Possibly our most satisfied user, ever.

October 1, 2010 - Culture

We get a lot of very positive feedback from our wonderful users, but sometimes we get something that so fully validates our efforts we just have to share it.

The email below is from the CEO of a small company that signed up with FoxyCart a few months back, went live, got a tremendous amount of press and traffic, sold out within a few hours, then cancelled their FoxyCart store while they waited for new inventory. Because of the insane amount of traffic they generated in such a short period of time we chatted with them a bit, and while they found FoxyCart to be useful at the time they decided that they wanted to explore other options to have a tighter integration with their fulfillment process.

We wished them the best and learned from the experience, making a handful of performance optimizations to help us deal with huge traffic spikes in the future.

Last week we got this email. We were thrilled to hear that FoxyCart was useful a second time, and that their lawyer (of all professions) was able to get an integration with their fulfillment company going. Even better is that they once again sold out in a short period of time, but this time our systems didn’t even notice the increased load.

Hi Brett,

You may or may not have noticed but [our store name] just reactivated our FoxyCart account. Back in May we stopped using FC because we hired a web development company to redo our site and they were going to provide us with a custom cart. Well, on Friday they still hadn’t delivered anything usable after three months of promises and left us in a do or die situation, where we had to sell a large portion of our inventory over the weekend or we were going to run out of cash on Monday. So I slapped together the FC system and our General Counsel wrote a program that feeds our order information to our warehouse in about 4 hours. We sold more than enough inventory to keep the company solvent in 24 hours. FoxyCart totally saved my butt, my business, investors and suppliers from certain disaster, so I just wanted to say “thanks”. I also notice that the new version is a ton faster and I’m digging the new flexibility.

CEO, [name and company removed for privacy reasons]

Our goal is to provide the most flexible, profitable, and usable tool we can to web professionals and the merchants they serve. We’re by no means perfect, and we appreciate constructive criticism, but we also get warm fuzzies when we succeed in helping our users. That’s why we’re in this business, and why we’ve taken the approach that we have.