Product Updates

New feature and integration announcements.

Product Updates
Product UpdatesMore Ways to Pay for Your Foxycart Subscription
After many requests from our awesome users, we are excited to announce that you can now pay for your FoxyCart subscription with the new Login and Pay...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesIntegrating FoxyCart: CartHook
This week, we are excited to announce our latest integration, CartHook. With over 50% of shopping carts being abandoned, it just makes sense that mer...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesIntegrating FoxyCart: Coinbase
We are excited to announce that you can now accept Bitcoin through Coinbase.  If you aren’t familiar with Bitcoin, the high level overview is that it...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesCoupon Improvements: Product-specific Coupons and Per Customer Usage Control
We are excited to announce recent improvements we have made to coupon functionality. Along with making our Discount Builder accessible in the FoxyCar...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecuritySSL Vulnerabilities: POODLE
This year has not been a good year for SSL — one of the fundamental protocols relied on for secure communication. Last week saw the announcement of t...
Product Updates
Best PracticesProduct UpdatesFaster Pageloads: Effectively using HTTP Caching, Cache Busting, and a CDN
It seems HTTP caching is one of those things few devs ever really need to think about. We expect webservers to cache assets intelligently, and largel...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesFoxyCart 2.0 is Out of Beta!
Good news everyone! As of today, FoxyCart 2.0 is stable and ready for production! We’ve worked through our backlog of bugs, solidified the features, ...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesIntegrating FoxyCart: CartStack
We are excited to tell you about our newest integration, CartStack. Merchants no longer have to be the victim of lost sales due to abandoned carts. C...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesIntegrating FoxyCart: Craft CMS (part 2)
A little while ago, we blogged about Craft, and how quickly you could integrate FoxyCart into the CMS. We also hinted that a plugin was on its way th...