Happy 2008 from FoxyCart

January 23, 2008 - Culture

Thank you for a wonderful 2007 We wanted to take a moment to thank you for using FoxyCart, and to let you know what happened in 2007 as well as where we’re going in 2008. We’re still big fans of personal communication, so if you have any questions or comments regarding anything below please feel free to email us or post on our forum.

Help us spread the word!

We aren’t too proud to beg: Do you have a blog? Want to help tell people about FoxyCart? We’d love you forever. If you want images, facts, or answers, please feel free to email us at any time.

2007: We’re live?… How’d that happen?

Somewhere in 2006, I approached Luke with the idea for FoxyCart. Luke’s response was, “Yeah, I’d love to help build it. We should be able to knock it out in a weekend.” Clearly, he didn’t know what he was getting into, but we pushed on nonetheless and finally launched in mid–2007. (Our launch was actually somewhat accidental. We got a handful of signups before we realized that one of our good friends with MODx was pointing people our direction. Good thing too. We’re such perfectionists that we probably never would have launched on our own.)

After launching we (and you) found a few issues we didn’t know we had, and received a plethora of feature requests we implemented. We went from 0.2.0 through 0.3.0 at a breakneck pace, and finally fixed our lingering session issues with 0.3.1. Even at this pace we’ve seen over $500,000 in real orders come through, and we’re extremely happy that we’re helping you (and your clients) make money.

We want to thank you for being with us in our first 6 months. We couldn’t do it without your feedback, so please continue to let us know what you think.

2008: The State of FoxyCart

We’re hard at work on new features you’ve been requesting. Coming very soon will be

  • quantity discounts, followed by

  • coupon codes and

  • “recurring products” (ie. subscriptions + tax/shipping).

After that we’re planning on making our payment gateways more flexible, adding more shipping and tax flexibility, and finally adding language customization and internationalization. As always, please post in our forums if there’s something you need.

More about FoxyCart

We’re also on Facebook and Twitter now, so please add us if you have an account.

Thanks again for using FoxyCart, and happy 2008.
Stay foxy,