
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from July 18, 2010 to July 12, 2007
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July 18, 2010

Changes for the week of 2010-07-18:

  • 2010-07-20, all versions: Updated the admin news section and cancellation process wording to better clarify the steps involved.

July 11, 2010

Changes for the week of 2010-07-11:

  • 2010-07-16, v060: Upgraded our UPS integration for version 060 to match their updated security policies. In order to obtain your own negotatied rates, you can now add your own User ID, Password, Account Number and Access Key. Details on the wiki.

July 4, 2010

Changes for the week of 2010-07-04:

  • 2010-07-07, v060: Updating the new welcome email and admin email templates. Much much prettier now. And pretty is a good thing.

  • 2010-07-08, v060: CDATA fix to Chase Paymentech Orbital gateway.

  • 2010-07-09, all versions: Fix to double-slash // handling in automagicache’s javascript handling. Details in the forum.

June 28, 2010

Changes for the week of 2010-06-27:

  • 2010-06-29, v060: Quantity discount rounding issues were resolved for PayPal. Details in the forum.

  • 2010-06-30, v051, v060: Fixing the checkout button text overflow in “standard” theme. Only visible in Firefox, apparently, and only in newer versions.

  • 2010-06-30, v060: Fix for response code 4 “on hold” transactions which were returning an error to the customer even though the transaction was processed by the gateway.

  • 2010-06-30, v060: Fix for returning customers being saved in the system as anonymous customers under certain circumstances.

  • 2010-07-02, v060: Realex Payment Gateway fixes using a session counter for errors. Also includes a fix for when the CVV2 is not entered (as is the case for returning customers) so it doesn’t throw an error.

June 20, 2010

The following issues were resolved in v060:

  • Chase Paymentech Orbital (Salem) gateway received improved error handling and AVS.

  • The CDN was improved to set immediate expires headers on requests that error, preventing issues when a file is requested from the CDN prior to the store being configured.

  • The sub_enddate parameter is now cleared from the transaction (as it is currently a transaction-wide flag) when a empty=true is passed to the cart.

December 15, 2009


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki. If you have any issues with v060 please let us know.


System Wide

  • Added support for full language files other than English. Chinese has been added to this version.

  • Added the ability to filter the transaction report in the admin to show only transactions that have not been processed by the datafeed. Additionally, you can process individual unfed transactions by clicking on the link in the details of the transaction.

  • When a transaction is completed by the datafeed fails an email is now sent to all users with access to that store.

  • Added ^^sub_token_url^^ as a valid place holder for the receipt email template.

  • Added the ability to cancel your own FoxyCart subscription directly from the admin.

  • The FoxyCart admin is now completely versioned as of 060. This will give us increased flexibility to update the admin and add new features without breaking existing live stores.

  • Added language customization support for PayPoint GatewayPayPal Payflow Pro, and Cybersource.

  • You can now get rated shipments from FedEx provided you have your Account Number, Production Password, Production Meter Number and Authentication Key.

  • Improved FedEx error messages

  • You can now directly add and remove user access to your FoxyCart store admin. Just use the new add user menu item.


  • True guest checkout support with configurable options in the admin under the checkout template. The customer experience on the checkout can be either guest and account (defaulting to account), guest and account (defaulting to guest), guest only or account only.

  • Paypal Express is now supported as a payment gateway option.

  • Multiple Payment options are now supported on the checkout including Purchase Order, Credit or Debit card and Paypal express.

  • In the admin, you can now specify how you would like the customer's address to be rated. It can either bet to commercial, residential or you can have it dynamically determine one or ther other based on if they field in the company field.

  • Added the Issue Number and Start Date for Maestro and Solo UK debit cards.

  • Added a "receipt continue" url to the admin so this value no longer has to be set via JavaScript. This is where the customer will land after hitting continue on the receipt. The default behavior is to return to the initial referrer URL or the store's home page if there isn't a referrer.

  • Added URL encoding to Google analytics and if no product code was provided as the SKU for Google, the product name is used.


  • Implemented subscription_get and subscription_cancel API calls using the sub_token or the sub_token_url.

