Screencast: Live editing CSS for rapid styling

June 18, 2008 - How To

How to customize your checkout CSS

While I’m thrilled that so many of our users like our default “standard” red+black theme enough to use it on their sites, it’s really easy to tweak the CSS and create your own customizations. I know what you’re thinking: “Brett, there are like 2 gagillion IDs and classes in the checkout HTML. It’s impossible.”

It’s not impossible. It’s actually pretty easy if you have the right workflow. So, what better way to illustrator that workflow than with another screencast by our good friend Kris of SmashStack, San Diego web design.

Screencast: Using Firebug and the Web Developers Toolbar to make CSS customizations easy.

Some Notes

  • This is a 2 part tutorial. If you already are familiar with Firebug and the Web Developers Toolbar you may want to skip directly to part 2.

  • More screencasts will follow this one. If you have an idea for one you’d like to see, let us know using the contact form on this page.

Special Thanks

A very special thanks to SmashStack for putting this screencast together.