2 min read • Updated 2 years ago

Create a Foxy purchase form with JotForm

Using JotForm, you can visually create powerful purchase forms that connect to Foxy to handle the cart and checkout.

Example Use Cases

Donation Form (view demo)
Accept one-time and recurring donations, with the ability for donors to specify where they'd like their donation to be designated to, if their donation should be anonymous, if they'd like to donate in honor/memory of someone, and more.

T-Shirt Order Form (view demo)
Customers choose their shirt size, color choice, and quantity. Increase the price, depending on which size is chosen.

Bed & Breakfast Reservation (view demo)
Customers input the number of guests and dates they will be staying. Using JotForm's Form Calculation Widget, total cost is calculated and passed to Foxy.

Appointment Booking Form (view demo)
Collect patient name, age, and day/time they'd like to book an appointment.


The following instructions cover a general setup where a Foxy purchase link is used as the JotForm Thank You URL. Feel free to add more form fields and features as needed.

  1. In JotForm, create your form by adding fields for information that customers need to configure before adding to cart (ex: shirt size).

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Go to Thank You Page.

  4. Choose the "Redirect to an external link after submission" option.

  5. In the URL field, copy/paste the example Foxy URL below:

  6. Replace SUBDOMAIN with your Foxy subdomain (can be found in your Store Settings).

  7. Replace NAME with the product name that will get added to cart.

  8. Replace PRICE with the product price that will get added to cart.

  9. Publish your form and test.

Additional Parameters

At minimum, a Foxy purchase link must contain the product name and product price. In addition, you can add any standard product parameters, non-product specific parameters and custom product parameters.

Dynamic Parameter Values

Any parameter values in your Foxy purchase link can be static or dynamically populated with field values from the JotForm form submission. 

Each field in your JotForm form is automatically assigned a unique name (more info here). Field names (surrounded by curly brackets) can be used in your JotForm Thank You URL to populate the Foxy purchase link parameter values. Please see an example below:


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