the list to find the desired transaction.

Once you've located the transaction, click the plus(+) to the left of the transaction to expand the transaction details.

Depending upon the status of a transaction, you may see different options at the bottom of the transaction.

  • Void

  • Edit

  • Refund (followed by a dollar amount)

  • Capture (followed by a dollar amount)

You can Void a Transaction:

  • Click the Void button.

  • We need the message that appears when you void and any confirmation.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the transaction to Click to edit this transaction and click Edit. You'll see the page refresh and the details become editable.

You can Edit the Transaction:

  • Once you click the Edit button, you'll see many of the details become editable. Most options are self-explanatory, but we'll cover the ones here that may not be so obvious.

  • If you'd like to provide a refund for (an) item(s) in the cart and want to preserve the item in the cart, you can change the Price on that particular item to 0.

  • If you'd like to remove an item from the cart entirely, you can change the Quantity to 0.

  • You can also adjust the Quantity as desired, up or down.

  • The section with Name, Value, and Modifier allows you to add (a) custom attribute(s) for the product, such as Size, Large, +2 (this will add a product option named Size, with a value of Large, and will add 2 currency units to the price). Here's some more information about price modifiers.

  • You can add a coupon to reduce the price (and if the amount was already captured, this will result in a refund amount). To do that, add the coupon code to the Add Coupon box. The option to Ignore date & usage limits will override the settings on the coupon and apply it even if usage limits and valid dates are set on the coupon. Here's a link to more information on these two coupon settings.

  • Click Save Your Changes under Transaction Modification to save. This will add a summary of the changes under Transaction Modification and show the Refund button if any refund is due or Capture button if an additional charge needs to be made (assumed - did not add the $2 to order total although it added it to product total). 

Refunding a Transaction:

If you've made any changes to the transaction that would result in a refund (and the customer has already been successfully charged for the order), you'll see a button under Transaction Modification that shows Refund and the amount to be refunded.

If the amount to refund isn't correct, you can edit the transaction again to correct it.

To refund, click the Refund button. You'll see an alert to confirm. Confirm, then you'll see a message from the gateway with the transaction number and the gateway identifier of the refund.


The webhooks don't execute when the transaction is edited, but it can be set to fire when transactions are refunded or voided. Note that as an aside, they can also be fired when the transaction is a subscription cancellation and when the transaction amount is captured. Webhooks settings are in the Foxy admin under Integrations (v2.0).

Additional Notes

Charging more after a transaction isn't generally supported because of how the payment flow proceeds.

When charging a credit card, there are two pieces: the authorization, and the capture. As an example, you can think of a gas station. You insert your card and it authorizes $100 (or it gives you an option for what you want to authorize). The authorization is the bank saying "We're going to hold $100 on the card for this transaction."

Then once you finish, the capture is for the actual amount. Say $57.

With most ecommerce, Foxy does an auth+capture at the same time. So for a $75 order, we'll say "authorize $75 and mark it for capture at the same time." That's how probably 98% of users process payments, because it's generally just easier and cleaner and less error-prone.

The important thing to note is that you can't capture more than you authorize. (The one sort-of exception is restaurants and comparable, where you can have a "tip adjustment" portion, but that's only available in certain circumstances to certain classes of merchants.)

Because you can't capture more than you authorize, if you edit a transaction and adjust the order amount upwards, you will not be able to capture the additional amount.

If your business regularly requires you to adjust payments upwards, please reach out to our support team to explore potential solutions for your store.

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