Product Updates

New feature and integration announcements.

Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Gateway: ComGate
We’re excited to announce the addition of ComGate to our growing list of nearly 100 supported payment gateways and alternate payment methods.
Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Feature: Custom Order Numbers
This small but powerful new feature release gives you the ability to set your own order numbers, ignoring the Foxy transaction ids that are displayed...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Gateway: PayU
Our PayU integration currently works with PayU’s Poland (PL) and Czechia (CZ) markets with alternative payment methods, but also supports credit card...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesProduct Update: PayPal Credit and Google’s reCAPTCHA
Our blog has been a little quiet lately, but don’t let the silence fool you. Our team has been hard at work on product improvements and new features....
Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Feature: Google’s reCAPTCHA
At Foxy, security isn’t something we take lightly. We’ve spent years building the safest, fastest checkout possible. With Google’s reCAPTCHA we’ve ad...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesGateway Improvement: PayPal Credit
For years, FoxyCart has been a PayPal Gold Partner, but today our partnership is more complete than ever with the support of PayPal Credit. Why PayPa...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Gateway: EMS Pay
Merchants can now accept payments via their EMS e-Commerce Gateway. Setup instructions can be found here.
Product Updates
Product UpdatesLooking back and looking ahead (2016 in review)
It seems just like yesterday we were recapping everything that happened in 2015 at FoxyCart. Believe it or not, 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 wi...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesNew Status Site and Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance: Infrastructure Upgrades, Downtime Planned It’s been a little quiet around here, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy tak...