
Expert security advice for ecommerce websites.

Best PracticesCultureSecurityThe Myths of PCI Compliance: A “PCI Compliant Box”
One of the “perks” of being a PCI Level 1 Service Provider is that we often get asked about becoming PCI compliant by friends and acquaintances. Ofte...
Best PracticesCultureSecurityIn which we talk security
If I told you, “you can protect your business with just ONE minute per week,” you’d do whatever I said, wouldn’t you? Well, I’m going to give you tha...
Best PracticesSecurityThrow off the plague of PCI when choosing a website platform
We invited the E-business Coach, Patrick Pitman, to explore how niche merchants thrive amongst the Internet’s biggest retailers. FoxyCart enables any...
SecurityHow $1,100 in Fraudulent Charges Encouraged Me
I was recently surprised by a “please see attendant” message on the gas pump after swiping my debit card. What the…? I had just used it for lunch the...
SecurityReasons to be Paranoid: Keyboards
Ecommerce, Security, Passwords. This isn’t necessarily related to ecommerce, but it is yet another example of how many attack vectors there are with ...