XML Datafeed: New Fields

  • transactions

    • is_anonymous

    • cc_number_masked

    • cc_type

    • cc_exp_month

    • cc_exp_year

Improvements, Notes, & Bug Fixes


  • Improved the method in which an "update" is required on the cart after changing quantities. Removed the span.fc_cart_notice elements as part of this change.

  • Added the class fc_cart_controls to the cart control div elements.

  • Added the classes fc_text and fc_text_short to the quantity input fields on the cart.

  • Added the class fc_text to the input#fc_coupon element.

  • Fixed a bug where cart=updateinfo breaks if you currently have something in your cart. Now it empties your cart first (patched back to 0.5.1).

  • Added custom classes for product options, based on the option name. So, for example, a custom product option named color would yield a class of fc_cart_item_color on the parent

  • element.

  • All html is now stripped from the data sent to the cart.

  • Fix for unstyled cart on cart=view if nothing had been added to the cart yet.

  • When emptying the line items from the cart, coupons are now also removed.


  • Fix for rated UPS shipments not showing up as expected.

  • Fix for "Shipping Information" string not being a customizable language string on the receipt (patched back to 040)

  • Fix for future subscriptions with order totals of 0 were not validating the credit card number.

  • When subscriptions are in the cart, guest checkouts are no longer allowed.

  • Fix for multiship where postal code changes were not triggering an update in shipping rates (patched back to 040).

  • Additional language strings have been added to the store settings related to the guest/returning customer options.

  • Removed the div.fc_inner_extra elements on the checkout HTML.

  • Added .fc_row to additional elements on the checkout HTML (including the div#fc_continue element).

  • Changed all .fc_label_left to .fc_pre.

  • Changed all .fc_text_label classes (used on span elements) to .fc_pre.

  • Removed .label_radio and .labelInline classes. Added .fc_radio class to labels related to radio elements.

  • Changed classes relating to input[type=checkbox] elements. Changed .fc_label_checkbox classes to .fc_checkbox. Removed .fc_input_checkbox_text classes from related span elements, and removed span.fc_input_checkbox_container wrappers around checkbox elements.

  • Added the class fc_row_actions to the div#fc_continue.fc_row element.

  • Removed the ID fc_complete_order_button_container from the button#fc_complete_order_button container element. Added classes fc_row and fc_row_actions to the container div.

  • Added the class fc_readonly to all input elements with readonly="readonly".

  • Renamed and moved the #p_login_result_ paragraph elements within the parent fieldset to avoid the jumpiness as they are shown/hidden. Added the class fc_account_message to the elements. Moved the span#login_ajax element below the customer_email input.

  • Added a p#fc_account_message_sso.fc_account_message element beneath the customer_email input for single sign-on authenticated users.

  • Fix for checkout_error_session language string not being pulled correctly from the store when no transaction id was available (patched back to 0.5.1)

  • Removed the "undefined" string that would show up when no valid shipping options have been configured for that request (patched back to 0.5.1).

  • Fix for Cybersource gateway not doing a full capture as expected. It now supports auth only or capture (patched back to 0.5.1).

System Wide

  • The API and the XML Datafeed now wrap all XML data in CDATA tags to avoid character encoding issues.

  • Fix for taxes including coupon discounts when they should not.

  • Payflow Pro gateway was being sent a "_" character as part of the INVNUM which was incorrect (patched back to all working versions).

  • Fix for ^^receipt_only_begin^^ place holder information not working as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for the receipt_only place holder information to be positioned correctly (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for eWay orders over $1,000 not being formatted correctly (patched back to 040).

  • Fix for not showing the correct Gateway transaction id (patched back to 040).

  • Fix for Paypal Auth Only not working as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Added extra cellspacing and cellpadding declarations in the email receipts (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for realex gateway being sent the wrong expiration date (patched back to 040).

  • Fix for UPS errors not being handled or logged correctly (patched back to 040).

  • Fix for taxes not being added correctly in the admin when creating a new product category (patched back to all working versions).

  • Added email validation to the API (patched back to 051).

  • Limiting state and province code to two characters to avoid breaking international FedEx requests (patched back to 051).

  • Added quoting around all store names because the new server was choking on the store name being in the "From" address (patched back to all working versions).

