Want to say hello in person? FoxyCart Meetups!

September 16, 2009 - Culture

This wasn’t supposed to be quite so last minute, but Brett will be flying to Nashville next week for a few things, and while he’s there we wanted to meet any and all FoxyCart users in the greater Nashville area. (Part of our team is already in Nashville, so there will be two or three FoxyCart team members wherever we end up meeting and eating.)

  • Tuesday, September 22

  • Evening

  • Location TBD, depending on interest

Interested? Please let us know, and if you’re not in Nashville but you know FoxyCart users that are, please let them know. We’ve been so busy focusing on the recent server migration and our next version that we’ve neglected the planning for this event, so please help us spread the word if you know any Nashville folks.