2 min read • Updated 3 months ago

Category Discount

A category discount is applied to all products that are assigned to that category equally, so category-based discounts work best when the category contains similarly priced items or you work with percentage based discounts.

If you would like your category discount to be applied only in certain cases (like when a customer is a member of a group that receives the discount), then you can create two categories, one with and one without the discount, and use the discounted category (or not) when adding products to your cart.

The default discount type for category discounts is allunits.

How are they created

Category discounts are created from within your store's FoxyCart administration, within the settings for each individual category.

How are they added to an order

Category discounts are automatically added to any products associated the category it applies to.

How are they displayed

A discount applied to products from a category level discount appear as an attribute for the relevant products in the cart display. It also modifies the per item price of the product based on the discount.


Category Discount TypeDiscount by a percentage based on the quantity
Discount Name My Discount
Discount Detailsallunits|5-10|10-20


When using a category discount with a type of single, this will distribute the discount equally across all products. This means that in a situation with 2 products, 1 $10 and 1 $20 product, with a discount by an amount based on the quantity of single|1-10 (which says for 1 or more products, discount $10), the discount will apply $5 on each of the two products. Otherwise the discount is applied equally to each product, so for an example, a discount of $10 would mean that $10 is discounted from each product in the category.

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