  • Removing & from coupon code line item details sent to Paypal (patched back to 051)

  • Fix for customer_password not being matched against customer_password2 (this was broken as of version 040, so we patched back to 040, 050 and 051)

  • Fixed a bug with Single Sign On and Offline payments throwing an error regarding the CSC (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for free shipping not showing up for domestic rate requests within a country other than the US (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for First-Class Mail Parcel and First-Class Mail Flat which have the same ClassID (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for usps v3 rate requests (patched back to 051)

  • Fix for quantum gateway to include taxes and shipping as separate items (patched back to 051).

  • Fixed the javascript overload function not working as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Added jQuery's getJSON additonal get values ("callback" and "_") to the cart excludes (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for handling fees showing up before live shipping rates were calculated and the masked CC number not being displayed (patched back to 051).

  • Various fixes for when the checkout page reloads after a gateway error including preselecting the correct shipping methods (patched back to 051).

  • Multiple fixes for displaying Paypal line item details (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for FedEx drop types and container types not being pulled from the admin as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for $0 checkout not working as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for shared auth redirecting back to the home page as part of the "shared_auth_redirect_count" check not being cleared upon successful token authentication (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for sha1 password hash types (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for taxes calculated on shipping rates (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for Single Sign On when the fc_customer_id is 0. Also fixes a bug which was asking for the CSC for a shared CC card even when it's not needed (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for XML (datafeed and API) now showing date created and date modified values (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for hidden custom fields not being in the transaction for the datafeed as expected (patched back to 051).

  • Added more robust template caching error messages including when the title tag is missing (patched back to all working versions).

  • Added ^^ip_address^^ as a valid place holder (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for errors in the transaction history display in situations where taxes are adjusted after a transaction is completed (patched back to 051).

  • Fix for an issue with specific gateway responses that were available only in English even though they were translated to other languages.

Language Additions

  • Note: All language fields with a "checkout_javascript" prefix were renamed to just a "checkout" prefix. We recommend you copy any of these customized values before upgrading.

  • New language fields:

    • cart_updateinfo

    • cart_error_subscription_paypal

    • checkout_sso_already_logged_in

    • checkout_instructions_email_checking

    • checkout_issue_number

    • checkout_error_issue_number

    • checkout_start_date

    • checkout_error_start_date

    • checkout_as_guest

    • checkout_as_customer

    • checkout_as_returning_customer

    • checkout_pay_with_credit_card

    • checkout_pay_with_paypal

    • checkout_payment_method_paypal

    • checkout_payment_method_paypal_confirmed

    • checkout_purchase_order_number

    • checkout_pay_with_purchase_order

    • checkout_processor_response_na

    • checkout_redirecting_to_paypal

    • checkout_no_account_enter_password_account_only

    • checkout_updateinfo_logged_in

    • checkout_updateinfo_email_not_found

    • checkout_found_customer_info_account_only

    • checkout_found_customer_info_logged_in

    • checkout_create_an_account

  • Modified default language strings:

    • checkout_javascript_no_account_enter_password (and renamed to checkout_no_account_enter_password)

    • checkout_javascript_found_customer_info (and renamed to checkout_found_customer_info)

    • checkout_javascript_error_incorrect_password (and renamed to checkout_error_incorrect_password)

    • checkout_delivery_and_subtotal

    • validation_error_encrypt_and_save

May 11, 2009


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki. If you have any issues with v051 please let us know.


FoxyCart JavaScript

  • IMPORTANT: jQuery is no longer called in noConflict mode. Any $j() or $j. javascript references will no longer function by default. Please see the documentation about re-mapping the $j shortcut back to jQuery, or the changelog to adjust your own javascript accordingly.

  • Upgraded jQuery to version 1.3.2.

System Wide

  • The XML datafeed now happens immediately upon a successful transaction.

  • The XML datafeed is now tied to the store version as of v0.5.1., so upgrading to v0.5.1 will also update your XML datafeed version.

  • The FoxyCart session name has changed to fcsid.

  • FoxyCart javascript and CSS files (such as foxycart_includes.js and theme CSS files) can now be called using http://.

  • The template caching funcitonality now errors if any cached file returns an HTTP response code equal to or greater than 300.

  • Shipping account numbers now configurable on a per-store basis for account-specific rate requests for UPS.

