
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from May 8, 2017 to December 12, 2016
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May 8, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-05-07

  • v2.0: Fixing the live gateway url for EMS Pay.

April 30, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-04-30

  • v2.0: Fixing Link/Form encrypting when query strings include hidden values. Also improving how we handle textareas and select options.

  • v2.0: Trimming the customer_email address on the checkout to avoid issues with FireFox throwing a validation error.

  • v2.0: Updates to our Google reCAPTCHA functionality.

  • v2.0: Removing the 37px width on hosted payment methods as they were skewing some of the images.

  • v2.0: Ensuring the internal caching of twig data for the cart is consistent with the context involved.

  • v2.0: Adding Google reCAPTCHA support to the checkout.

  • v2.0: Improving our integration with Pay with Amazon if PayPal is also enabled.

  • v2.0: Supporting payment card numbers with 19 digits.

  • v2.0: Improving the help text for the Vantiv report group field.

  • hAPI: Fixing a potential security issue related to incorrect access to the user resource.

  • hAPI: Fix for an issue processing transactions when reCAPTCHA is enabled.

April 24, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-04-23

  • All Versions: Improving the admin notices regarding maintenance mode and live stores with test gateways.

  • All Versions: Fixing a routing issue for CDN resources requested via store domain urls.

  • v2.0: Updating the Amazon Pay button.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with subscriptions being paid for via purchase order incorrectly being saved is non-live transactions.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with creating the store subscription settings.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with EMS e-Commerce Gateway regarding updating certificates.

  • v2.0: Fix for coupons for specific locales not showing up correctly on the checkout on initial page load.

  • v2.0: Adding PayPal Credit functionality to the cart and checkout.

April 16, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-04-16

  • v2.0: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.

  • v2.0: Including custom shipping fields with [data-fc-shipping-custom-field] set on the checkout in the data set to the custom shipping rate request endpoint.

  • v2.0: fix for the styling on the checkout shipping rates returned where there is an error.

  • v2.0: Fix for Omnipay based gateways (such as Stripe) not sending the address line 1 and 2 information properly.

  • v2.0: Fixing a minor issue with our endpoint for charging past due subscriptions related to today's earlier rollout.

  • hAPI: Updating some documentation, adding a missing applied_coupon_codes link relationship.

  • hAPI: Fixing an issue which wasn't allow customer passwords to be updated when using the bcrypt password hashing mechanism.

  • v2.0: Fixed a bug when paying with Amazon which was removing additional checkout fields.

  • v2.0: Adding gateway support for

  • v2.0: Fixing a bug which was removing the save customer information option for all checkouts using pay with Amazon.

  • v0.7.2, v1.0, and v1.1: Removing the x_type parameter when sending to eProcessingNetwork to enable their AVS tools.

  • hAPI: Adding the template_config resource which should take the place of the template_set config value. For now, both values will work properly, meaning if you save new information in one place it will also show up in the other. The template_set config property, however, should be considered deprecated.

  • hAPI: Adding the template_set_uri and language properties to the Cart and Transaction resources.

  • hAPI: Adding require_signed_shipping_rates and is_maintenance_mode booleans and the app_session_timetime in seconds to the Store resource.

  • hAPI: Adding dutch to our language validation test as it was missing.

  • hAPI: Adding past_due_amount_handling, reset_nextdate_on_makeup_payment, expiring_soon_payment_reminder_schedule, and send_email_receipts_for_automated_billing to the store subscription settings resource.

  • hAPI: Adding the template_config resource which should take the place of the template_set config value. For now, both values will work properly, meaning if you save new information in one place it will also show up in the other. The template_set config property, however, should be considered deprecated.

  • All Versions: Adding notices to the admin for stores in maintenance mode.

April 9, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-04-09

  • v0.6.0, v0.7.2, v1.0, v1.1: Updating how we handle some database requests to ensure consistency.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Ensuring the category product option modifier works as expected, even if a category is passed in after the modifier.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Reverting a change released today which broke the proper setting of product categories.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Fix for transaction exports sometimes not including the correct discounts amounts if the coupon code which was applied had been deleted in the admin after it was used.

  • v0.7.2, v1.0, v1.1: Changing how we retrieve tax line item information after a completed transaction to work towards preventing email receipts from showing up incorrectly. This fix relates to some changes we've made in the past few weeks related to future infrastructure updates.

  • v2.0: Fixing an outdated documentation link.

  • v2.0: Reverting a bug fix we deployed on 2017.03.30 which is incorrectly clearing the checkout form fields.

  • All Versions: Updating our GEO IP Database.

April 2, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-04-02

  • v0.6.0 - v2.0: Updating Orbital Salem gateway urls from to

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Adding email and ip to our PayGate integration to support PayProtector.

