CultureSites, Ecommerce, and a Bad Economy
We’re not economists at FoxyCart, but for various reasons we do take a keen interest in economics. (Partly because we’re huge nerds, and partly becau...
SecurityReasons to be Paranoid: Keyboards
Ecommerce, Security, Passwords. This isn’t necessarily related to ecommerce, but it is yet another example of how many attack vectors there are with ...
MarketingNice & Free & Ecommerce-y!
So we’re a little late to the party, but a friend just tipped us off about some nice free ecommerce icons provided by Starfish Web Consulting. Big th...
MarketingYour brain responds better to marketing than you think it does.
We’ve all heard something to the effect of “If you’re average looking, hang out with ugly people so you look more attractive.” Of course, it’s all ab...
CultureOverheard at FoxyCart…
This is entirely unimportant, but we thought we’d give a glimpse inside the foxiness that goes on every day at FoxyCart. Like many modern companies, ...
Best PracticesNew possibilities for typography on the web
Some of you that know me (Brett) may know that I’m kind of a typography nerd. Luke makes fun of me about it, but it’s ok. I’m secure in my love of ty...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesFoxyCart + Constant Contact
If you’ve been doing web design or development for any length of time you’ve likely come across Constant Contact. For me, it was the first “real” ema...
CultureOur Featured Ecommerce Site Gallery launches
After a year of the same featured sites we finally decided we should highlight some of the exceptionally beautiful ecommerce sites using FoxyCart. Ta...
Best PracticesBrowser Development and Testing Tools
Want Firebug for IE, Safari, or Opera? Firebug still reigns supreme (though the Web Developer Toolbar is critical as well for it’s CSS live editing c...