  • Most gateways now allow an "auth-only" setting (as opposed to the default "auth-capture" functionality).


  • Single Sign-On (SSO) (aka Shared Authentication): Single Sign-On is now available. Please see the documentation for details.

XML Datafeed: New Fields

  • shipto_addresses

    • address_id

    • date_created

    • date_modified

  • transactions

    • subscription_end_date

    • next_transaction_date

  • transaction_details

    • downloadable_url

Improvements, Notes, & Bug Fixes


  • FoxyCart will no longer throw an error if someone has a "coupon" input field on their add-to-cart form but the user doesn't enter a coupon.

  • Focus is now set to the first a.fc_link_forward when the cart loads. This will prevent awkward cart reloading in certain situations when using forms to add items to the cart.

  • You can now add hidden (h:) cart attributes while doing a cart=view.

  • Added sub_startdate and sub_frequency to the JSON cart object.


  • The CSC help link is no longer part of the tab index.

  • TEXT and STANDARD default themes have been adjusted slightly to handle the changes to the customer_email input when shared authentication is enabled.

March 16, 2009


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki.


System Wide

  • API. A user API has been added that allows setting and retrieving of customer records (including multiple ship-to addresses).

  • Subscriptions. The subscription handling functionality has been overhauled, allowing customers to modify and cancel their own subscriptions, as well as improved administrative functionality in the admin.

  • Subscription past due amount. Subscriptions now have a "past due amount" that keeps track of failed subscription transactions.

  • Subscription XML datafeed. A new subscription-specific XML datafeed has been added which posts to your existing datafeed location.

  • System-wide messaging. Cart, Checkout, JSON and XML have gained consistent system-wide messaging (errors, warnings, information).


  • Taxes. Fully featured detailed line item tax entry system configurable per category.

  • JSONP.output=json now accepts an optional callback parameter to support true JSONP. As such, callback is now a reserved parameter name, and cannot be used as a product option name.

  • Coupon Codes. You can now set a limit to the number of uses per coupon code. This was also patched back to version 0.4.0.

  • Subscription end datessub_enddate can now be set to configure end dates for subscriptions.

  • The default size for the "foxybox" has been increased.

  • Added the category code to the cart display with class fc_cart_category_code.

  • output=json no longer requires cart=view.

  • The default action even if no parameters are passed to the cart is now to view the cart

  • You can now use a price modifier such as {p:50} on a subscription frequency.

  • You can now add up to 999 products to the cart at one time (instead of just 99)

  • Removed name="fc_cart_form" from the form on the cart template. The id="fc_cart_form" remains.


  • "Unified Order Entry" allows a store to set a "super password" that allows FoxyCart to function like a glorified and integrated virtual terminal. Useful for handling phone or fax orders.

  • Taxes and shipping are now correctly broken out into details for

  • When selecting an alternate shipping address, the shipping country and state will be pulled from the customer address if no shipping address is defined.

  • Added JQuery to the receipt page.


  • Revisitable receipts. Receipts can now be reloaded by customers.

  • New ^^receipt_only_begin^^ and ^^receipt_only_end^^ placeholders to contain analytics, affiliate, or other tracking code.

FoxyCart JavaScript

  • The fc_json cart JSON object now includes weight_each and weight for each product item as well as a total_weight value. This was also patched back to version 0.4.0.

  • The foxycart.js file included in the foxycart_includes.js now comes with a fc_CurrencyFormatted method which you can override that will format your currency for display in the "minicart" (which is a div with an id of fc_total_price).


  • Improved subscription management and functionality.

Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • output=json now returns valid JSON (not wrapped in fc_FoxyJSON()).

  • Fixed a bug which lost the transaction when using downloadables and cart=checkout (patched back to 0.4.0 as well).


  • Fix for future subscription price which was not including the product quantity.

  • When a customer requests their password on the checkout page, it now uses the from_email for the store if one is defined.

  • Fixed a bug in Multiship for returning customers that, in some cases, was not correctly setting the select box to the correct address name after authenticating.

  • Returning customers who have subscriptions with that store are now required to check the "save my payment info" checkbox, even if the current order doesn't contain subscriptions.

  • "#" in the address were breaking shipping rate calculations. Patched back to 0.3.1, 0.3.2 and 0.4.0.