  • v0.4.0 - v2.0: Putting a maximum upper limit on customer passwords to protect against denial of service attempts hashing very large values.

  • v0.5.0 - v1.0: Fixed an issue we rolled out a couple hours ago which was preventing save_customer API calls from working correctly.

  • v2.0: Improved logging and fixed an issue with the Mollie gateway related to the status of a transaction which was causing problems for downloadable purchases.

  • v2.0: Clear checkout inputs on email address change.

  • v2.0: Ensure is_subscription_modification value is set to false for dunning emails.

  • v2.0: Fixes a bug in our Avalara integration which was creating duplicate freight line items which caused documents to not be created on completing a transaction.

  • hAPI: Added some missing documentation for the billing_address resource.

March 26, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-03-26

  • All Versions: Requiring admin passwords to have at least 12 characters. Existing password complexity requirements still apply.

  • All Versions: Allow our image caching system to follow a single redirect which allows for the use of link shortening services, if needed.

  • All Versions: updating the purchase_order field to accept 100 characters.

  • All Versions: Fixing our own usage of dunning emails for our signup store to properly show your store name.

  • v1.1: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.

  • v2.0: When adding products to the cart, we're no longer using the expires property as part of the comparison as it was incorrectly creating duplicate items in the cart. Now, the original expires value is maintained from the first product added to the cart.

  • v2.0: Allow PayPal Express legacy to configure auth only in the admin.

  • v2.0: Updating our subscription edit page to include more information about the subtoken links.

  • v2.0: Allow the reply to email to be configured via twig using `email_replyto`

  • v2.0: Updating Pesapal sandbox url.

  • v2.0: Updating checkout address templates to include maxlength values.

  • v2.0: To match what already exists in our twig templates, we're enforcing a minimum of 8 charachters for new customer passwords. The checkout_error_password langauge string has been updated to reflect this change.

March 19, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-03-19:

  • v1.0: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.

March 12, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-03-12

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Show an error in the admin when adding coupon codes with identical characters but mixed case as coupon codes are case insensitive.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Allow paypal subscriptions to be deactivated in the admin in the event of a 10002 account error.

  • v1.0 - v1.1: Fixing a rare issue which could cause a fatal error trying to modify a subscription via the subtoken when the subscription uses live shipping rates.

  • v2.0: Allow for setting custom session attributes on a cart redirect to checkout.

  • v2.0: Added a warning message to the checkout if someone is modifying a subscription but uses a different email address than previously configured.

  • v2.0: Added a link to our wiki which was missing in the error email for when a store turns on PayPal reference transactions but does not have it enabled on their PayPal account.

  • v2.0: Added the ability to hide product subscription information from all templates and to add your own comma separated list of custom product attributes which can also be hidden automatically from all templates (cart, checkout, receipt, and email).

  • v2.0: Whitelisting utm_ variables from our cart link and form encryption checking.

  • All Versions: store_domain can now be up to 100 characters long.

  • hAPI: You can now do a full PUT on a cart resource including items and item_options. This allows the entire cart to be updated with one request, allowing you to add, delete, and modify items and item_options.

March 5, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-03-05

  • v0.7.2: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.

  • v0.7.2: Fix for an issue introduced with yesterday's deploy with the subscription datafeed processor.

  • v0.6.0 - v2.0: Improving how we set the NoShipping value in PayPal Express

  • v2.0: Ensuring the newsletter_subscribe JSON value is accurate on the receipt.

  • v2.0: Improvements to PayPal Plus to create two experience profiles, one for shippable and one for non-shippable products.

  • v2.0: If a store's PayPal account isn't configured for reference transactions, customers may get a 11452 error from PayPal. We now email the store if this happens so they can configure things properly.

  • v2.0: Fix for bitpay not handling null values correctly.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: Fix for TrustCommerce shiptosame value not being properly set.

  • v2.0: Maintain Google analytics variables in the URL, even for single sign on redirects.

  • All Versions: Updating our GEOIP Database

  • v2.0: Improving how we handle multiship shipping address information when processing subscriptions

  • v2.0: Adding the option to turn on signed shipping rates with validation to ensure the rates selected and posted to the checkout are valid.

February 27, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-02-26

  • All Versions: We've updated our Terms of Service and provided a link in the news section of the admin.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue which would list template transaction ids for a subscription template as a coupon use if the subscription template had a coupon applied to it.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with the cancel and continue shopping link not showing up on the checkout if the add to cart process included empty=reset which was also clearing out the page referrer as it reset the session.

  • v2.0: In the admin, don't allow users to turn off PayPal with reference transactions if they have existing active subscriptions using it.

  • v2.0: Fix an issue where the shipping address of a customer might be cleared out if they complete a normal transaction followed by a multiship transaction with a named shipto address.

