
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.

March 10, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-03-10:

  • v1.1: Fixed subscription cancel button that wasn't submitting request.

  • All versions: Fixed a broken privacy policy link in user agreement.

  • All versions: Fixed an alignment issue with continue shopping button on cart with which was few pixels down.

  • v1.1: Made sure currency format is uptodate with C99 standards.

  • v1.0: Fixed a PayPal Express subscription issue that occurs when subscription frequency is set to 30D instead of 1M

  • v0.7.2 - v1.1: Fat Zebra payment gateway now allows recurring billing and previously saved credit cards to be used on checkout (without the CSC).

March 4, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-03-03:

  • v1.1: Multi-ship address subtotal amount displaying as raw in text receipt.

  • v0.7.2 - v1.1: Renamed API Key to Secret Key in Stripe Payment Gateway settings.

  • v1.0 - v1.1: Fix for live taxes being incorrectly applied to shipping without handling.

February 25, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-02-24:

  • v1.1:  Updated location file to include latest ISO information.

  • v1.1:  Gateway: DataCash

February 18, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-02-17:

  • v1.0: External URL for the unique cart template was not being cached. This is fixed now.

February 11, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-02-10:

  • v1.0:  Added flag icons for new countries and some that were missing previously.

February 4, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-02-03:

  • v1.0:  Getting empty email when you modify subscription through sub_token. This is fixed.

January 28, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-01-27:

  • v1.0: In HTML email "Order Summary:" text seems to be sitting outside an open/close strong tag, rather than inside. This is been fixed.

January 14, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-01-13:

  • v1.0: Fix for downloadable files being updated in the admin with a different file than the original (which would break the existing download links).

  • v1.0: Twig was entering store domain before post_url for checkout form action address. This issue has been fixed.

January 7, 2013

Changes for the week ending 2013-01-06:

  • v1.0: ^^store_url^^ placeholder wasn't working at checkout. This has been fixed

December 31, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-12-30:

  • v1.0: Added support for username/password authentication for Beanstream.

  • v1.0: As of v1.0, email clients that don't support the tag were shoing the cart footer above the cart body. This has now been fixed.

  • v0.7.1 - v1.0: Fixed Realex integration issue caused incorrect handling of errors.

December 24, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-12-23:

v0.7.0 - v1.0: Europe/Oslo added to the list of timezones.

December 10, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-12-09:

  • v0.7.0 - v1.0: Performance improvements for stores with a lot of taxes and tax category relationships. Previously, the transaction history page would timeout.

  • v1.0:  As of 1.0, some countries do not require a state or province value. PayPal Express was erroring in these cases so we're now sending "?" from the language strings instead of a blank value.

  • v0.6.0 - v1.0: Removed "**" in USPS live rate request descriptions for international rate requests

November 26, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-11-25:

  • v1.0: Updated Chase Paymentech Orbital Salem and Orbital Tampa to make the username and password optional. Merchants can now associate their MID to the FoxyCart account which is the preferred setup method.

  • v1.0: Trans First payment gateway is added.

November 12, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-11-12:

  • v1.0: Session variables (hidden custom fields) are now available within the Twig template.

  • v0.7.2 - v1.0: When updating a downloadable file in the admin, the upload date wasn't being updated if you uploaded a new file. This issue has been fixed.

  • v1.0: HTML descriptions of tax rates were showing up in text-only emails.

  • v1.0: Downloadables list item in receipt was missing < parent element.

November 5, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-11-04:

  • v1.0: HTML descriptions of tax rates were showing up in text-only emails.

  • v1.0: $0 tax line items were showing up in some email clients like Gmail, even though display:none was set for the html.

  • v1.0: When 1.0 originally launched, hidden custom fields were showing up in email receipts when they should not. This has been fixed.

October 22, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-10-21:

  • v0.7.2 - v1.0: PayLine test transaction was giving error on checkout if your store's country is set to France. Issue is been fixed.