  • Fixed a bug where the "lost my password" email was not using custom language settings. Patched back to 0.4.0.

  • Fixed a bug where returning customers who selected a new payment card and checked out didn't get an updated masked card number (though the actual saved card number was updated). Patched back to 0.4.0.

  • Fixed a bug when a customer logs in as one customer and then changes their email address to be a different customer or a new customer, the old customer id is still used and gets updated.

  • Update Customer actions no longer create "no shipping option available" errors. Patched back to 0.4.0.

  • FedEx no longer shows Ground as an option when shipping internationally to Canada. - reverted as this was preventing Canadian stores from seeing any shipping rates.


  • Sage Payments Gateway now supported.

  • Image caching now allows for XHTML valid URLs.

  • ^^store_name^^ now properly replaced in email subject lines.

  • Better support for non-Latin character sets.

February 4, 2008


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki.



  • Quantity discountsdiscount_quantity_amountdiscount_quantity_percentagediscount_price_amountdiscount_price_percentage. To use these options, send them to your cart with the name for your discount and the discount tier details like so:discount_quantity_amount=Discount{2-.50|10-.75|50-1}, which would give $0.50 off per product for 2 to 9 products, $0.75 off per product for 10 to 49 products, and $1.00 off per product for 50 or more products. By default, this discount is an "all-units" quantity discount, and will apply to all units.

  • discount_quantity_amount=Discount{2-.50|10-.75|50-1} added. This is very similar to the default "all-units" behavior, but the discount only applies to the products in the tier. So with the above example, 4 products would be 1 product at full price, then 3 products with the $0.50 discount. It is invoked with the incremental flag like this: discount_quantity_amount=Discount{incremental|2-.50|10-.75|50-1}

  • "Buy one, get one" style discounts added. In addition to "buy one, get one free" discounts, this can be used for "buy 3, get 1 50% off" and etc. Since this discount type is effectively a repeating incremental discount, it is invoked with the repeat flag like this:discount_quantity_percentage=Discount{repeat|2-100}. Repeatable discounts can have only one tier. Check the docs for more information.

  • Minimum and Maximum Quantity: You can now set minimum and maximum quantities on a per product, per cart, basis. (Please note that this is not inventory; this simply sets caps on allowed quantities on a per transaction basis.)

  • Added a new empty=yes option that will empty your shopping cart while adding your next product.

  • Concatenate product code modifiers: You can now use product modifiers to concatenate onto your product_code as you go using c+ as a modifier.


  • Added new "sensitive" custom fields which will show up in the admin and the datafeed, but will not be included in any of the emails or the receipt. Just add "h:" in front of any custom field names that you would like to obtain from your customer on the checkout, but don't want sent via email or displayed in the receipt. Good examples are social security numbers or other personal information.

  • Custom field select boxes can now be required on checkout by adding the fc_required class.


  • Category-wide quantity discounts: Similar to the product quantity discounts described above, but applying to all products in the same category.

Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • IMPORTANT: Change to product option modifiers. Product option modifiers have been changed from a single comma , to a single pipe symbol |Example: &color=red{p+4,w-1,c:01a} becomes &color=red{p+4|w-1|c:01a} If you use product option modifiers to adjust your product's weight, price or code, you must modify your website for this version. We don't like to change things like this, but it's necessary as we move towards more complete international solutions.

  • Fixed a bug that was including cookie information as product options.

  • Single-quotes / apostrophes can now be included in product options.

  • Set the root path for FoxyCart cookies to be the site root, which fixes a problem when the first time foxycart_includes.js is loaded in a subdirectory rather than the site root. Also made FoxyCart cookies subdomain independent to prevent issues with bouncing between www.domain.tld anddomain.tld.


  • Google Analytics: ^^analytics_google^^ has been changed to ^^analytics_google_urchin^^ (the old Google Analytics script, urchin.js) and ^^analytics_google_ga^^ (the new Google Analytics script, ga.js). Please use the new place holder depending on what version you are using.

  • Added customer_company as a new field on the checkout and receipt page. If you don't want this field to show up or you haven't styled it yet, you might want to add some css to hide #customer_company. Hidden by default in the "standard" theme.