  • v2.0: When Google analytics data is passed along to the cart, we now add it to the redirect urls for the cart or checkout to ensure that data is properly preserved for Google analytics.

  • v1.1: Updating our subscription processor to improve memory performance.

  • hAPI: Updating how we handle cart attributes so they will also show up as transaction attributes after the cart is converted to a transaction.

  • v2.0: Ensure rates from the custom shipping endpoint are also signed.

February 20, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-02-19

  • v0.6.0: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.

  • hAPI: Adding a missing attributes link relationship for the item resource.

  • v0.6.0: Fixing an issue with our subscription processor which we introduced yesterday.

  • v2.0: Improving our subscription processor memory management.

  • v0.6.0: Fixing an issue with the subscription errors datafeed script.

February 13, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-02-12

  • v2.0: When your store's shipping settings are configured to rate as commercial based on if the company field is filled in, we now re-run the shipping rate calculations when the company field is either cleared out of a value is set.

  • v2.0: Fix for an issue in cart redirect URLs related to & was showing up as &;

  • v2.0: PayPal Express Checkout (Reference Transactions) now properly set the now NoShipping value to 2 only if there are shippable products in the order.

  • v2.0: PayPal Plus improvements to allow for coupons on the checkout, the creation of the experience profile, and better error handling.

  • v2.0: Fix for future coupons not using the correct locale settings for number of decimal points for the currency.

  • hAPI: Adding send_emails and process_webhook link relationships which were missing from the Transaction resource documentation.

February 6, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-02-05

  • All versions: Updated GEO IP Database.

  • v2.0: Adding minicart controls for data-fc-id='minicart-empty'

  • v2.0: Adding round as a supported twig filter.

  • v2.0: Added a feature to turn off subscription emails sent during our automated subscription processing. This can now be turned off per store.

  • v2.0: Showing the "You're modifying a subscription" for subscriptions with an end date unless the subscription end date was actually modified, at which point we show the message for a subscription end date change.

January 29, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-01-29

  • v2.0: the cart submit action doesn't happen when just removing a coupon. This was already in the main code, but missing from the sidecart code.

  • v2.0: Shipping service labels now have the twig |raw filter by default to allow for HTML in those descriptions.

  • v2.0: Fix for PayPal Reference Transactions which may not cause taxes to be calculated correctly in some situations.

  • v2.0: Improvements to the PayPal Plus integration.

  • v2.0: Updating all references to Amazon Payments to be Amazon Pay.

  • v2.0: Don't trigger the Avalara address validation on a subscription cancel.

  • v2.0: Fix for an error in the Avalara tax calculations when the category code is longer than 25 characters.

  • v2.0: Ensuring subscription past due items also get the shipto assigned to them which matches the original subscription item.

  • v2.0: You can now submit multiple coupons in one request by separating each coupon code with a comma.

  • v2.0: Fixing the language string used on the checkout button. It was always supposed to be "Submit Your Order" with the checkout_complete_your_purchase language string but due to an error in the twig template it is currently "Confirm Your Order" using checkout_confirm_your_purchase. This change fixes this problem.

  • v2.0: The "Next Charge" section of the cart include template will only be shown if there will actually be a next charge (not if the end date comes before then, as an example).

  • hAPI: Fixing an issue where saving a template via the Hypermedia API doesn't properly clear the cache to show those changes.

  • hAPI: Fix for date based filtering including data from the next day when dealing with values that fall exactly on midnight (such as subscription dates).

January 23, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-01-22

  • v2.0: Changing promise.pipe instead of promise.then to fix a compatibility issue with JQuery 3.0.

  • v2.0: Small change to our Amazon integration to get around an issue on the checkout if payment methods have been dynamically hidden via a checkout customization.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Adding,,,,, and to our list of domains using DMARC to send from the FoxyCart domain and set a Reply-To header instead of trying to send from the store email from address.

  • v2.0: On creation of new stores in the 2.0 admin, we now set a default receipt email subject and turn on the BCC store email option by default.

  • v2.0: An item_count property has been added to the custom shipping endpoint payload we send.

  • v1.1 - v2.0: The URIs for the vanco payment gateway have been updated.

  • v2.0: We've improved the trap we use to catch webkits over-active auto fill features.

  • v2.0: The Order Summary section of the subscription dunning email reminders is now no longer shown by default in the responsive email template.

  • v2.0: The shipping rate description now allows for raw HTML by default in the twig templates with an update to the template.

  • v2.0: If a shipping carrier (or the custom shipping endpoint) returns an error message with why the shipping could not be calculated, we now show that error message by itself instead of also showing it along with the checkout_shipping_rate_error language string.

  • hAPI: Adding the ability to post to item_options to create new ones as described in the documentation.

