Could Bitcoin Be More Disruptive than the Internet?

November 10, 2013 - Best Practices

Cryptocurrencies will change the world.

Bold statement? Maybe. On November 2nd my 30 minute talk at Barcamp Nashville was selected, and I gave my argument for why I think Bitcoin will be a very powerful, disruptive force, possibly more so than the Internet. I’m a big fan of Bitcoin, but I’m not an economist or historian. I’m just a guy interested in an amazing technology. Are you?

I got a really good response after the talk and my friends who missed it really wanted more information. I went ahead and recorded some audio to go along with the slides and put them in a 30 minute video. I hope you enjoy it:

Interested? Have any questions? Ask them below.

If you have a FoxyCart store, you can start accepting Bitcoin right now via Bitpay. Just create a free Bitpay account, click payments in the FoxyCart admin, select Bitpay, and enter your Bitpay key. That’s it! Your customers will now have the option to pay you in Bitcoin at checkout.

FoxyCart makes it easy to accept Bitcoin right alongside existing traditional payment methods. If you want to check it out, go ahead and create a free development account today.