  • Added shipping_company as a new field on the checkout and receipt page. If you don't want this field to show up or you haven't styled it yet, you might want to add some css to hide #shipping_company. Hidden by default in the "standard" theme.

December 19, 2007


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki.



  • Set your own loading animations by defining fc_tb_pathToImage in your javascript, prior to calling foxycart_includes.jsDetails in the wiki..

  • Set default foxybox dimensions with javascript (define fc_tb_WIDTH and fc_tb_HEIGHT), rather than using the x:width method. Details in the wiki.


Improvements & Bug Fixes

System Wide

  • Safari appears to no longer randomly loses sessions. This fixes all associated problems, including disappearing cached images, disappearing cart contents, and hanging on the checkout.


  • FoxyBox (the customized Thickbox included in foxycart_includes.js) has been upgraded to use Thickbox 3.1 code.

  • All FoxyBox IDs, classes, and functions have had their prefixes changed from fc_ to fc_tb_ in order to more cleanly group Thickbox related elements.


  • Fixed a bug that improperly displayed "Please enter a Country, Postal Code and State and click here to display your shipping options."

  • "Custom Shipping Options", including "Free ground shipping" and "Customer pickup", have been changed to ignore category handling fees.


  • Fixed an issue with certain characters that would cause datafeeds to not be sent as expected.

  • Added controls to datafeed processing to prevent duplicate datafeeds from being sent.

November 9, 2007


Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki.



  • Multiship (Multiple Ship-To Addresses) added as a shipto cart option.

  • Added cart=updateinfo option to allow your customers to load the checkout page directly and update their information (such as their credit card number). This is really useful for subscriptions with soon-to-expire credit cards.

  • Added the fc_json javascript object to the cart page. You can use this in a variety of ways including checking that the quantity is "1" for unique items before allowing the customer to checkout.

  • Added shipto item to the fc_json cart object.

  • Added the h: prefix option for "hidden fields" to pass information to the cart (which will be included in the json) and in the datafeed as a custom field. These values will also be included in the admin email.

  • Replacing "_" with " " when displaying product options.


  • Multiship (Multiple Ship-To Addresses) added.

  • Pre-populate checkout fields with your own data by sending any of the following values to the cart page:


  • Checkout without password. Using the "pre-populate" option described above, you can load the checkout without requiring a customer password. Just set any one of the fields above in your form or your cart link with a space like this: customer_phone=%20. Please note, this will create a new customer record which may cause problems if you're using subscriptions. We'll improve this functionality in the future to differentiate between guest customers and regular customers.

  • Error checking for all inputs, textareas and checkboxes with the class fc_required. This includes custom fields.


  • Added ip-to-country lookup on the signup page which should fix the problem with states being required (and set to US states) for non US countries.

  • Added Multiship (Multiple Ship-To Addresses) option in the store settings. Note, this feature is an additional $10 a month and only works with versions >= 0.3.0.

  • Added "Free Ground Shipping" as a Custom Shipping option.

Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • Replaced " with \" in the json cart object to avoid javascript errors.

  • Fixed some warning messages that show up if the session gets lost during the checkout process.

  • </code> tag <strong>REQUIRED</strong> on cart templates, due to changes in where the FoxyCart javascript is inserted.</li><br></ul><br><h3>Checkout</h3><br><ul><br><li class="changelog changelog_action_possible">Removed some unnecessary <code>ID</code>s from <code>li</code> elements in the shipping address fieldsets.</li><br><li class="changelog changelog_action_possible">If you're using javascript to require the <code>customer_phone</code> field, you'll need to update it. <a title="faqs [FoxyCart! Wiki]" href="">Instructions on the wiki</a>.</li><br><li class="changelog changelog_bug_remove">Fixed an issue with Safari and IE7 that would focus on the browser's address bar when tabbing off the email field. (Safari still doesn't correctly focus on the password field, but it's better than it was.)</li><br><li>Added some error checking to ensure that the "save cc" checkbox is checked for offline processing.</li><br></ul><br><h3>Admin</h3><br><ul><br><li>Improved transaction history display.</li><br></ul></x-turndown>

September 24, 2007


If you use the jQuery (called with $j()) that's in foxycart_includes.js or loaded on cart or checkout, you're going to want to check the notes on upgrading in the wiki.



