FixPaypalImprove PayPal payer email handling, include the PayPal email in the Foxy processor response details
FixAdd timeout to the url validation method used for webhook endpoints
FixRemove unnecessary text string from default email template
FixImprove logging for Paymetric
FixGift CardsCorrect some conditional logic and formatting in the gift card email template
FeatureInternal improvements to accommodate forthcoming functionality for transaction statuses
FixAvataxAdd colorado fee as a separate line item
FixGift Card ProvisioningSet the correct end date if it expires after it is set for the gift card
FixPaypal IntegrationsAdd payer email to processor response details
FixPending MessageCheck for empty transaction status
FeatureStripe ConnectVerification for creation PaymentIntent(without customer)
FeatureEmail ReceiptsMods for transaction history and new info data
FeatureStoreshippingmethodUpdate length accountid validation
FeatureEmail ReceiptsAdd send email flag for transaction actions
FixUserRemove legacy hashing in user signup process
FixClientEncrypt client secret
FixUserUse correct password field for check
FixGlobal PaymentsUnset session param after processing payment
FixGatewaysAdd missing is verify called for gateways
FixPaypal ExpressAdd properly handling to mark 'regulatory review' statuses as 'pending'
FixPayment GatewayRemove gateway id from payment method set when the payment gateway is deleted
FixStripe ConnectFixed an issue where declined transactions were marked as captured.
FixStripe ConnectOnly do one capture reattempt
FixBluesnapChanged location header to lowercase to fix a bluesnap 3DS issue.
FixTaxes$0 tax row was showing on the email receipt even though the tax wasn't applied. fixed now.
FixPaymetricWhile sending requests to payment gateways removed white spaces from credit card numbers which was causing issues. This is fixed now.
FeatureApiUpdate internal access tokens on permission changes for new admin
FixApiFix content html and content text fields in email-templates
FixPre Payment WebhookAdd shipping service data to payload
FeatureTaxesUpdate taxes for handling 0% tax display based on the response from custom tax endpoint
FeaturePaymentsUpdate GP error handling and add UATP CC type
FixPaypal PlatformSkip notifications for not completed transactions
FeatureUser AccessUpdate internal refresh tokens on every user access change
FixPaypal Commerce PlatformSave previous processor response after the failed request
FeatureUser AccessUpdate internal refresh tokens on every user access change
FixStripe ConnectCreate a customer in stripe gateway
FixStripe ConnectDo not create guest accounts for saved accounts
FixStripe ConnectDo not send double emails for sub renewals
FixStripe Connect ChargeCheck GW when trying to find the customer
API: fix Gift Card Code LogsAdd logs for balance adjustments requests
FixCustom Tax EndpointFix payload for completed transactions
FixGift CardsAdd logs for newly purchased gift cards
FeatureTax LogsUpdate logging labels for tax requests for better debugging
FixAvalara TaxUpdated the test connection method
StyleAdminUpdate 3DS labels for Trustpayments
FeatureStripe ConnectAdd receipt email for stripe connect
FixStripe ConnectFix for order id not being sent for subscription renewal requests
FixPaypal Commerce PlatformAdd processor response for webhooks
FeatureAvalara TaxAdd colorado delivery fee
FixStripe ConnectEmail receipts not sent for sub modifications with a past due amount
FixStripe Connect ChargeFix onboarding procedure
FeaturePaymetricAdded verify/capture/void feature
FixSquareupTransactions with $0 order total should not show any payment method
FixTrustpaymentAdd soft decline response handling
FixTaxesDisplay the correct error message when refeeding transactions to tax systems
FixApiImprove performance when getting transaction logs
FixUspsFix country name for bq and fix 0 rates for Canada postal code
FixGlobalpaymentsLoad checkout data on the second step of processing
FixCustom Tax EndpointFix events for refunds
FeatureStoreAdd the ability to enable advanced gateway features for stores via the API
FixShippingDisplay shipping errors for SSO customers
FeatureStripe ConnectUse new auth header as per the current Stripe best practices
FeaturePaymetricAdd Worldpay B2C aka Paymetric integration