
See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated with Foxy.
You are viewing logs from March 4, 2019 to July 9, 2018
See Latest Logs

March 4, 2019

v2.0: Amazon Pay improvements to voids/auths.

v2.0: Security improvement on the web receipt.

v2.0: New Feature: Override the transaction ID when sending a transaction to CyberSource by including a private attribute on the cart with the name fx_transaction_id_gateway_override
v2.0: Stripe Connect integration added.

v2.0: Better error handling on viewing by subscription enddate in the admin.

v2.0: Improvement to error codes when doing template caching in the admin.

v2.0: Bugfix for CyberSource card-present / POS for auth v. auth+capture handling.

API: Updating all date filtering functionality to default to the store's timezone, and to allow for passing through timezone offsets to explicitly declare a timezone.

v2.0: Updating PSiGate URLs.

v2.0: Fix to ensure ACH recurring billing doesn't error on subsequent billing.

February 18, 2019

v2.0: Improvement to PayPal Express Checkout requests to better handle PayPal service interruptions.

v2.0: Admin improvement to allow filtering transactions by shipping first/last name.

v2.0: Removing "beta" language on webhook functionality.

v2.0: Ability to set custom shipping code via the API.

v2.0: Ability to create an OAuth client via the API (comparable to the functionality in the admin).

February 10, 2019

v2.0: Bugfix to ensure custom shipping code deploys properly.

v2.0: Fix for Comgate, updating to the latest endpoint URL.

v2.0: Improvement to PayPal Express Checkout requests to better handle PayPal service interruptions.

v2.0: Admin improvement to allow filtering transactions by shipping first/last name.

v2.0: Removing "beta" language on webhook functionality.

v2.0: Ability to set custom shipping code via the API.

v2.0: Ability to create an OAuth client via the API (comparable to the functionality in the admin).

February 3, 2019

v2.0: Bugfix to ensure a rare situation where a coupon or discount would be double-applied is prevented.

v0.7.2 and earlier: Update to the EOL / forced upgrade date.

v2.0: Internal changes to the Store Logic functionality (which encompasses the custom shipping code).

v2.0: PayPoint Enterprise Payment Gateway bugfix to ensure the correct production endpoint is used.

v2.0: Display improvement to wrap text in certain areas of the cart and checkout. This prevents text clipping.

January 20, 2019

v2.0: Improvement to internal caching as it relates to webhook settings.

v2.0: Bug fix to prevent multiple shipping address and subscription past due amounts from calculating incorrect values.

v0.7.2 and lower: Change to the mandatory upgrade date from Feb 13 to Mar 13.

January 13, 2019

v2.0: Fix to prevent errors when an account with custom SSL switches from annual to monthly billing.

v2.0: Improvement to prevent credit card payment gateways from being turned off in certain situations where a store has active subscriptions.

v2.0: Improvement to the Swedish default translations for the Terms of Service checkbox text.

v2.0: Minor text improvement in a specific CyberSource error. (Removing a duplicate "our".)

ALL VERSIONS: Updating our public key for security submissions.

December 30, 2018

v2.0: Adding masked CC# values to be available to Twig for dunning emails.

v2.0: Trimming values sent to CyberSource to prevent unnecessary errors.

v0.6.0-0.7.2: Adding an EOL notification to the admin.

v1.0-1.1: Admin improvement to hide invalid shipping methods (that are only available in 2.0).

v2.0: Admin improvement regarding the display of card verification config values.

v2.0: Better Braintree error handling display.

v2.0: Improvement to internal logging on template configuration changes.

v2.0: Fix to an error in Braintree's subscription handling.

v2.0: Fix to ensure subscription updates don't send data to tax providers (when no data should be sent).

v2.0: Fix to ensure proper reply-to email addresses on email receipts in certain situations.

v2.0: Reverting a change made to add additional CC# fields to the email receipt template, as it caused unintended side effects.

November 25, 2018

v2.0: Security improvement to prevent certain types of IP addresses from being cached by the template caching system.

v2.0: Adding the ability to do card verification for

v2.0: Fix to prevent PayPal refund IPNs to the datafeed (unless a store has refunding functionality enabled).

v2.0: Fix to ensure the refund button displays for transactions with shipping but no products.

v2.0: Improvement to CyberSource Secure Acceptance to better handle phone field validation.

v2.0: Braintree improvements to accommodate recent Visa requirements.

v2.0: Language improvements for ePayments.

v2.0: Improvement to the helper text on the coupon whitelisting/blacklisting field in the admin.

v2.0: API: Adding Bambora as a payment gateway.

v2.0: API: Updating the locations object to ensure NL is used instead of NF for Newfoundland & Labrador for taxes and store settings.

November 18, 2018

v2.0: Updating phone field validation on the CyberSource Secure Acceptance payment method.