  • Added "Customer Pickup" as a domestic shipping option.

  • Added payment gateway support for the eWAY gateway in Australia.

  • Subscription pricing, frequency and next transaction date are now editable. Note: We do not currently support "recurring transactions" as far as taxes and shipping. Please see the forum for more details.

  • Added HTTP_REFERER to the error logs.

  • Added a warning to display if a subscription is tied to a credit card that is about to expire.

  • Improvements to IE6/7 rendering. For the record, we hate the IE family of browsers. Passionately.

  • Fixed a bug on transaction export where it was not exporting transactions as filtered and displayed.

  • Fixed "Show Credit Cards" session problem where after completing the CAPTCHA CCs would be hidden on the next page load.

  • Added the ability to show or hide transactions. This is useful for refunds, returns or test transactions run through a live gateway.

  • Limited DHL to domestic shipping (we have not yet implemented international DHL shipping).


  • Added "Customer Pickup" as a domestic shipping option.

Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • Javascript change. Possible action required. jQuery has been upgraded to 1.2.1 from (patched for Safari<2.0.3 support). If you're relying on the jQuery that gets loaded with ^^cart^^ or ^^checkout^^, you should look at the notes about jQuery 1.2.x.


  • Javascript change. Possible action required. jQuery has been upgraded to 1.2.1 from (patched for Safari<2.0.3 support). If you're relying on the jQuery that gets loaded with ^^cart^^ or ^^checkout^^, you should look at the notes about jQuery 1.2.x.

  • Changed sort order of shipping options to go from lowest to highest.

  • CVV2 code added to payment gateway request.

  • Response Reason Code added to error response from payment gateway.

  • Issues related to AOL's Explorer not recognizing shipping radio buttons as selected have been fixed.

  • Change USPS shipping to round up to the nearest ounce. Fixes extremely lightweight packages not returning shipping values.

FoxyCart Javascript (foxycart_includes.js)

  • Javascript change. Possible action required. jQuery has been upgraded to 1.2.1 from (patched for Safari<2.0.3 support). If you're relying on the jQuery that gets loaded with ^^cart^^ or ^^checkout^^, you should look at the notes about jQuery 1.2.x.

September 14, 2007


If you want to maintain some cellspacing in your ^^cart^^ tables, you'll need to add some CSS, as described in the wiki.



  • Offline Processing payment option added. This will ask for a credit card on checkout, but not process it.

  • Ability to view credit card numbers in the transaction history added to the admin. Obviously helpful with the above mentioned offline processing option.

  • Added multiple Currency Symbol options (Please note: non-US stores should not use a US payment gateway or US shipping calculator since they will both currently use US dollars)

Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • HTML Change. Possible action required.^^cart^^ now generates table#fc_cart_table with cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0". If this is horrible for you, please let us know in the forums.

  • __ added as a field excluder for a cart add just like x:

  • Removes all non-numeric characters from the price before adding to the cart (like $ and ,).

  • You can now add cart variables and options with single quotes in the value.


  • When using a Purchase Order payment type, the customer credit card would be cleared out.

  • Shipping calculators were being sent the full zip code, which caused problems with 9 digit zips. Now only the first 5 characters are sent.

  • Defaulted the CC expiration date to one year in the future.

FoxyCart Javascript (foxycart_includes.js)

August 20, 2007


There's nothing you'll likely need to modify to upgrade to v0.2.7 from v.0.2.6. Details in the wiki.


FedEx Shipping

  • FedEx live rates for both domestic (US) and international (US -> international). Please consider FedEx integration BETA at this point.

Additional Receipt Placeholders (iDevAffiliate)

Geo IP Lookups

  • Checktout: Added GeoIP lookups to pre-fill customer's country based on their IP address.

  • Admin Emails: Added GeoIP lookups to admin emails (in ^^receipt^^ placeholders). Can help with fraud detection and prevention.

  • Error Logs: Added GeoIP lookups to error logs.

  • Transaction Logs: Added GeoIP lookups to transaction logs.

Bugs & Improvements


  • Fix to automatically remove spaces and dashes from credit card input.


  • Completely redesigned admin section.