October 15, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-10-14:

  • v1.0: When paying a past due payment using the UOE process, the first_failed_transaction_date was not being reset. Some processes based off that date (including our own) may have been making incorrect decisions based on that date. Now, when the past due amount is paid, the first_failed_transaction_date is cleared out.

  • v1.0: Fixed documentation links in admin.

September 30, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-09-30

  • v1.0: If you hadn't yet saved an API Key on the advanced settings page, a new key would be generated and displayed each time you load the page. Now the key displayed will be the key saved for your store the first time.

  • v0.7.1 - v1.0: We're no longer showing older store versions that were released before your store was created (patched back to 0.7.0)

September 24, 2012

Changes for the week ending 2012-09-23:

  • v0.6.0 - v0.7.2: Fix for problems where deleting a tax overwrites another tax rate with the deleted tax rate's data.

  • v0.3.0 - v0.6.0: When creating a store in pre-070 admin versions, the customer password hashing method wasn't being set correctly which would prevent returning customers from logging in.

  • v0.7.2 - v1.0: When modifying a coupon using the import coupon code mode, all codes for that coupon would be removed and re-added. If any subscriptions were relying on those codes, the subscription would lose the coupon discount (patched back to 0.7.2).

September 19, 2012

v1.0Upgrading & New Pricing

Upgrading to FoxyCart v1.0+ will prompt you to select a new pricing plan. To read about why we have made this pricing change, please see our initial discussion and our followup with improvements.

This new pricing could result in a price reduction for the large majority of our users, as we now offer non-profit discounts, unlimited options (multiship, downloadable storage space, etc.), and an annual discount. If, however, you would like to remain on your current pricing please contact us and we may be able to extend legacy pricing for you.

Please view the upgrade notes in the wiki. If you have any issues with v1.0.0 please let us know.


System Wide

  • Added Twig syntax support for all templates. This feature is very advanced, and gives you complete control of your store's output instead of just using ^^cart^^ and ^^checkout^^ in your templates (cart, checkout, receipt, and emails). More info.

  • Zip Code based tax rates are now supported in the United States. More info.

  • Greatly improved country and state/province autocompleter on the checkout. Includes country flags, and radically improved autosuggestion based on language and locales and partial matches. It also correctly sets the "state" field per country, so for Canada it will change to "Province", UK has "County", and etc.

  • Increased use of our CDN to improve pageload speeds on nearly all FoxyCart-generated pages.

  • Many new gateways, including FatZebra, Litle, PayGate, PayLine 3D Secure, SecureTrading, Durango, and others (all added to v0.7.2 as well).

  • A new place holder for a custom cart twig include ({{ custom_cart }}) was added to let you customize your cart across multiple templates.

New Gateways

API & XML Datafeed

  • The API filters for transaction_date_filter_begin and transaction_date_filter_end now correspond to the store timezone settings, not the server timezone.


  • It is now required to set a separate receipt template in the admin instead of just using a single checkout template for both.

  • The transaction date filters in the admin now correctly use the store timezone settings when filtering transactions for viewing or exporting.

  • Context-specific documentation is now throughout the admin on the left column.

Language Updates

  • Added: checkout_location_state, checkout_location_canton, checkout_location_county, checkout_location_province, checkout_update_shipping_message

  • Deprecated: checkout_update_shipping_pre_message, checkout_update_shipping_post_message

Improvements, Notes, & Bug Fixes


  • Subscriptions now properly charge the flat rate shipping costs with each transaction. Also, the shipping amounts can be modified using the edvanced edit in the admin or via the API.

  • You can now configure your store to not automatically charge past due amounts. Just go to the advanced settings page to turn this feature off (it's on by default).

  • If a subscription was added to the cart prior to midnight and then the customer later checked out the next day, the subscription would calculate as a future subscription instead of charging the correct amount to the customer. This has been patched back to version 0.7.2.


  • New admin users created via the "add user" menu now received a better email with login details.

  • Removing the email address from the shipping section of the receipt when the billing and shipping addresses are the same since there isn't really a separate shipping email address.

