SlideShowPro E-Commerce with FoxyCart

April 10, 2009 - Culture

Almost from the time we launched FoxyCart we’ve had users asking about integrating with SlideShowPro, which is probably the most solid Flash slideshow / photo gallery app available. Having used SlideShowPro and SSP Director on a handful of sites I was always interested, but I’m about as good at Flash as I am at flying so my interest never amounted to anything more than that.

Thankfully, we have an amazing community, and recently forum member steeeeephen contributed an Ecommerce for SlideShowPro integration using FoxyCart. This could be used to sell either digital copies of photos, prints, or both.

If you haven’t seen SlideShowPro before we highly recommend you take a look. It’s quite impressive, and pairing it with FoxyCart makes it even more useful.