We’re still alive.

June 2, 2008 - Culture

It’s been a long time since our last blog entry, so here are a few quick notes to get our blog rolling once again.

Yes, we’re still alive

If you’ve only been following our blog and not our forum, it might look like we died and went to foxy heaven, but that’s not the case. We’ve just been really hard at work on our next version of FoxyCart, which will allow us to make all your FoxyCart dreams come true. (Maybe not “all”, but definitely a lot of them.) If you’re ever wondering what we’re doing, please feel free to check our Twitter account or our feature request / status page. One of those outlets should show some signs of life. Very sorry for the delay though.

Twitter == Interesting

So we just twittered about a conversation we were having. In our twit I included the word “Comcast”. Within one minute we had a new Twitter user following us: Comcast Scott. Kind of interesting, if nothing else. After the recent Comcast / Network Solutions hacking fiasco I can see how they’d like to do some damage control, and I think it’s an incredibly interesting PR move that could be the future of “big corporations’” PR efforts.

Fun with Analytics

These are from May (I know, we’re way late to the party with this), but they’re good reading nonetheless:

That’s all for today, and we promise not to make you wait another 2 months for our next blog entry 😉