Reintroducing FoxyShop (our free WordPress plugin)

June 29, 2017 - Product Updates

From its birth, FoxyCart was made to integrate, bending to the needs of users and tying into their preferred tools and technologies.

Today’s announcement stays true to our passion for secure, flexible ecommerce. Reintroducing FoxyShop, our very own WordPress plugin.

What is FoxyShop?

FoxyShop is a powerful, free WordPress plugin that allows you to create an online store in minutes.

Developers can customize and configure every aspect of their clients’ stores using the tools and technologies they’re already comfortable with.

Merchants can manage their website, products, and customers without ever having to leave WordPress.

Both developers and merchants can rest easy, knowing that FoxyCart is carrying all of the security burdens and heavy lifting.


You may be thinking “wait, FoxyShop isn’t new” and you’re absolutely right. In fact, the plugin was originally released back in 2011 by the amazing David Hollander at SparkWeb Interactive.

What is new is FoxyShop’s owners. Earlier this year FoxyCart took over maintenance, development, and support of the plugin.

What does this change in ownership mean?

Well, we’ve got good news and better news. The good news is that nothing will change for new and current plugin users. FoxyShop will remain free and available to all FoxyCart users.

The better news is that all plugin related support will be handled by our team. No more confusion on who users should contact when they have a question. Along with handling support internally, our team will be actively maintaining and improving the plugin, releasing new features and updates that take advantage of updates to the core FoxyCart platform.

Long story short, things are only going to get better from here. We’re excited to directly improve the plugin for current and new users.

If you haven’t already, give FoxyShop a try here. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need anything.