2 min read • Updated 2 years ago

Custom Reporting (Beta)

If you are on the Foxy Advanced or Enterprise Plan, you can request monthly reports that include far more detail and data than the reports currently available in the admin. Our plan is to make these reports available to all users later in 2021, but if you'd like a one-time report generation in the meantime (on any plan), reach out and ask.

Some of the reports have columns that might not be immediately clear, so below we'll clarify. If you have questions about any columns not listed below, just let us know.


  • order_total: product_subtotal + tax_subtotal + shipping_subtotal + coupon_subtotal - refunded_subtotal - voided_subtotal

  • product_subtotal:

    • Does not include discounts applied by coupons, but it does include line-item discounts and category discounts.

    • Does not include future products (for a future-starting subscription, or subscription update).

  • coupon_subtotal: Note that this value will generally be negative (unless you're using coupons to increase an order price, such as for surcharging).

  • pre_refund_order_total: If you're using Foxy to perform refunds, this is the order total before any refunds.

  • pre_refund_void_coupon_order_total: This is the "original" order total before coupons and refunds. This column may be removed in the future. If you find this helpful, please let us know why.

  • product_quantity: The total quantity of the products that make up the product_subtotal. Note that Foxy only sees the quantities in the cart, so if you have a product that Foxy sees as quantity=1, but the product actually represents a bundle, that is unknown to Foxy.

  • Related to Subscriptions:

    • product_subtotal_one_off: Product subtotal for non-subscription products.

    • product_subtotal_new_subscriptions: Product subtotal for new (ie. started in this transaction) subscriptions.

    • product_subtotal_renewing_subscriptions: Product subtotal for automatically billed subscription products, processed automatically by Foxy.

    • product_subtotal_future_subscriptions: Product subtotal for items in a subscription to be billed in the future.

    • product_subtotal_new_mrr: The amount of newMonthly Recurring Revenue from this transaction. For instance, a $50 per month product would be $50 here, but a $50 per 30 day product would be $50.73; a $50 per year product would be $4.67. Since MRR is a common metric, and since Foxy supports more than just monthly and annual billing, we do the math for you. (Note that this is a point-in-time calculation, and doesn't take into account any frequency changes that may happen to a subscription.)

      • Note that this subtotal, like the product_subtotal, does not include taxes, shipping, or coupons.

    • product_subtotal_cancelled_mrr: If the transaction is a subscription cancellation, the MRR lost will be reported here. Same logic as the new MRR above.

    • is_subscription_cancel: If the transaction is a subscription cancel, completed through the checkout process. 

Voided Transactions

Identical to the Transactions report, but only includes voided transactions.

This report may be combined into the Transactions report in the future.

Monthly/Weekly/Daily Summaries

These reports are all identical except for the left column, which indicates the period being reported on.

  • transaction_count: Count of the transactions (including voids) from the above reports. Note that this does include subscription cancels and updateinfo transactions.

  • subscriptions_first_error: The number of subscriptions that had their first billing failure. For instance, if a subscription failed in January and February (without a successful payment in between), it would not be included in February.

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