  • Fix to mark all Purchase Order transactions as "live" in the backend.

August 13, 2007

Changelog and Notes:


    • Added Purchase Order payment option

    • DHL Shipping (domestic only). Please consider DHL integration BETA at this point.

    • Fixed country/state validation errors along with showing/hiding the error labels.

    • Fixed auto-fill problem where "Continue" link would do nothing.

    • Changed div#fc_shipping_result to hide rather than just clear the content.

    • Clears out shipping options if there's a change in the country, state or zip code

    • Combined and packed two javascript includes to improve page load times.

  • DataFeed:

    • Added XML FoxyCart Version 0.4 to include "purchase_order" field.

  • Functionality / Admin:

    • New Payment Gateway option: Purchase Order. If this option is selected, the customer will not need to enter a credit card to complete a purchase.

    • DHL Shipping options

    • Fixed country/state validation errors along with showing/hiding the error labels.

    • Fixed error logging where shipping method errors were returning too much information.

    • Removed all passwords for GET and POST error log views.

    • Added the user agent and ip address to the store error logging.

    • Fixed a bug that wasn't setting weight = 0 for non-shippable items when creating new product categories.

    • Fixed a bug which would allow you to unset your default store.

  • foxycart_includes.js:

    • Added the optional fc_PreProcess(data) function which can be defined in your code. Much like the fc_BuildFoxyCart() function which is called when the cart is closed, this function is called before the cart is opened. This function can be used to do some error checking on your form fields before it is processed. If this function returns false, the cart will not open, so you must return true if you want the cart to display.

    • Fixed bug in jQuery to prevent crashing older versions of Safari. (Rolled back to previous store versions where applicable.)


    • All li.fc_row elements have been changed from text-align:right to text-align:left.

    • All label.fc_label_left elements have gained the text-align:right declaration.

    • All label.fc_label_left elements have changed padding-right:5px to 10px.

July 24, 2007

Changelog and Notes:

  • CART:

    • IMPORTANT: Action required. Added Update and Checkout buttons to the top of the cart. Changed IDs of the bottom buttons as well.

    • IMPORTANT: Action required. Added 3 remove from cart links. You have to decide which one to use and which ones to hide with css.

    • Allow "cart=checkout" to be added to bypass the cart page entirely (going straight to checkout).

    • Removed an XSS vulnerability. (All previous versions were patched as well.)

    • Allows for price = 0 products to be added to the cart.

    • Put all cart error messages in the store's cart template.

    • Fixed IE6/7 issues with top right "[x]" link in theme.foxybox.css.


    • Removed an XSS vulnerability. (All previous versions were patched as well.)

    • Updated CVV2 tooltip to behave better in IE6 and Opera. Also updated to move up to avoid displaying outside of the window boundaries.

    • Added Google analytics hidden form to the receipt if you include ^^analytics_google^^ in your template after ^^receipt^^ or ^^checkout^^. For more information on the other required script tags, check Google's site.

    • Fixed a bug with custom fields where the post value "use_different_addresses" was seen as a custom field.

    • Allows for total price = 0 on checkout and hides credit card fields unless a future subscription is involved.

    • Added a z-index to the autocomplete drop down box (country and state/province fields) to help with relatively positioned containers.

  • Functionality / Admin:

    • Fixed character encoding issues with template caching. Replaced & with & in all templates when displayed in the textarea.

    • Added the ability to specify a store from address for all emails other than using the store address.

    • Added Version Change Log to the reports section.

  • foxycart_includes.js:

    • Updated to jQuery

    • Increased default foxybox size to 500x350.

    • Fixed issue with insecure warnings in IE6 and IE7.

July 12, 2007

Changelog and Notes:


    • Text has changed (and changed locations) for the email and password fields. Minor stylesheet tweak made to handle the new text.

    • Tax is calculated based on shipping address (when available), rather than billing address.

    • Tax starts as $0 on checkout, and updates when necessary.

    • Added CVV2 error checking.

    • Added custom form fields using ^^custom_begin^^ and ^^custom_end^^


    • Added custom form field option to the checkout template using ^^custom_begin^^ and ^^custom_end^^

    Email Receipts:

    • Added Customer First Name and Last Name

    • Added Ship To First Name and Last Name