November 11, 2018

v2.0: New payment method: support added.
v2.0: Improving a duplicate / simultaneous checkout prevention technique to encompass the pre-payment webhook functionality in addition to payment gateway requests.
v2.0: Improvements to CyberSource to truncate and strip invalid characters in customer fields (address, phone, etc.).
v2.0: New gateway: FirstData's PayPoint Enterprise Gateway (aka The Pay Place)
v2.0: Improve sanitization of strings sent to FirstData PayPoint Enterprise Gateway.
v2.0: JavaScript bugfix impacting beta users of the card verification functionality on the admin payments page.

November 4, 2018

v2.0: Improving CyberSource error messages to make them friendlier for customers.

October 27, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-09-30

  • v2.0: Improvements to the card-present functionality to better handle iOS inability to focus (or show the keyboard) without user interaction first

  • v2.0: Improvement to the card-present functionality to allow the guest/account settings from the store to take priority, and not force guest-only.

  • v2.0: The Canary Islands have been added as a region of Spain, for tax and address autocompletion purposes.

  • v2.0: Opt-In: Added the ability to do delayed captures (full & partial), full & partial refunds, card verification ($0/$1 auth-only transactions), and voids. Also adds the ability to edit completed transactions. Available for CyberSource, Stripe, PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Braintree.

  • v2.0: Increase the maximum and default cart session lifespan.

  • v2.0: Improvement to better handle US territories for USPS, FedEx, and UPS.

  • v2.0: Increase the maximum and default cart session lifespan.

  • v2.0: Improve checkout JavaScript validation for the card security code input.

October 8, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-10-07

  • v2.0: Improvements to Bambora transaction error logging.

  • v2.0: Improvements to Amazon Pay onboarding flow and the payment configuration page in the admin.

October 1, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-09-30
v2.0: API improvement / fix so POSTing to a `cart` resource won't error in certain situations where a customer record has an incomplete shipping address.
All Versions: Admin language improvements to clarify how the transaction export works.
v2.0: OneSource internal change to allow for more flexibility in sending alternate `FISCAL_DATE` values for historical transactions.
v1.1-2.0: Updating Braintree's SDK version.
v2.0: Bambora vaulting supported, along with support for their new API.
v2.0: Amazon Pay updated merchant onboarding flow.

September 17, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-09-16

  • v2.0: Support for CyberSource magnetic stripe card-present readers.

  • v1.0 - 2.0: Updating the Converge Gateway text in the admin to better reflect the proper credential names.

  • v2.0: Russian language support added.

  • v2.0: Renaming "Plug 'n Pay Noble" to "CardX"

  • v2.0: New shipping functionality! We now support the ability to add JavaScript (to be executed serverside, not clientside) to apply custom shipping logic on rate requests.

  • v2.0: Improvements and bugfixes related to API-created carts and transactions. You can now specify whether to use a customer's shipping address for API-created transactions.

August 27, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-08-26

  • All Versions: Improvement to avoid rejecting valid URLs when template caching.

August 13, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-08-12

  • v2.0: Improvement to ensure certain types of invalid domains can't be cached in the template caching functionality.

  • v2.0: Improvement for tax display names when AvaTax, TaxJar, or OneSource are configured. The displayed tax name will now reflect the "Tax" language string.

  • v1.0 - v2.0: Edge case bugfix to ensure subscriptions aren't mistakenly made "future" when they shouldn't be.

  • v2.0: Adding flag in the API and checkbox in the admin (when editing a transaction) to override a coupon's usage restrictions.

July 30, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-07-29

  • v2.0: Fix to properly pass the customer name to Payment Express.

  • v1.0+: Updating the preferred name for Eswatini (with Swaziland as an alternate).

  • v2.0: Coupons now recalculate the applied discount when a transaction is edited. (Transaction editing still in private release.)

  • v2.0: Adding _ga as a parameter for analytics, to avoid issues with certain types of Google Analytics integrations

  • v2.0: Improvement to use AvaTax's and TaxJar's returned totals instead of calculating the tax total in Foxy.

  • v0.7.0 - v2.0: Converting protocol-relative paths or http:// paths to https:// paths in javascript and CSS.

  • v2.0: Fixing a typo for the ACH description.

  • v2.0: Redeploying the AvaTax and TaxJar fix with a bug fix.

  • v2.0: New feature to allow a maximum package weight. When an order exceeds the max weight, Foxy will send shipping rate requests to shipping carriers for multiple packages.

  • v2.0: Fix for partial refunds in the admin. (Private beta functionality.)

July 16, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-07-15

  • v2.0: Adding the FISCAL_DATE to OneSource requests.

July 9, 2018

Changes for the week 2018-07-08

  • v2.0: The admin now includes a link to cancel a subscription on the next bill date, in addition to the old link that would set the cancel date to tomorrow.

  • v2.0: Improvement to Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE tax integration to properly set the IS_AUDITED value on delayed captures (from the admin or API).