
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.

September 16, 2021

  • feat: add currency to Google Analytics

  • feat: improve Xendit API credential labels

  • fix: improve cookie handling to prevent session corruption when other cookies have certain Foxy-related strings within them

September 8, 2021

feature: automatically re-authorize and capture if a capture attempt errors for Stripe Connect
docs: update privacy policy with GDPR representative info

August 31, 2021

  • Admin: add “dev” label to inactive stores in the store selector

  • Increasing the coupon discount details field to 2000 characters

  • fix: correct Dutch language string

  • fix: wrong fraction digits for AED currency

  • feat: INTERNAL: add store to advanced gateway features

  • feat(api): add links to new user endpoint for Cognito

August 26, 2021

  • fix: shipping rate signature rounding improvement.

  • feat: exclude _kx values from carts, for Klaviyo.

August 20, 2021

  • fix: improve 3D Secure modal gateways to with guest checkouts

  • fix: correct rounding issues causing shipping rate signature errors

  • fix: improve error messages for Twig errors

  • fix: correct PayPal Express Checkout (Legacy) visibility on checkout

  • fix: correct Opayo 3D Secure redirect issue when an ampersand is present

  • fix: fix PayPal Commerce Platform javascript error

  • fix: fixing Stripe Connect transactions that complete as $0 with no items

  • fix: fixing incorrect number of intems in the cart for Klarna transactions

  • fix: adding check for double submit for Stripe Connect

  • fix: allow selecting PayPal Commerce Platform when switching from test to live payments

  • fix(klarna): drop errors when changing payment method

  • fix: Add a bit more information about total amount in logs

  • feat(api): add Stripe Connect onboarding support via the API

  • docs(api): improve billing and shipping filter values documentation

August 18, 2021

v2.0: Re-adding 3D Secure v2 support for Square.
v2.0: Improvements to PayPal Commerce Platform onboarding to prevent errors on missing emails.
v2.0: Update VendorTxCode sent for Opayo transactions on checkout load.
API: The `json` param on `fraud_protection` resources wasn’t settable. (And yes, `json` is a bad parameter name. We’ll improve that in our next API version, as it could be a breaking change for some.)
API: `item_options` are not modifiable if the store has the transaction modification functionality enabled.

August 11, 2021

* feature: add 3D Secure v2 for CardStream
* fix: security improvements to HTML signup emails
* fix: pass correct invoice total value to new Xendit integration
* fix: improve an order total verification to prevent false-positive notifications
* feat(api): add payment_type value to subscription resources
* feat(api): allow capture action to previously verified transactions
* feat(api): update docs for analytics config value

August 3, 2021

  • fix: improvement to the notification for hosted gateway payment discrepancies

  • docs(api): add “subject” to the email_template properties table

July 23, 2021

  • feat: adding new gateway integration pay360

  • fix(admin): update values properly when enabling custom tax endpoint

  • feat: add Xendit hosted checkout (Indonesian payment system)

  • fix: add error message for Global Payments if 3DS version check returns an error

July 9, 2021

  • feat: improvements to VivaWallet payment integration

  • feat: add Klarna support for N. American merchants

  • feat: add custom tax endpoint functionality

  • fix(api): pass appended ID to gateways when previous attempts have errored

  • fix(api): update maximum session lifespan to mirror the max in the admin

  • fix: drop sub_restart flag only for empty=true or when transaction is finished

  • feat(api): restrict Stripe Connect API control to Platform plans

June 22, 2021

  • fix(moneris): improvement to allow verification requests to work properly

  • refactor(legacy-api): performance improvement to the customer_list XML API requestThursday

  • fix(app): adding fallback for 3dsv1 for opayo 3ds modal

June 21, 2021

  • feat: add VivaWallet payment method support

  • feat: add Curbstone hosted payment page support

  • feat: add a salt-prefixed SHA256 customer password hashing method

June 15, 2021

  • fix(ogone): use `orderstandard_utf8` instead of `orderstandard`, for accented/special characters

  • fix(TransactionService): make check for PP Legacy GW more accurate

  • fix: remove defunct gateways

  • fix(checkout): catch invalid coupons on stripe connect checkout submissions

  • feat: add romanian language

  • fix: correct category-restricted coupons’ impact on tax calculation

May 15, 2021

  • feat(stripe): complete new auth+capture if existing auth is expired when capture is attempted, for Stripe

  • feat(shipping): add FoxySDK, Postmen, and node-fetch to custom shipping code functionality

  • feat: upgrade SwiftMailer for better SSL/TLS compatibility

  • feat: speed improvements to custom shipping code deployment process

  • fix: only send state/province to GlobalPayments if required

  • fix: show transactions on the billing page in the admin

  • fix: improve Avalara AvaTax configuration endpoint testing

  • fix: don’t remove tax ID from JSON when a coupon is added in certain circumstances

  • security: improve headers to prevent clickjacking

May 4, 2021

  • feat: add Bulgarian language

  • fix(transaction): changing how we evalute coupon details for category restricted coupons

  • fix(api): editing item via API appears to cause coupon product restrictions to be ignored

  • fix(MercadoPago): changing the status variable that we sent to their api

  • fix(transaction): fix a bug where sub shipping is set to 0 with existing end date when editing via admin

  • fix: update USPS endpoint to https

April 13, 2021

  • v2.0: Make the legacy XML datafeed’s response handling case-insensitive on the content-type header.

April 12, 2021

  • v2.0: BarclayCard gateway improvements for 3DSv2

April 9, 2021

  • v2.0: Moneris auth code included in processor response details.

  • v2.0: Barclaycard improvement to increment IDs on error.

March 30, 2021

  • API: Add CIT/MIT values to transactions.

  • API: Fix an issue where modifying a cart via the API could result in missing customer address details on a completed transaction, when paid via Stripe.

  • v2.0: Add the ability to override 3D Secure v2 parameters using the pre-payment webhook, for Opayo.

  • v2.0: Update Norway’s regions.

  • v2.0: Improve error handling for Global Payments.

March 17, 2021

  • v2.0: Advanced gateway features for Moneris (refunds, voids, delayed captures, etc.).

  • v2.0: 3D Secure v2 & MIT/CIT for GlobalPayments / Realex.

  • v2.0: Adding Foxy’s partner ID to Cybersource requests.

  • v2.0: Fix to Stripe for improved card verification (and skipping verification when specified in the settings).

  • v2.0: Add’s `authCode` value to the `processor_response_details` for the CIM integration.

  • v2.0: Updating the default Cybersource test credentials.