  • hAPI: Fixed an issue introduced yesterday with our API-based transactions not responding correctly after processing transactions because of some missing vendor files.

  • v2.0: Fix for a bug in our signup process introduced two days ago via some analytics tracking we implemented internally.

  • v1.0 - v2.0: When editing subscriptions, you can now have end dates and next transactions dates in the past if the subscription is not active.

  • v2.0: Fix an issue where our over-eager autofill trap "dummy_password" was being logged in our errors log. We've also cleared out post_values for records which had this private information.

  • v2.0: Adding a link to the documentation in the admin for setting up PayPal Plus.

January 16, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-01-15

  • - Updating GEOip database

  • - New FoxyStore creations via our signup process now have a default email subject set.

  • v2.0: Added additional configuration options for the Moneris payment gateway to disable AVS and/or CVD validation services.

  • v2.0: For subscriptions, hide the transaction next date if it's after the end date.

  • v2.0: Improvements to the page width styles to prevent unwanted changes during window resizing.

  • v2.0: Fix for the sidecart background image being added every time the cart was updated.

  • v2.0: On new store signups, we're now automatically setting a default email subject line for the store and turning on the BCC store address feature.

  • hAPI: Fix for customer zoomable resources not properly filtering as they should.

January 9, 2017

Changes for the week 2017-01-08

  • v2.0: Instead of using a setTimeout delay for rendering address validation modal windows, we're now directly clearing the template output before rendering. This should fix issues where the "loading" screen displays incorrectly.

  • v2.0: Updating the login method in checkout.js to fix an issue which could cause an incorrect password error to not display correctly.

  • v2.0: Fix for Avalara Tax integration to still show the "applies to shipping" option in the admin.

  • v2.0: Improvement to Avalara Tax integration to send the FREIGHT line item on both the SalesOrder and SalesInvoice requests, not just the final SalesInvoice request.

  • v2.0: Improved TaxJar integration to respect the freight_taxable result for determining if the shipping amount is taxable or not.

  • hAPI: Adjusted the limit for zoomed embedded entries from 20 to 300.

  • hAPI: Fixed an issue which was preventing the email template from being zoomable from the template set.

December 19, 2016

Changes for the week 2016-12-18

  • All Versions prior to 2.0: No longer showing the custom shipping endpoint as an option in the admin.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with PayPal PLUS causing it to be stuck in sandbox mode.

  • v0.6.0 - v2.0: Adding a store maintenance mode to the advanced settings which will replace the checkout page with the messaging_maintenance_notification language string. For testing purposes, the checkout can still be accessed during maintenance mode using the session value of h:bypass_maintenance_mode=true

  • v2.0: Adjusting our coupon validation rules for coupon start and end dates to use dates based on the store local timezone, not PST of the server.

  • v2.0: Fix for address signing feature to ensure only the first 5 charachters of the US zip code are consistently used in the validation.

  • v2.0: Adding support for TaxJar tax calculations.

  • v2.0: Improvements to twig.js where variables defined in blocks were not applying within the parent.

  • v2.0: Adding showPuiOnSandbox to PayPal PLUS integration.

  • v1.1, v2.0: Cybersource, Lucy, Paperless, Payline, Paymentexpress_ws, Paypoint, Sagepayments, Transaction Express: gateways will now proxy requests through our primary gateway ip.

  • v2.0: When adding another subscription product while modifying an existing subscription, it will no longer double up the subscription links in the receipt emails.

  • v2.0: Improvements to the Moneris gateway to properly truncate data sent to their system.

  • v2.0: The custom shipping endpoint now includes origin_region, origin_postal_code, and origin_country fields in the shipment data taken from the store settings.

  • v2.0: Adding a 150px; max-height to the default receipt templates for the store logo.

  • v2.0: Improving multiship performance on the checkout to only render individual addresses as needed.

  • v0.7.0 - v0.7.2: Showing USD on the billing page instead of the locale of the store.

December 12, 2016

Changes for the week 2016-12-11

  • v2.0: Fix an issue where Twig.js may conflict with other JavaScript libraries.

  • v2.0: Adding the locale to our PayPal PLUS integration.

  • v2.0: Removing a reference to andSelf and replacing it with addBack in jquery.awesomecomplete.js.

  • v0.5.1 - v2.0: Updating our PayPal Express and PayPal Pro integrations to better handle "XML syntax error" issues due to some product names.

  • v0.7.2 - v2.0: Adding to our DMARC workaround.

  • v2.0: Fixing an issue with expiring bundled products so that expired parent products also automatically remove the child products.

  • v2.0: Fix for PayPal EC throwing a missing shipping address error in rare customized checkout template situations.

  • v2.0: Fix for a rare situation where the Avalara address validation window stays in loading mode.