  • Fixed download links in emails resent via the admin to show the correct store domain (patched back to 0.7.2)

  • Added a "check all" option on the admin category page to check all the applicable tax options (patched back to 0.7.2).

  • Improved the admin "forgot password" functionality.

  • Fixed a bug in the checkout password reset functionality impacting email addressess with underscores (patched back to v0.6.0).

  • The store domain value is now forced to lower case (patched back to all versions).

Cart, Checkout, & Receipt

  • When a product quantity is 1 (and only 1), the "each" portion is no longer displayed in the cart. So no more "$10 ($10 each)".

  • Adding multiship custom fields to the receipt.

  • If you use cart=checkout but there's an error processing the cart request (such as an expired sub_token or product add error), instead of showing a blank page, we know show the cart template full screen with the error message.

  • Update to the standard CSS theme file to include "cancel subscription", "update my subscription" and "update my account" buttons, depending on the checkout activity.

  • When a category percentage discount and a product percentage discount were used together, the discount was slightly off as it applied to the discounted product amount instead of the original product amount (patched back to 0.7.2).

  • Revisited receipts were not correctly including the hidden custom_fields in the cart json (patched back to 0.7.2).

Miscellaneous Changes

  • cc_type was not properly saving or being updated on the customer record after each transaction. This has been fixed and patched back to version 0.7.0.

  • Fixed the customer_save action to prevent accidental overwriting of existing customers. Patched back to v0.7.1.

  • Updated the transaction_template XSD file to include an optional shipping_total node along with optional shipto_costs with shipto_cost nodes each with id, shipto, shipping_cost.

  • When doing a subscription_list API call, if one of the subscriptions had a third_party_id from PayPal, each subscription returned after it would show the same data as that subscription. The issue has been fixed and patched back to version 0.7.0.

  • Addded a base_price node to the cart JSON that does not include discounts or product modifiers to the product.

  • Added a product category filter option in the admin and via the API for transactions and subscriptions. (Patched back to 0.7.2.)

  • For all default language strings, and were replaced with and .

  • Fix for a unique edge case where a $0 order with a coupon associated to only part of the order may return an applied tax of 0.0000000001

  • Fix for coupon price discounts that were not being constrained to the correct categories. Extended this fix to quantity based price discounts as well.

  • Fix for FedEx Ground showing up for international shipping when it shouldn't. A new International Ground option was added for that case (patched back to all versions).

  • Fix for shipto addresses showing empty date_created and date_modified fields in the XML (patched back to all versions).

  • When doing an empty=true on the cart without first having a product in the cart, the selected locale for the store was not showing the currency symbol correctly. It was displaying 0.00 instead of $0.00 (patched back to 0.7.2).

  • Added Terminal ID to Orbital gateway. (Patched back to v0.7.2.)

  • When a category percentage discount and a product percentage discount were used together, the discount was slightly off as it applied to the discounted product amount instead of the original product amount (patched back to 072).

  • Revisited receipts were not correctly including the hidden custom_fields in the cart JSON (patched back to 0.7.2).

  • The coupon code used is now displayed in the cart along with the coupon name for all templates (cart, checkout, receipt and email)

  • Added a sub_token_filter option for the transaction_list api action.

  • Exporting transactions from the admin that include multiship data now properly exports the shipping address information for each line item.

  • When emptying the cart with a cart=empty, session variables with the "h:" prefix are now cleared out as well.

  • Due to a change to an associative array for the countries javascript object (FC.locations), custom scripts using an iterator based loop (like 'for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { }') to navigate the countries will no longer work. Instead you can reference the country you are looking for directly by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code like 'US', 'GB' etc. If you need to loop over all of the countries, you can do that using a key-value loop like 'for (var code in countries) { }'. The structure went from [{...},{...},{...},...] to ["AZ": {...}, "AU": {...}, ...].

  • FedEx live rates using registered accounts were returning the wrong rate information at times. We've fixed this in 1.0 so your account rates should now display correctly.