Here’s A Look At 2018 And Onward

January 18, 2019 - CultureProduct Updates

The watercolor above is a sneak peek at a new sticker we’ll possibly have available at LonghornPHP in Austin, May 2-4, 2019.

Every year we find ourselves saying the same thing, “It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already”. 2018 was no different. The year flew by, but the Foxy team got a lot done. Here’s a recap celebrating some of the things we accomplished (not including the hundreds of bug fixes and improvements). In addition, we’ll take a look at what we’re currently working on.

New Features and Integrations

  • Custom Shipping Code – Tie into Foxy’s new JavaScript Shipping API, creating and manipulating shipping rates, server-side, however you want, right in Foxy.

  • Card Reader Support – Magnetic strip card-present readers are now supported for the CyberSource gateway. More gateways will be supported in the future.

  • Custom Shipping Endpoint – Send the shipping request from the cart and checkout to an endpoint script of your choosing. (This was existing functionality but we now allow you to send to your endpoint _after_ we retrieve the built-in live rates.)

  • JSON Webhook – Send a JSON formatted payload to any endpoint

  • Crafty Clicks – Address autocompletion and validation.

  • FraudLabs Pro – Protect your online store from malicious fraudsters by screening all order transactions for fraud patterns.

  • Webflow Product Inventory – Automatically update your product inventory count in Webflow’s CMS after each sale.

Integration Tutorials

Helpful Articles

What We’re Working On

Our team is already hard at work to ensure it’s our best year yet (and yours too). This means lots of new features and improvements are coming soon. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can look forward to in 2019:

  • Customer Portal – A hosted page (just like the cart and checkout) where your customers can view order history, update billing info, manage their subscriptions and more.

  • New Dashboard – A brand new UI and backend powered with our new API.

  • Payment Gateways – Stripe Connect, Ayden, 3D Secure v2.0

  • Memberships – The ability to add a paygate to website pages and content.

  • Tax-inclusive Pricing

  • Gift Certificates

Just in case you didn’t know already, we’re super grateful for each of you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can help with or if there is a new feature you’d like to see.