v050 Notes: Death & Taxes

March 16, 2009 - Product Updates

The following was originally emailed to all FoxyCart users on 2009.03.15. It is published on our blog for reference.

Death and Taxes. New FoxyCart Version: v050

FoxyCart now supports the latter.
Introducing v050.

    • “SUPER TAX” Advanced tax calculation and support for multiple tax bands.

    • UNIFIED ORDER ENTRY can turn your FoxyCart checkout into a sort of “super virtual terminal”, useful for phone and fax orders.

    • Rewritten subscription handling and Subscription XML Datafeed.

    • A User API for bi-directional sychronization.

    • JSONP support for easier cart customization.

    • Revisitable receipts. Receipts can now be reloaded by customers.

  • More details in the changelog

The upgrade process

The upgrade to v050 should be painless, but you will have to re-setup your taxes. As always, you’ll want check the complete upgrade notes in the wiki.

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